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RBP3 [Spoilers] Capac of Mali

T145 Partial Report

Inca has reinforced Kiwi Town: 10 Muskets, LBs, an axe, catapult and Quechua. They decided to road the desert tile, so we can capture & delete their workers. I suggest we do with our sentry chariot as this will also let us look further into their lands.

We can reinforce our SoD with 4 full health curries and the two injured ones (who can promo-heal if needed) if we move onto the grass cottage S of the hill.

I've also marked positions on the map where Ottomans and India could have moved mounted units if they pulled them away from the former frontlines. Essentially, they could hit our stack this turn.

Rome has settled a city in the floodplains area 2S of the gold. Will be hurt be our planned culture bomb (but they are creative so they will be able to fight back eventually).

Away from the frontlines, settler on way to Spices and two workers sent from KB to road to Red Dot (more important than the farm at KB which Nakor is working on alone).

We completed Sistene: CV here we come lol Will allow us to pop borders in 2t at KB by building culture.

Screenshots to follow in a few hours.

Also, note that the timer has been set to 24 hours again.

Screenshot of Kiwi Town and its surounds:

[Image: 5aaeda45.jpg]

Longest and most interesting and exciting half-turn of civ ever...and you lurker(s) will have to wait til tomorrow to read about it eek

What lurkers? smile

shh, we're hiding... lol
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Well this was the longest time I've taken over a turn of CIV ever. Chatting with Daniel, he was keen to press on but I was concerned about Cuddle aid for Inca being at hand.

Inca* had made an error by leaving 3 workers within range of our sentry chariot, so we decided to take the option of capturing and deleting the workers and have a look deeper into their lands. You can see the result below yikes

If you consider the flood of units into Kiwi Town, the placement of the mounted stack exactly 6 tiles from Kalin's Burgers, the cats 3 tiles from hitting our stack if it approaches Kiwi Town, and the 2 workers ready to road to our stack if we pillage roads then I'd say that this was co-ordinated not by Inca, but by the doughty General sunrise. I'm quite sure the mounted units were donated by various members of Cuddle (I had reckoned they'd be a few tiles further south assuming they'd come from the frontlines with CArthage & Egypt).

We culture bombed KB but it did not gain a single tile from Inca (and cultural defence only increases on the interturn), so our stack on the hill could only retreat 1NE. Moving the slow movers down was a noob move: our mounted stack should have gone alone for a putative lightning suicide raid, and we could have retreated safely.

We had enough units in KB to withstand a raid from the mounted stack (we had some units N of KB) to pull into the city, and there's a river crossing in our favour, too (unless Inca has another gifted mounted stack in the fog). If I were Inca, I would smash our retreat stack (one cat, mounted coin-flip to flank off cats, then chuck the KT garrison at it) but then I am an MP noob lol

Whether Inca did so - for they have now played - you, gentle lurker, will have to head to their thread to find out.

I don't think leaving the workers in the open was a mistake, Inca needed to road that tile to reinforce Kiwi Town with the stack that was on the forest tile.

Inca didn't attack our stack.

I think we should turn our attention to a possible lightning raid on the new Roman city. We can settle Red dot, then the same turn (with 6 workers) build roads SE of Red dot and 2E of it, and attack the Roman city with mounted units. I think we should whip the Settler in Babylon Bridge this turn in order to do this. This would let us do the attack in 3 turns (on turn 149) if we can find 6 workers. If not, we could do the attack one turn later and only use 4 workers. We'll also need to start moving mounted units towards red dot this turn. Unfortunately Inca can see into KB so if they count units they'll be able to see that some have gone missing.

We need to make sure we build monasteries for each of the religions we have before we get Scientific Method. I see a Jewish Monastery is building in Sirian so you may already be on top of that.

Swiss Pauli Wrote:We culture bombed KB

So you're not bombing red dot then, or did you have more artists on hand?
I have to run.

We had to use the artist to culture bomb KB to gain control of at least it's first ring, so that Inca wouldn't be able to hit the city with catapults without exposing them to flanking attacks from our Cuirassiers first.

We don't have another artist on hand. The next GP we generate will probably be an artist from Uberfish, but I don't think that will be for another 15-20 turns.

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