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Submod "Caster of Magic for Windows: Warlord"

Warlord mod version is released with these features.


• Due to complain about how new effect slow speed of the game, Altar of Battle nolonger give exp bonus to garrison units cost reduced to 275 to compensate.
• Fix description of Wind Mastery

• Due to complain about how new effect slow speed of the game, Fighters’ Guilds nolonger give exp bonus to garrison

• Forester units now get +5% To-Hit and +1 Armor when fight on woodland tile in combat.
• Mountaineer units now get +5% To-Hit and +1 Armor when fight on rough rocky tile in combat.
• Pathfinding units now get +5% To-Hit and +1 Armor when fight on woodland or rough rocky tile in combat.
• Amphibious units now get +5% To-Hit and +1 Armor when fight on swamp or snowy tile in combat.
• Tactician retort changes terrain bonus to double terrain bonus value plus First Strike and Negate First Strike.
• Procurator retort changes to triple administrative skill bonus instead of give bonus from books directly.
• Alchemist is now cost 2 picks.
• Astrologer is now cost 2 picks.
• Standard Merlin loses 1 Life book due to Astrologer now costs 2 picks.
• Standard Hermes loses 1 Life book due to Alchemist now costs 2 picks.
• Retorts description are now reworked.
• Now book of each realms grants small administrative skill bonus at rate 4% plus 1% for each books. Nature book grant population growth and maximum population bonus. Sorcery book grants research point bonus. Chaos book grants power bonus. Life book grants production bonus. Death book grants gold bonus.
• Optimized of Mariner Mastery/Mariner/Echo of the Deep script

I think I've found the slowdown on starting. Antimalware Service Executable is sucking up most of the resources. I don't know why that suddenly needs to check all COM files. I haven't updated Windows Defender for several years, but maybe Windows did some stealthy updating. I'd disabled Windows updater only to find that Orchestrater kept switching it back on. I disabled Orchestrater and now find that something else is turning it back on. I keep killing that damned updater and it keeps rising back from the dead!

I notice some change in early game end turn as you pointing out. but overall not much difference for late game save. What that difference is that in early games, turn time longer but there is not much different between 1 opponent or 13. Both of them just get longer similarly while late game nolonger much different from previous game engine.

Warlord mod version and version are released. Reason for double releases is due to recent discovery of performance issue recently. Part of the problem is due to my unoptimized coding of new features. But as I attempt to optimize the mod for Hadriex, I found out that version 1.5.3 as platform has significant longer end turn than 1.5.2 under the mod even with the same code and feature. So I decide to release update version for 1.5.2 as I develop this version for Hadriex's stream.



Change Log:
- Update version platform to be as close to as much as possible

- Sanctify loses spell charge bonus due to it is redundant with its MP bonus.
- [ only] Focus Magic lose spell charge bonus due to spell charge modification is on feature on CoM2 version 1.5.2.

- Resistance scheme of “Gods Play Dices” score option change to 8% +2, 16% +1, 16% -1, 8% -2, 4% -3.
- Script optimization.

Here are two guides of Warlord mod I had written. One is about retorts, and another is about races.

Build your OP build in Warlord mod.....start from retorts.

Build your OP build in Warlord as races say so.

Warlord mod version and version are released. with Corruption system based on distance from wizard's fortress.

Change log Version

• Sirens gain +1 HP, Missile Immunity, and casting skill 20 but cost increase to 270
• Bug Fix: Sky Lantern missing Amplifier perk.
• Sky Lantern get +1 Melee and +20% To-Hit and cost increase to 120.

• Indirect control penalty for food, gold, power, and production change to Corruption that now scale by number of tile away from wizard fortress, capped at 30% on the same plane.
• Penalty on city while wizard is banished change from 40% to 50%

Warlord mod version and version are released. with confusion revert back to CoM style and Book Collector rules become more reliable.


• Rakhshasa’s Settler loses Bloodsucking ability.
• Dervish hero gains Clergy status.

• Bug Fix: Clergy hero does not get MP from Sanctify.
• Confusion spell now become Uncommon, cost increase to 16, saving penalty -3, and victim nolonger survive after combat if curse is still around due to bug in that wandering around function does not remove properly
• Vertigo spell now become common spell and research cost adjust as such

• Bug Fix: Corruption reduction does not show properly in city view when using Procurator retort.
• Bug Fix: Description of Dock and Shipyard is too long beyond its cut off point.
• Description of Book Collector rule now describe properly about not gain new researchable spell from spell book looting from other wizard.
• Book Collector rule now become more certain to lose and get book.

Warlord mod version and version are released with bug fix for plague lord artifact and all other plague related debuff and flavor text for barbarian, dark elf, beastman, draconian, and dwarf units.


Change log.

• Barbarian Bowmen get +1 thrown attack.
• Barbarian Shamans get +1 thrown attack.
• Draconian Magisters’s Fire Breath become 2.
• Halfling Pioneers get +2 figures.
• High Man Swordsmen, and Cavalry get +2 figures properly.
• High Man Spearmen get +1 figure.
• High Man Engineers get +2 figures but -1 Resistance like their racial bonus.
• Klackon Engineers get +2 Armors like their racial bonus and build road twice faster.

• War Chief hero now has 3 charges of Berserk instead of 2 charges of Raises Dead, cost change to 999.
• Berserker hero now gains Constitution skill but cost increase to 200.
• Healer hero now coming with resist element, resist magic, and dispel magic learned, upkeep change to 4.
• Draconian hero is now has 5 movement to match with Doom Drake, upkeep change to 8.
• Warlock hero is now has Armor Piercing.
• Bard hero upkeep change to 4
• Assassin hero gains Poison Immunity to match flavor text and cost reduces to 300, upkeep change to 6.
• War Monk hero cost reduces to 300, upkeep change to 6.
• Thief hero cost reduces to 400, upkeep change to 8.
• Magician hero’s race change to dwarf and resistance increase to 10.
• Bronze Sentinel hero upkeep changes to 8, Ammo change to 4.
• Rogue hero upkeep changes to 5.
• Wind Mage hero’s race change to high elf and resistance increase to 9, upkeep change to 10.
• Warrior Mage hero gains Battle Mage skill but cost increase to 300.
• Elementalist hero cost change to 1200, upkeep changes to 20.
• Gambler hero is now cost 777, loses Logistics skill, loses Supply Commander skill, fame requirement change to 20, prisoner turn change to 80, spell charge reduces to 3, upkeep changes to 7.
• AI preference for Steelbreaker hero is reduced from 4 to 2. Cost increase to 300, fame requirement change to 10.
• AI preference for Master Engineer hero is now increase from 1 to 3, cost increase to 200, fame requirement change to 10.
• AI preference for Centurion hero is now increase from 1 to 3, fame requirement change to 10, prisoner turn change to 10, upkeep change to 4.
• AI preference for Warmaster hero is now increase from 4 to 6, prisoner turn change to 110
• Dreamwalker hero fame requirement reduces to 80.
• Grand Inquisitor hero fame requirement increase to 120, cost change to 1400, upkeep increases to 20,
• AI preference for Crone hero is now increase from 7 to 9, cost increase to 1300, fame requirement increase to 130, prisoner turn change to 200, upkeep changes to 20.
• AI preference for Sagittarius hero is now decrease from 7 to 5, fame requirement increase to 80, prisoner turn change to 120
• AI preference for Swarm Queen hero is now increase from 7 to 9, cost increase to 1600, fame requirement increase to 120, prisoner turn change to 200, upkeep changes to 20.
• AI preference for King of the Deep hero is now increase from 6 to 7, cost increase to 600, fame requirement change to 40, prisoner turn change to 100.
• AI preference for War Chief hero is now increase from 5 to 7.
• AI preference for Elementalist hero is now increase from 6 to 8, cost increase to 1200, fame requirement increase to 120, prisoner turn change to 200.
• Fix bug on Plague Lord artifact power crash when hitpoint below 0.
• Plague now give -33% hitpoints instead of flat -3 hitpoints

• All heroes are now having flavor texts.
• All Barbarian, Beastman, Dark Elf, Draconian, and Dwarf units now have flavor texts.

Any plans for warlord-lite for the latest version?

Can a hero be so powerful that it crashes the game? Whenever I fight with my hero it crashes the game unless I remove the items on it. I'm playing on the latest version of CoM Warlords for Windows.

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