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Ad Hoc's Ride of the Damned - PBEM10

Two turns gone and i decided to go north east, revealed fish on the northern coast

[Image: turn50000.jpg]

Qins score has gone up by 6, must be a tech

[Image: turn5demos0000.jpg]

Turn rolled quickly and i finally finished scouting to the NE and there is no land bridge in that direction

AH is in next turn and then i've got to decide what to do next, i had tentitively decided on the mining - BW route but if horses pop i may go wheel - pottery

i'm split on the second city location between south of the incense and east of the incense, both have advantages so it might depend if horses or copper pop close by.

[Image: turn60000.jpg]

[Image: turn6demos0000.jpg]

Well turn came round and AH revealed horses under Drenan. Decided on Wheel next then Mining-BW-Pottery....perhaps huh

Drenan finishes worker in two and then warrior - warrior - settler .... perhapshuh

Turn 10, worker is done and starts to improve the sheep.

Boudicas score has gone up again, another tech i assume. C & D not being my strong point

[Image: Turn100000.jpg]

Turn 12 and borders popped, seems to be lots of food around.

[Image: turn12b0000.jpg]

twinkletoes and serdoas score has both inceased and two civs have pop 2 cities both of which were settled on turn 2. Guess TT and Ser settled on plains hills to get the worker out earlier

[Image: turn12demos0000.jpg]

[Image: turn12cities0000.jpg]

I've continued my scouting to the west, revealing quite a bit more food.

my current plan is to build a settler to found a city to the north east before discovering BW and then whipping a second settler to build a city to the north west.

current tech plan is a bit up in the air but i'm leaning towards pottery - sailing - agri.... but stay tuned

[Image: turn180000.jpg]

[Image: turn18demos0000.jpg]

Turn 26 and my first settler founds Dros Purdol, it will produce a work boat by which time pottery is in to follow with a granary

Drenan will build another settler before worker - granary

i'm still not set on third city location, i'm tending towards where i've got the warrior but i'm not certain whether it would be better to squeeze two cities into the west.

[Image: Turn260000.jpg]

[Image: turn26demos0000.jpg]

Dang, I should have got that naming scheme from the first city. smile

Turn 31 and Dros Corteswain is founded, i'm seriously behind in population but hopefully will now begin to catch up, i need really to get another worker out and then granaries in all three cities.

tech path will be Sailing - agri - writing i think

[Image: turn30map0000.jpg]

Turn 37, three cities founded on the island of Drenai, i'm definetly putting another to the north of Drenan on the hill to pick up the coastal fish, plains corn and whales.

I'm also considering another city to the south on the point of the triangle to pick up the plains corn and elephonts although this is dependent on what i find when i explore the land to the south. to this end Drenan is building a chariot and Dros Purdol will build a galley after the granary which will be my exploring units.

i've done some quick shots off how i will hopefully develop the three founded cities

Drenan: Production/Commerce
[Image: t37Drenan0000.jpg]

Dros Corteswin: Production/Commerce
[Image: t37DC0000.jpg]

Dros Purdol: Production
[Image: t37DP0000.jpg]

i'm currently finishing writing then the current plan is Agri - Alpha - IW although i am toying with the idea of a run to CoL.

and a quick look at the demo's for Turn 37 which i am confident will get better lol

[Image: t37demos0000.jpg]

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