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[PB79] Giraflorens & Magic Science -- "Fear+Curiosity Gazpacho"

I would stack a bit more than 3 attackers if a city is defended by 3 or 4 archers. Can be really annoying to let two wounded defenders heal up while you bring reinforcements.

And what's the reason behind city3 in the west? I like the island but the south has no food for a while.



Here the instructions for the next turn.  The Galley on the West goes for City1 (any name suggestions?), after it can bring the workers nearby and after the settler and another archer to City2.

On the East border, make roads and improve the pigs.

About research I accept suggestions.  In the previous post I wrote some hints, but I don't know. 

I will be back to play in 48 hours.

Thanks a lot!

(September 13th, 2024, 09:24)klops Wrote: I would stack a bit more than 3 attackers if a city is defended by 3 or 4 archers. Can be really annoying to let two wounded defenders heal up while you bring reinforcements.

And what's the reason behind city3 in the west? I like the island but the south has no food for a while.

City3 can use the Clambs on the North see the picture in this link

You're right about the attackers.  We don't want wounded defenders, never.  In fact I'm thinking about making an "slow" conquer to kill defenders little by little and promote the Swords.  Go with 2swords and 1 axe and the Spear promoted at 2 of healing.  And keep killing archers and healing the swords. Never did this, but with patient it can work.

Turn 114 played (actually played about 12 hours ago now).

I rolled the turn but did not play a double-turn. Giraflorens, I will play Turn 115 if you have not played the turn when the timer is low in a few hours.


You could call the new island city "Diomede". The town of Diomede is on the island of Little Diomede (aka "Yesterday Island") just east of the international date line and owned by the United States. Big Diomede (aka "Tomorrow Island") is its neighbor island just west of the international date line, and owned by Russia. So this is a good name for a town that is on and island by the edge of the minimap.
Though there is also "Attu" or "Attu Station" of Attu Island, which is actually west of the international date line, but still part of Alaska.

About the island city in question, I have no screenshot to show it (sorry), but I found three things about it:
One, the unknown tile in the middle of the island is a Clam in a Lake! That is unusual and good.
Two, Xist's borders are very close in the west. Our borders will touch after the new city reaches 10 culture. I think the new city needs more than one archer for defense. You decide if you want to wait a few turns to bring another archer, or take the risk of settling now with only one archer to defend.
Three, I saw ricketyclik's purple Roman culture SW of us. I think it is him.

Next, we have about the same military power as our neighbors, so we are okay for now. But watch the demographics and the power graph every turn. Power can increase very quickly. Also, watch PBSPY. If you see a lot of point decreases from a player, that means they are whipping a lot, and that could mean they are whipping units. It is very common for players to do this when they discover Horse Archers or Knights, and they will attack soon.
Also, our neighbors can still concentrate their military somewhere and outnumber us there even if we are about equal in total power. I really worry about this for our islands. Players often do small attacks to conquer an island even if they are not ready to make a full attack to conquer everything. I do that a lot. lol. It works well because the attacker can have surprise, and if they capture the city, then the defender will have to bring units slowly in a Galley to take the city back. That is not as good as using roads on land.
So I recommend making 1 Axeman each, at least, for Nikolsky and Akutan, and similar for the new island cities. Nikolsky and Akutan could make their own Axemen, and Valdez can help too.

Great People: I think that in a greens' game the main thing is to not forget about Great People. The first few Great People (100, 200, etc.) are really cheap for how strong they are, so make sure to always have a city somewhere working towards the next Great Person.
In this case, as you mentioned, the capital Unalaska will make a Great Person in a few turns. That Great Person could be an Engineer, but it could also be a Scientist. Using the Engineer for Machinery would be okay, but think about starting a Golden Age with the Great Person instead. If the Great Person is a scientist, he cannot lightbulb anything as good as Machinery for now, so he should probably start a Golden Age instead.
The Golden Age would let us revolt with no anarchy to a religion (whichever religion we have) and Organized Religion. I think we have a religion in a city somewhere, right?

We have 12 cities, and our neighbors have 17, 16, and 17. We are falling behind, and there is still empty land to settle. So I say the most important thing now is to settle more cities.

Also, now would be a good time to think about future wars and how to win in the end. Is one of our neighbors weak? Who do we have good or bad routes to attack? Can we dogpile someone? Could we beeline a powerful technology to get the advantage for a war? That kind of question. I will think about this too. We do not need to attack soon, but we should plan ahead.
For now, none of our neighbors seem weak. They seem stronger than us. I am not sure about dogpiling wars. We need to know more about the borders our neighbors have with each other.
For example, do Miro and Coldrain have a close border that they will probably fight over?

So make Scouts and send them through everyone who has Open Borders with us. Scouts are cheap at this time in the game, and the information can be important. So make some Scouts somewhere. Maybe another exploring Workboat too.
Participated in: Pitboss 40 (lurked by Mr. Cairo), Pitboss 45 (lurked by Charriu and chumchu), Pitboss 63 (replaced Mr. Cairo), Pitboss 66Pitboss 69, Pitboss 74Pitboss 81 (lurking giraflorens), 
Participating in: Pitboss 78 (lurked by GT), Pitboss 79 (lurking giraflorens), Pitboss 83 (lurking Krill), 

Criticism welcome!

T115 - T116

This is the situation on the West:  Me and Xist had a Settler on that island, but I could found the city cause I was one turn ahead.  I didn't place it in the tile projected to profit the turn.  The inconvenient is that he has moved his galley with Settler to the Island on the North.  I have left the other Island on the far North. I couldn't move the galley with the Settler in this turn because the Archer has not arrived yet.  Next turn.
On the East, Couldrain's city has grown up and is surrounding Fort Yukon.  At the North East there is place for one city more and that's it. No more cities in this map.
No variations in Tech screen.  I am to finish Calendar now.  It was not planned but I really needed for food for Tok.

Below the turns for getting the GP.  I think it is a good idea what you've proposed, Magic, in both cases.

T117 - T119

A Great Scientist!!!  I will start a golden age and make misioners to spread our religion.  Machinery will take longer than I thought.
On the west Coldrain has placed a city in the place I was thinking, and on the East the same with Xist10.  They already took all the space around me. I keep waiting for the Barb city to grow to 2 to conquer it.  But I am afraid it will keep whipping citizens to make archers.  So far I got the 2 Swords ascended to City Riders II.

Below the situation on the far East and West

Good luck beating Xist for the western island! But now we need more units to defend as fast as possible. 1 Archer per city is not enough. Whip some units in Valdez and Nikolsky and the Galley can take them to Diomede and "Utrecht".

Also, it would be good to build another Galley now, if you have not already. We have enough islands that another Galley is worth having. And beware enemy Triremes. I think everyone has Metal Casting now.

And I think Diomede should work the Clam tile, not the Stone. It can grow to 2 population, then whip the Granary. That is a better way than working a production tile. Whipping is really strong.

About the western Barbarian city: cities are only automatically razed if they have NEVER grown to size 2 before. If a city grows to size 2, but then whips the population and goes back to size 1, then you can still keep the city if you capture it. So has the western Barbarian city ever grown to size 2, or not?
If the Barbarian city has never grown to size 2, then they might be making a Worker or something. Do not wait too long to capture the city. It is better to have a city sooner rather than later, even if you have to make your own Settler instead of capturing.
Participated in: Pitboss 40 (lurked by Mr. Cairo), Pitboss 45 (lurked by Charriu and chumchu), Pitboss 63 (replaced Mr. Cairo), Pitboss 66Pitboss 69, Pitboss 74Pitboss 81 (lurking giraflorens), 
Participating in: Pitboss 78 (lurked by GT), Pitboss 79 (lurking giraflorens), Pitboss 83 (lurking Krill), 

Criticism welcome!


Monoteism, and Aestetics is done.  I changed to Organized Religion.  Xist10 also did. Now I am researching Construction because I want a couple catas to conquer the Barbar Northern City.  I am tired of it.  And I will conquer the Eastern one in next turn, hopefully. Magic I don't know if it has grown to 2. I've never see it, and its been more than 10 turn that city is founded. Anyways I send a Settler, just in case.
I am making Missioners to spread around Confucianism. And The new brand galley is taking an Axeman to Diomedes (following Magic sugestion).  In Ankorage I will make another Missionaire and after, units.
Below the science and stats graphs.  No one has Construction, and only 1 has Machinery. After construction I should go for Machinery or Literature.  I like the Great library. Or going for feudalism?  Units cost will start to increase very much.

Our production graph is good, but our power is horrible.  Miro's  power is increasing very much. That means he making units?

T125 - T126

The Eastern barbaric city is conquered.  I must look for two more cities names.  And Construction researched.  So I am making a couple catas to conquer it.  On the west side a forge was wiped in Fort Jukon, and here a library and cultural buildings must be done very fast to maintain the boundaries.
Also a Galley is sending an Axeman and a Missionare to Doimedicus (o whatever is called).
I started the Partenon in Valdez.  It would be very interesting to get faster the GP, and in Unalaska I will built the Wonder to increase GP's. Next turn I can start this building.

Miro's power graph is increasing greatly and 2 galleys are exploring the west islands. I am making more barracks and now I have the conflict btw making barracks or Courthouses.

Wow, the barbarians of Cherokee have two workers. Could any of our units get Woodsman II or Guerilla II promotions? Then the unit could move two tiles and capture the workers. Or you could send one unit to the Pig and one 1S of Cherokee. Then the Barbarian worker in the south would have nowhere to run.

New city on the west coast could be called Nome. Nome is on the west “nose” of Alaska. It is not on the road system in real life, but I think the roads to it were a good idea in the game. lol.

Miro’s power: he is probably making units to attack someone. We neighbor him, so it could be us, so be careful, but I think he will attack Ricketyclik. I see that you met Rick, and he is weak and borders Miro. Miro probably is making advanced units to defeat Praetorians.

You should send a scout through Miro to see what happens. Also, looking inside Miro near our border is a good way to be safe. You can see if Miro has many units near us.

Courthouse vs Barracks: I like Courthouses first. Maybe a few military cities can build Barracks first. Do you have a plan to make many units soon?
Participated in: Pitboss 40 (lurked by Mr. Cairo), Pitboss 45 (lurked by Charriu and chumchu), Pitboss 63 (replaced Mr. Cairo), Pitboss 66Pitboss 69, Pitboss 74Pitboss 81 (lurking giraflorens), 
Participating in: Pitboss 78 (lurked by GT), Pitboss 79 (lurking giraflorens), Pitboss 83 (lurking Krill), 

Criticism welcome!

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