Yeah I share your concerns over the whipping. However, the one who has actually increased his power the most is Superdeath. On one front though, I see mostly defenders.
These are units that are trying to hold position, not attack.
Same deal here.
Or even here - take note of which direction his Galleons are facing. The western one sure looks like it's aimed at
Yuris and not at myself. In fact, it's in position to boat Suo or land next to Matsuyama. You can see a second Galleon over by my Caravel that is also aimed north. Maybe it's nothing, but that western Galleon in particular - I can't think of why it would be there other than to be annoying to Yuris. Monitoring closely.
Yuris however does look like he's about to lob a hail mary.
My "before" screenshot failed here. However, I noticed this - two Galleons lined up along with a bunch of Privateers ready to go. They are Nav promoted, so they could reach either of the "x" tiles. Darujhistan was empty, which means a GG trick would be enough to raze it. I filled it. Kartool was a little light. By a quick vodka test, if those Galleons are loaded with 6 Amphibious Samurai, he'd have a 40%-ish shot at taking it. I think they're likely to be a bit weaker than that. But I did shuffle over a Warrior in there just to have one more warm body and drop his odds even further. If he does indeed have 6 Amphibious Samurai AND gets amazing dice rolls, well golf claps for him. Seems very unlikely. Finally, this channel was wide open, so I stuffed 3 Frigates and a Galleon in the way that are all C1 promoted. You can also see 4 Frigates around the south edge of Nagoya ready to retaliate if he tries. If he does land some units next turn and has more coming after that, I can swap into Slavery and whip all these Grens, or I can buy some upgrades. Hissar was left a little light defensively, but you can see just off the corner a Galley. That is loading a Gren next turn to shift towards this front.
I also adjusted my tech. Finishing Communism in 2T meant a turn of 100% tech and a turn of ~70% tech. Instead I inverted them in order to have more room for upgrades next turn if needed.
I also set up this on the other SD front. These units in the Galleon ideally would be more for my Cairo front. However, they can move all the way into any of these cities as needed with some Galleon chaining. So I think I'm safe over here.
Here's the power graph. Players are adding military to be sure, but Yuris' graph in particular is not going up nearly enough to account for all his whips. He is definitely whipping infrastructure, not units. I could probably figure it out if I spent more time, but I am not checking buildings every turn in every city
. Superdeath is definitely adding units. It's interesting that I haven't seen a single Gunpowder unit from him yet.
Domestically, not much to report. However, I did setup Unta and Pale to build ~95% of a unit this turn. That way next turn they can finish them and have a nice chunk of overflow saved up for Kremlin and/or Taj. Taj has a bit more time, so I may be able to prep multiple there. Not a huge deal, just a way to prebuild by ~1 turn.