Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Running on a Windows 2000 comp that really should crash. I've been through almost 40 games though, and its done it twice, so good for it. A little bit of lag, but its generally good most times. That was just bad calls on me, wasting my ult, and not saving the #1 player on our team. frown

Like Roland said though, extremely fun game there for me as well. Didn't play well, but fun nonetheless.

I'm in same boat as Roland. I should be getting a new comp around Black Friday that will run LoL with ease. If you want to play with a Shen/Zilean player who might drop at any time, or lag like crazy, thats awesome. No hard feelings here too if you don't.

Finally got enough IP to get Shen, but Zilean is such a fun character to play as. And the mummy looks interesting enough, although that probably needs a few runs to get used to it as opposed to Zilean.

VoiceOfUnreason Wrote:After an hour on the losing end of my first 5x5....



You'd think having died 20 times, I'd have noticed, but.... is there any way to tell how long you are going to be out of the action?

Bottom left hand corner has a ticking down time usually :XY showing the amount of seconds left. You can use the store during this time FYI, if you didn't figure that already. What's your username on LoL?

I was just busting your chops, guys. It takes everyone a whole lot of games to get the hang of things. I'm happy to play with any of you guys whenever, as long as I'm not playing some ranked games at the time. We had quite a fun game today with Sullla, Sunrise, and Kyan. Actually I think I played another game with Kyan before that too? I played a lot tonight; all the games are sort of blending together, aside from the "Quadra Kill" game.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

Cull Wrote:Bottom left hand corner has a ticking down time usually :XY showing the amount of seconds left. You can use the store during this time FYI, if you didn't figure that already. What's your username on LoL?

Thanks, would never have found it in squint-o-vision without the help.

VoiceOfUnreason is the handle I'm using.

I cast one of our games from yesterday. Click below if you want to see Speaker's dominant performance (LEGENDARY!!! jive)

Part One:
Part Two:
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Feel free for everyone to ignore my performance there hehe. I wasn't really sure what to do with Kayle as i'd not played him so i just decided to be a healbot. Kayle's ultimate is an invulnerability shield so i was just making sure Sullla and Speaker didn't die using that and spamming healing on them both 24/7 really.

I didn't do too awfully i think but i messed up by going PURE support and not even farming creeps myself. As a result, i had like no gold and therefore no gear for more dps. This is really a snowballing game for sure. But hey, we're civ players right? lol

Speaker, yeah we played a couple together. Was a really fun evening, just a damned shame the servers are down tonight cry

One of your first games was 0/2/13 man. I would say thats an amazing performance. I regularly don't get that many kills/assists in my solo que games, and almost never anything like that in the pre arranged teams with people here.

But of course I'm pretty bad, so whatever.

Bah. I knew you were just busting my chops Speaker. smile No hard feelings at all! Consider me giving it back just a little bit, as much at myself as you. Honestly, it's just fun to game with people, as opposed to some random PUGs (although at least there I end up carrying my team instead of holding them back wink).

It's just frustrating not to be able to run the game very well when it gets heavy. I'm used to it, but I don't enjoy it. Other than that, I generally have a good time - win or lose. It's the quality of people that make it or break it for me, not the quality of the session.

Roland Wrote:It's just frustrating not to be able to run the game very well when it gets heavy. I'm used to it, but I don't enjoy it. Other than that, I generally have a good time - win or lose. It's the quality of people that make it or break it for me, not the quality of the session.
Before I built my new computer this summer, I played on a 3 year old laptop. Whenever there would be a bunch of minions firing at me, the blinking light from their attacks would lock up my computer. It was awful.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

Alright it looks like I've succumbed to this little time sink as well. I'll go through the thread and add those mentioned. If I miss you my handle should be seifermd. Also I don't know if Sullla would be interested in editing his first post to include everyone's info there. It would certainly help any other stragglers like me. =)

EDIT: Done! - Sullla

Sullla Wrote:EDIT: We had a request for a list of usernames, so here it is:

Seideberg (Speaker)
BertrandDeHorn (Atlas)
Krixie (Amelia)
GKyan (Kyan)

List looks amazing, and useful. Few nitpicks. Roland is RolandDT, and Sandover is using Bottenskarp.

Sandover Wrote:I made an account on the NA server using my secondary user name "Bottenskrap".

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