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PBEM 8: E-mail & Technical Issues

Sweet. Save has been sent on to Warriorknight. Hopefully by the next go around the new and improved PBEM tracker will be up and running.

great. i'll attach the next turn here just in case my email was blocked again.
Playing: PBEM 8 (Maya), PBEM 10 (Arabia)
PLurking: Pitboss 3 (HRE)

Your email got through this time =)

Also, could everyone join the new PBEM tracker so we could get that going? Only Warriorknight has joined so far.

Turn played yesterday night and sent to adhoc - joined new tracker game as well

turn played + attached, new tracker joined
Playing: PBEM 8 (Maya), PBEM 10 (Arabia)
PLurking: Pitboss 3 (HRE)

should be attached this time
Playing: PBEM 8 (Maya), PBEM 10 (Arabia)
PLurking: Pitboss 3 (HRE)

What is happening? No updates for 2 days. Is the save stuck somewhere?

Played and sent on to adhoc

Btw: Would really be nice if we could finally get PBEMtracker going - I think it is only adhoc missing.

played and sent on, and joined to new PBEM tracker so we should be able to use it now

Started the PBEM tracker and game sent on through there.

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