Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS] PBEM 8 - WarriorKnight's Spoiler Thread

Just to let you know that I am lurking your thread (as well as the others in this PBEM) and I'm enjoying it. Keep it up! If only I could do the same in my PBEM 2 thread...


Got ad's demogs:

[Image: T018Prod.jpg]

Yep, he's the one that's 1st in power so he definitely has a Dog online.

Otherwise not much else to note, grew to size 5 while getting an escort built and next turn a chop will come in to finish my settler.


The Byz front got interesting:

[Image: 3WarriorsSerdoa.jpg]

3 warriors stacked on the same tile, who could potentially attack Mogrika. I ran a couple of sims and it looks like that will probably be enough to take out Mogrika. I kept it on the same tile since I don't really want to brake the choke and if they attack I'll win the hammer exchange. I don't know if that was the right choice (ie I'll lose my sentry on Serdoa but I'm not really concerned about him attacking me right now) but I guess we'll see.

EoT Wheel is done and so is my settler. jive

[Image: T020Demogs.jpg]

Rival best power went up by 6k, which probably means ad completed another Dog Soldier. What I'm paranoid about is why he built a 2nd one before a settler, which probably means he intends to choke with them (why else build a 2nd Dog before a settler? or maybe he has built a settler already in which case yikes). I'm still working on getting the copper up ASAP, although I wonder if I need to take a detour to archery or not.

BTW, I'm 99% sure this is a ring like Torodial map similar to PB2. I think the ring goes clockwise me - ad - meatbalz - Shoot - Serdoa.

2 turns this time


Revolt to slavery now that the settler is done...


[Image: DogSoldierspotted.jpg]

Well at least I now know that ad is sending a Dog after me. Fun times...

It looks like I'll be able to get an axe up by the time he can reach me, so fortunately he can't take any of my cities. The downside is I won't be able to remove it until I get another axe up (not what I really want to be doing) or get chariots (which won't happen for a while either.


[Image: T021Demogs.jpg]

Max power went up by 6k again?!? Surely ad isn't spamming Dogs with only one city? Note to self, check ad's graphs next turn.

Also, who's on 4 food??? Everyone is at least size 3 so is someone starving?


[Image: Itscomingcloser.jpg]

Well he's still coming, and I'm still watching him. I've retreating my Q back to the hill 2E though.

[Image: scratch1warrior.jpg]

Over at the Byz front, Serdoa managed to kill Shoot's warrior with no losses. I'll probably keep my Q where he is since going anywhere will result in death, while keeping an eye out for any pillage opportunities. smile

[Image: T022Demogs.jpg]

Just for the record I guess. Nothing particularly noteworthy this turn.

2nd city settled next turn. jive


I get my 2nd city founded. jive

[Image: Settle2ndcity.jpg]

Sunnyside Shore steals the wheat from Temple for initial fast growth. Once it gets the crabs and corn up Temple can take it back.

First priority is to get that copper hooked up and connect it to Temple. After that it gets a terrace and work boat out and should be good to go.

[Image: T023Demogs.jpg]

1st in prod and food is very nice. jive

Need to fix that power rating though.

[Image: 2ndDogSoldier.jpg]

EoT my borders pop which reveals.... another Dog Soldier.


New plan is to whip this worker and then spam axes for a while (with copper hooked in 2) while hoping my 2nd city can build a settler at some point to claim some nearby horses.

OK, I'm going to have to spam axes longer than I hoped for.

[Image: Ithinkadisrushingme.jpg]

A 3rd Dog (before a settler!) is too much for just a choke, ad trying to rush me. So I guess I'll fall behind for a bit. frown Pottery finished this turn (probably a mistake, I'm not going to be building terraces anytime soon now) and I'm probably going to have to go for archery next. Copper gets hooked next turn and an axe can come out then too.

The only good news is that 2 of the 3 Dogs are at the jungle area, so assuming I can hold my capital (which seems likely) the only thing they can do to choke me is pillage my pigs (or maybe annoy Serdoa, lol).

As an aside, Serdoa got Buddhism last turn and finished a settler this turn. Pop figures say that one other person has a second city, and it's not Serdoa or meatbalz. ad is busy trying to kill me, so I'm guessing it belongs to Shoot.

Hmmm, t26 was my last update?

Not much has happened really in the last few turns (just sent on T29). I've been building some axes while I still have copper connected. Archery comes in end of next turn and I'll get some whip overflow into an archer so the N Dogs can't do anything. I don't think I'll get pillaged too badly.

Tech path is probably Archery, Fishing, Poly then something else. Don't really care if I get/miss Hindu (other priorities right now).

Mogrika died unfortunately, but it was only a matter of time since Serdoa will have copper soon.

Anything else you guys want to know?

Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Did Serdoa attack against Mogrika on forested hill or what happened? Any losses to him?

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