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[Spoilers] Biggus Decius and the Sucking Vampires (Bobchillingworth / Calabim)

The idea with lying to the other players was to bind Iskender closer to me. I'm concerned that he still harbors a grudge against me for wasting his world spell. It's a moot point anyway:

Iskender Wrote:There's a good chance that PB will see your worker (he's got a giant wandering nearby) so I prefer a) with revealing as little information as possible.

DaveV Wrote:My concern is that if I tell people I'm chopping jungle for you, it's not much of a leap for them to conclude that you don't have bronze working. Or is that common knowledge already?

Iskender Wrote:Not a problem. I'm sure they know that the Hippus are not the kind of civ that would prioritize BW anyway.

So it sounds like you followed Iskender's instructions exactly.

As implied in the first quote, PB has built the Pact of the Nilhorn. As for the last quote, I think Iskender would have been well served by researching Bronze Working, especially if he has jungle in his borders (although if he has no copper available, not researching it looks a lot better).

Built my other new city:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0035.JPG]

You can also see a couple builds about to happen: my first Moroi in Nubia, and the Brew House in Prespur.

Hah, so you're actually building a moroi! I assume you intend to use him for scouting?

Also when do you intend to settle the Eastern copper site? I think that it's fairly crucial that you secure it before Cull. You might also want to prioritize the Seven Pines location, since it's both a good producion and invasion launching site and gives a (small) amount of security if we get declared on while entirely unprepared.

Bobchillingworth Wrote:Hah, so you're actually building a moroi! I assume you intend to use him for scouting?

No, I think a map trade with Sareln will take care of scouting for me smile. I have three reasons to switch from bloodpets to moroi:

1) Upgrading my units: the old quality over quantity theory. I'm also pretty near the point where I have too much production for bloodpets.
2) Counterattack.
3) If possible, I'm going to build the Mines of Gal Dur, which will benefit moroi but not bloodpets.

Bobchillingworth Wrote:Also when do you intend to settle the Eastern copper site? I think that it's fairly crucial that you secure it before Cull. You might also want to prioritize the Seven Pines location, since it's both a good producion and invasion launching site and gives a (small) amount of security if we get declared on while entirely unprepared.

The Seven Pines spot is next, then I plan to settle to its east, blocking off the copper (and several other good city sites). I have an amazing number of city sites left; it's just a matter of prioritizing.

Short chat with PB today, he wondered why you had declared in Iskender again, and I said that it was because of some worker exchange program.

Since I doubt that Cull gives a crap, that means you and Iskender shouldn't need to send out any sort of explanatory emails.

Thanks for keeping up with the diplo, Bob. I'm hoping we can keep growing and researching unmolested.

No screenshot, but the Brew House completed, and the angry faces went away smile. Wine will be connected next turn, and research on Cartography will be complete, at which point I'll propose open borders and a map trade with Sareln. Then he can take care of my bear problems. Maybe I'll explore the lairs in his territory in exchange for giving him a free shot at the bears?

Next research is Sanitation, then finally back on the track to Feudalism.

I left four bloodpets in Acaia: I still don't completely trust Iskender.

Just a quick note that Sareln now has education, so he can finally put those forests to good use.

Also have you started any of the granaries / breeding pits / smokehouses yet? Probably a good idea to get some of those up before the Sanitation food boost hits, and to get cities to max size prior to vampires for immediate feeding.

You had mentioned the Mines earlier- I'm sure that PB will get them first, he's probably working on them now. I'm not sure why he hasn't built Bambur yet, stupid move on his part, Bambur is a phenomenal early defensive unit and fairly cheap. If you are somehow able to get build him first, go for it. I prefer other heroes with raiders, but Bambur's enchantment magic and catapult support are very useful.

Bobchillingworth Wrote:Also have you started any of the granaries / breeding pits / smokehouses yet? Probably a good idea to get some of those up before the Sanitation food boost hits, and to get cities to max size prior to vampires for immediate feeding.

Meh. Growth will be plenty fast once sanitation comes in, and I really need to crank out some settlers right now.

Bobchillingworth Wrote:You had mentioned the Mines earlier- I'm sure that PB will get them first, he's probably working on them now. I'm not sure why he hasn't built Bambur yet, stupid move on his part, Bambur is a phenomenal early defensive unit and fairly cheap. If you are somehow able to get build him first, go for it. I prefer other heroes with raiders, but Bambur's enchantment magic and catapult support are very useful.

Yeah, Bambur is a great support unit and a decent melee unit. All of the RoK stuff is a long way off, though - I really need to pick up Feudalism first. If PB is concentrating on Centaurs, there's no real reason for him to build the Mines.

On the last turn of my golden age, I'll post the demographics:

[Image: demographics%20t127.jpg]

Empire overview:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0037.JPG]

And the financial advisor (here's why my tech rate is so unimpressive):

[Image: expenses%20t127.jpg]

Iskender sent me complete directions for my worker, which I'll reproduce here to make things easier for myself:

Iskender Wrote:Here's the full itinerary for the worker:
127: 7, grassland mine
128: 14, grassland farm
129: 44, grassland farm
130: 7 grassland forest
131: 79, jungle
132: chop

Quite good expansion there, gentlemen! A couple questions from the peanut gallery, if you don't mind.

What is your build order for the new cities? Are they going Monument -> Governors Manor straight away?

What about mature cities - you seem to be building a couple of Moroi in a couple of northern ones. Are you building up your forces for war, or is this just a precaution?

Where are your new settlers going - to the east? Are you planning to take all the land for yourself there, or are you going to let Sareln put down a few cities as well?


Maksim Wrote:What is your build order for the new cities? Are they going Monument -> Governors Manor straight away?

Governor's Manor first where there's not a compelling reason for a monument (like the two eastern cities: gold or wine/pigs in 2nd ring). Markets as second or third building.

Maksim Wrote:What about mature cities - you seem to be building a couple of Moroi in a couple of northern ones. Are you building up your forces for war, or is this just a precaution?

I don't have any war plans, but I think it's important to be prepared for war in an MP game (especially as a civ where the consensus opposition strategy is "kill them early"). You can't just whip up an army from nowhere in FfH, so I'm trying to keep up on the power graph.

Maksim Wrote:Where are your new settlers going - to the east? Are you planning to take all the land for yourself there, or are you going to let Sareln put down a few cities as well?

Yes. As Bob pointed out, it's important to cut off Cull from the copper. If my map trade with Sareln comes through and I have some time, I'll post a dotmap.

Maksim Wrote:Thanks!

You're welcome. It's nice to know someone is reading this thread other than Bob and me smile.

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