Ok guys, here comes my fabulously in-depth summary of my turnset (which was so much fun!)
Turn 1 - 1010 AD
Bombard Amsterdam down to 0%
Silver for Sugar with Justinian
Turn 2 - 1020 AD
The Attack on Amsterdam
Amsterdam is ours!!! Casualties: 3 Hwachas & 1 Sword @ 95% odds
Turn 3 - 1030 AD
Compass completed, research onto Optics
Turn 4 - 1040 AD
Moving stack towards Utrecht
Turn 5 - 1050 AD
Stack is outside Utrecht, this is what it faced:
Annoying AP costing me happiness!
Turn 6 - 1060 AD
Start bombarding. City of 'Stop Wining' founded
Best News: Great General born in a distant land!
Turn 7 - 1070 AD
More bombarding, damn walls!
Turn 8 - 1080 AD
Optics in, research set to 0% on Guilds.
Caravels queued in Sealed Pigs & Numidian.
More bombarding.
Best News: Great Prophet born in Utrecht, Confucian Shrine built! Thanks Willem!
Turn 9 - 1090 AD
Turn 10 - 1100 AD
Turn 11 - 1110 AD
Bombard (16%) ...
Turn 12 - 1120 AD
Bombard (2%) ...
Turn 13 - 1130 AD
The Attack on Utrecht
Utrecht is ours!!!
Casualties: 4 Hwachas
Captured: 4 Workers
Great General (Lysander) born in Ivory Towers
Turn 14 - 1140 AD
Moving & Healing units
Caravel moves away from Sealed Pigs
Turn 15 - 1150 AD
Moving units
Turn 16 - 1160 AD
Moving units
Caravel moves away from Numidian
Turn 17 - 1170 AD
Army outside The Hague.
Spy in position to put city in revolt next turn
Turn 18 - 1180 AD
Revolt successful, army attacks The Hague
The Battle of The Hague
The Hague is ours and Willem is destroyed!!!!
Casualties: 4 Hwachas, 1 War Elephant
Turn 19 - 1190 AD
Guilds in, research set on Banking
We meet our Western neighbour:
He has a heathen religion so no Open Borders with him. He has none of the religion techs bar Polytheism & Monotheism. No Monarchy or Feudalism.
Turn 20 - 1200 AD
Utrecht pacified (Amsterdam was pacified a but earlier but didn't note it down)
Whales hooked up at Silver Dreams (which now looks lovely Whosit!)
Overview pictures
I thought I would get us some nice pictures to sum up our position:
First, our empire from above!
The Heartland
The area formerly known as the Netherlands (and the new city of Stop Wining!
Looking lovely I must say! Stop Wining is maturing quite nicely without a food resource thanks to the amount of free workers I had hanging around in my set with nothing to do! Also, I think we can build HE now.
Willem's Wondeful Wonders!
The Oracle, The Great Library, The Apostolic Palace and two shrines!
Soldier count took a noticeable hit with the war with Willem, but everything else looks fantasmagorical!
Tech Situation
Not too shabby!
General Thoughts & Pointers
Right well first off the war went better and quicker than I expected given the wall strength of Utrecht. Spy saved the day for me.
The Great General has not been used yet. I have an explorer completed out of Border Control which could be used as a super medic, or we could settle it for the XP bonus.
Expansion wise, I settled Stop Wining to give our workers something to do and so we can work the two 2f,5c Wine resources so it would pay for itself. It has a Granary & a Lighthouse already and has plenty of farmland to keep it growing as quick as it can. We probably can place some river plains cottages to make more commerce with the food surplus. Either that or keep farming and just use it to whip stuff.
I have sent much of the surviving Willem stack to head towards Ivory Towers as we need to keep our Justinian border secure now. Especially as he will have Cataphracts pretty soon. He is a solid ally however, so maybe I'm just being over-cautious.
With the Great General being born in a distant land, we have some warring going on between the civs we haven't met. We have 3 caravels out now (2 going E & one going W) so I am hopeful we should meet the others soon. Hopefully they will be happier to trade than good ol'Toku!
Also, we will get a GP out of Amsterdam next turn, looking likely it will be a Scientist (which would be lovely!)