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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

That's my problem usually when it comes to using TS, especially in the evenings (UK time) when most people are on and able to play. I have a mic, but using it without disturbing others can be an issue.

My wife and I share a long desk and as I have a dual monitor set-up, most evenings we use my second monitor to stream TV or put on a film or something while we each play games on our respective PCs. Trouble is because it's my second monitor, it's using my soundcard as well, so having people talking about LoL over the TV show my wife is trying to watch doesn't work well.

I need to figure out how to seperate the sound channels or something so I can have TS in my headphones while still having the sound from the TV show or film on my second monitor come through the desktop speakers.

Also, anyone who doesn't have me on their friends list in LoL yet, please add me as I'm always needing people to fill out a team and am getting tired of solo queueing smile

Edit: Just figured out the sound issue - All I had to do was plug my headphones into the regular Line in jack, speakers into the surround rear output jack, then tell Media Player Classic's Audio Switcher feature to only play via the rear speaker output. Viola, I now have TS only in my headphones and the TV show on the second monitor only using the desktop speakers without interfering with each other. Technology is great.

How is the online community for LoL? I played DotA obsessively for a couple years, but the other players were, on average, the most godawful collection of whiners, griefers, internet tough guys and all-around troglodytes I've ever encountered. I got very into playing clan games, which was a little better but still not what I'd call enjoyable in terms of the player interaction.

I know LoL is what a lot of the hardcore DotAers thought would be DotA's successor, so I've been a little wary of trying it out in fear of running into the same sort of player.

chaunceymo Wrote:How is the online community for LoL? I played DotA obsessively for a couple years, but the other players were, on average, the most godawful collection of whiners, griefers, internet tough guys and all-around troglodytes I've ever encountered.

Sounds like solo queue to me wink

i have been lurking here for years. After i watched some lol vids on sulla's site i dicided to try it out for a while. I also played quite alot of dota and especially the last couple years where bad community wise. If u wanna give me a shout ingame im Endymion25

chaunceymo Wrote:How is the online community for LoL? I played DotA obsessively for a couple years, but the other players were, on average, the most godawful collection of whiners, griefers, internet tough guys and all-around troglodytes I've ever encountered.

IMHO it certainly isn't anywhere near as nice as RB Civ or even the larger SP civ sites, but it's probably better than Civ4 MP. That may be due to 1) a larger skill spread, and 2) less ability to quickly tell how well a teammate is playing. It certainly isn't nearly as offensive as MP console shooters.

Any suggestions on a Tristana build now that I have a free Tristana from Facebook. My assumption is all out attack: crit strikes, attack speed, attack power and armor pen, with some speed for weaving in and out of range?

Gold Ergo Sum Wrote:Any suggestions on a Tristana build now that I have a free Tristana from Facebook. My assumption is all out attack: crit strikes, attack speed, attack power and armor pen, with some speed for weaving in and out of range?

Exactly. I suggest starting with a Doran's Blade + pot since Tristana is squishy and not very strong in the beginning.

From my experience, items that work well with Tristana are:

-Berserker's Greaves or Merc threads if the enemy team has a lot of stuns, slows, etc.
-The Bloodthirster
-Last Whisper
-Infinity Edge
-Madred's Bloodrazor (if enemy team has lots of high HP heroes)
-Frozen Mallet (slowing effect)
-The Black Cleaver
-Phantom Dancer


Gustaran Wrote:-Berserker's Greaves

One for the experts: can I get an opinion on when (or indeed whether) one goes for Berserker's Greaves?

I was told off by Atlas for building this into my Ashe the other day. I still tend to go with them, simply because I find the extra attack speed very useful (particularly early in the game), and the extra 20 movement from Boots of Swiftness doesn't seem to go very far. This is, of course, on the proviso that I have Ghost as one of my cummoner skills (which I usually do) because she needs some kind of escape...

But I still read guides from better players than me that recommend against them. Anyone else want to call me a n00b? alright wink

Does someone has a link for a guide with explanation of the stacking mechanisms (is there even a limit on stacking for certain attributes? it seems that AP can be stacked infinitely, but is the same true for attack speed for example?)?

Serdoa Wrote:Does someone has a link for a guide with explanation of the stacking mechanisms (is there even a limit on stacking for certain attributes? it seems that AP can be stacked infinitely, but is the same true for attack speed for example?)?

I don't have a link, but I can tell you that there is a hard cap of 2.5 attacks/sec on attack speed.

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