November 13th, 2010, 08:26
Posts: 6,893
Threads: 42
Joined: Oct 2009
I was taking my weekly look at the save and noticed accidentally a serious anomaly in the latest save that Serdoa has downloaded to the pbemtracker (RBPBEM8-take2_BC-0880_to_Hannibal.CivBeyondSwordSave). This anomaly is not present in the save that WarriorKnight has sent to pbemtracker. I strongly suggest that Serdoa you replay your turn from save RBPBEM8-take2_BC-0880_to_Hatshepsut.CivBeyondSwordSave.
In the Serdoa's save WarriorKnight has somehow been turned on Anarchy and is converting to Representation (that should be impossible). When I get to WarriorKnight's turn he indeed is in Anarchy, but after end turn Representation has been replaced by Despotism.
If I load the save sent to Serdoa and just click end turn everything works as usual.
Does Anyone have an idea what has happened?