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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Gustaran Wrote:SInce the general consensus in the guides I've read seems to be that Twitch profits most from Boots of Mobility, when would you buy them in this sequence ?
I would probably buy the 2nd Doran's blade and level 1 boots together. Then finish the level 2 boots (mobility or berserker most likely) after the BF Sword.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

Hey, I'm a long time lurker to this thread and an a former diablo 1/2 player who used to hang out with some of the realms beyond diablo people (I went by Korror then). I recently rediscovered this community and I've been playing LoL for a few months now. I was wondering when you guys usually were on as you seem to have such fun together and I would love to play with you all.

My account name is Korror, feel free to message me when you see me on.

Speaker Wrote:3x Doran's Blade --> BF Sword --> Infinity Edge --> Melt Faces.

Is buying 3 dorans blades should I could try to do as tristana as well? I tried it in a game, but I'm not really sure it was worth it. Does buying them just give twitch a really nice amount of surviveability and damage in the early game where it's needed most, or what?

@Kore - US-based players play over a wide range of times, but are particularly active in the evenings EST.

Also, I wanted to share a few quick thoughts on the 5v5 victory I played in yesterday. Our team was:

*sunrise - Amumu
*Metallian (Noobstar) - Ashe
*YoungDiva - Gangplank
*WarlordDR - Ryze
*Astax - Garen

This team were all RaY civ veterans, and are all level 30s except for level 16 sunrise. We played versus:

*Miss Fortune
*Kog Maw

All of the enemies were level 30s.

IMHO our advantages were playing together on TS with mics and probably higher ELOs on our level 30s to compensate for our level 16. Their advantages were level 30 runes and masteries on 5 rather than 4 champs, and (again IMHO) a stronger champ lineup.

Anyways, we won pretty handily. At one point we were up 20 vs 12 kills, and later that rose to ~30 vs 18. They surrendered when we had taken out all of their inhibitors at around the....35 minute mark?

So my few thoughts:

1) The team I played with had great map awareness. In particular Ashe arrows and Gangplank Ults were all over the map. I'm sure Gangplank Ulted halfway across the map more often than he Ulted near his champ. That meant...

2) Fights were much more fluid, and big 5v5 teamfights happened less often. Deep into the game lots of fights were 2v1 or 3v2, and not necessarily surprise ganks. Rather both teams remained somewhat spread out, probably because if the enemy team had concentrated one area for too long some of our players could have supported from a distance and still pushed the undefended lane. Instead fights happened off a few-second advantage supported by long-range Ults. This was helped by...

3) Our team had great tactical burst play. As a mediocre Amumu it wasn't necessary for me to give a TS heads up each time I Ulted. Rather almost any bandage toss or Amumu Ult was followed up by a strong attack from my team, and few enemies escaped. This may have been what separated our 3v2 battles versus the enemy 3v2 battles (particularly the aforementioned long-range Ults). It was also interesting being told to stand by ground a take a death rather than escaping - the rest of the team was confident they could exploit an Amumu death with 1 or more enemy champ deaths, and they usually delivered.

4) In general, and like MP Civ4 with good players, the game just played faster. Everyone was good at killing creeps, and people rarely died defending their towers, so the towers stayed up, and people didn't spend as much time asking for help or coverage. As a jungler this was nice because I didn't miss out on experience running back the way I came, but rather could farm the jungle and then act opportunistically against the enemy.

5) Special mention to a great rescue. I was chased by Warwick over 1/4 of the map (and yes, I remembered to Cry on him) and without having the request assistance 2 teamates met me on the river and killed the enemy.

6) I was very pleased to outplay (or at least out-score) the enemy Amumu. i ended with 3/5/12 and he had 2/8/ both cases not 100% on the assist numbers. While I'm happy to credit almost all of my success on my skilled teammates, I'm still pleased to not have been a large drag. I also got quite lucky in at least one occasion when I spotted the enemy Amumu coming through our jungle to gank while I was trying to grab the northern jungle enemy. One thing that I either got in the zone with or simply got lucky with was bandage toss - I usually miss 50% of my tosses, and in this game I hit almost all of my tosses, leading to several assists.

Things to work on:

A) Remember when I have my Ult. I missed my second opportunistic assist chance when I bandaged the Kog Maw that had just been Ashe Ulted but forgot I had just hit level 6.

B) Remember when my Ult is up. At a team fight at the top enemy base tower I flashed forward and landed right in the middle of the enemies, only to have 40 seconds of Ult cooldown remaining wink

C) Have a contingency plan if the whole enemy team tries to gank the Blue Buff at the start of the game. None of us died, which was great, but I know I was slowed down quite a bit, and I'm not sure if there was something I could have done better.

Tyrmith Wrote:Is buying 3 dorans blades should I could try to do as tristana as well? I tried it in a game, but I'm not really sure it was worth it. Does buying them just give twitch a really nice amount of surviveability and damage in the early game where it's needed most, or what?
Twitch is super squishy (as is Tristana), and has no real escapability, aside from hitting his Q and hoping he goes invisible before he dies. Tristana, on the other hand, has both her Rocket Jump and ult as escape methods.

With that said...I can't decide if I like the 3 or 4x Doran's Blade on Tristana and Miss Fortune. It definitely slows down your BF Sword big time, but it also gives you a lot more survivability. I would just say to try it both ways and decide which you prefer.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

sunrise089 Wrote:and yes, I remembered to Cry on him

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

ok I'll bite, if you guys are playing it the game has to be decent.

I'm ub3rfish (yeah yeah, so I have a number in my name) on the NA server, added everyone on the first post. Been playing mainly Ashe who seems to be one of those easy to learn/hard to master characters + trying characters from the rotation list.

Sorry about the disconnect last night - my ISP's main server apparently crashed and I couldn't get back on.

I am happy to report that 3x Doran's Blade works indeed great on Twitch! thumbsup
I always felt that the early-mid game was a little weak since I was saving all my gold for boots and BF Sword, but 3 Blades cover that nicely.

That being said, has anyone experience with early game mana problems on Twitch ? I know I should only use my skills to kill people, but after one ambush->slow->expunge I am oom and have to go back to base, even if I killed an opponent huh (otherwise I keep missing killls because of lack of mana).
Would it be prudent to use blue manareg runes ?


In the games I have played I have often seen people write "ss". Could someone please enlighten me as to what it means? I assume it has something to do with an enemy leaving the lane or attempting to gank.

Im also unsure what "carry" means. Roles like tank or DPS are quite universal in computer games, but I have never come across carry before.

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