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[Spoilers] Biggus Decius and the Sucking Vampires (Bobchillingworth / Calabim)

Oh, and just for fun, I'm taking suggestions for Vampire names! I'm not a huge fan of vampire fictions, but I've already got a short list:

Dracula (duh)
Edward (ugh)
Deafula (yes there is actually a movie of this title)
Count Chocula
The Count

So, who am I missing? Lots, I'm sure. To be clear, I'm looking for vamps who are already from some form of media.

I intend to build vampires more-or-less constantly until I either win the game or an eliminated, so hopefully I can get a large number of names in!

Lestat de Lioncourt, or just Lestat.

You should look up vampire names from Anne Rice novels, there are tons.

Lestat is always my first vampire.

Why, you forgot Thorina, Queen of the Vampires from Santo vs. Las Mujeres Vampiro!
Played in: PBEM 4 [Formerly Jowy's Peter of Egypt] | PBEM 10 [Napoleon of the Dutch] | PBEM 11 [Shaka of France] | EitB XVI [Valledia of the Amurites] | PB7 [Darius of Rome] | Diplomacy 3 [Austria-Hungary] | PBEMm/o vs AutomatedTeller

From Fevre Dream: Joshua York and Damon Julian

From Dark Shadows: Baranabas Collins

Are you intentionally avoiding Twilight? I think there are a lot of names in that one.

My son liked the Cirque du Freak books: Darren Shan, Larten Crepsley, Vancha March, Seba Nile, Kurda Smahlt, Gavner Purl, Paris Sykle

Tatan Wrote:Why, you forgot Thorina, Queen of the Vampires from Santo vs. Las Mujeres Vampiro!

Does "The Leech Woman" count?

From World of Darkness:

Veddartha, progenitor, Clan Ventrue
Arikel, progenitor, Clan Toreador
Malkav, progenitor, Clan Malkavian
Ennoia, progenitor, Clan Gangrel
Tremere, progenitor, Clan Tremere
Troile, progenitor, Clan Brujah
Baba Yaga, progenitor, Clan Nosferatu
Mekhet, progenitor, Clan Tzimisce
Laza Omri Bara, progenitor, Clan Lasombra

Twilight fans should be <censored>...

True Blood has several if you start to run out.


Also Buffy the Vampire Slayer

name one Losha and wonder for the rest of the game if PB got scared when he saw the name lol
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Since your bloodpets are named after food, name the vampires KFC, McDonalds etc

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