As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Key Binder

Here we go again.
A few testers would be nice...

Vanilla MoM v1.31 to v1.31b

Change Log from v1.31a to 1.31b:


* Encounters eligible for two picks' worth of special treasure no longer sometimes only yield one.
* Magical items found in treasure now use their intended value range.
* Randomly generated magical items now always have the intended amount powers.
* Encounters no longer sometimes award higher rarity spells than intended if they roll this treasure type more than once.
* Spell treasure is no longer automatically discarded if a lower rarity than what was initially rolled would still fit the remaining budget instead.
* Barbarian spearmen and swordsmen may now appear as raiders.
* The map generator can now use every available tundra tile graphic.
* Corrected a corrupt myrran tundra tile image.
* Neutral starting cities now have one more population on the Low and Normal Neutral Population customizer settings, so Normal lines up with the 1.31 values as originally intended.
* Capitals are no longer sometimes closer to each other than necessary when the No Double Towers patch feature is enabled.
* The map generator now defaults to no Continent Size Limit, as in 1.31.
* The map generator now defaults to Inland Lakes enabled, as in 1.31.
* If the Custom Worlds patch feature is off, the map generator now defaults to "legacy mode", creating the worlds in the exact same way as 1.31 (minus any bugs). That means no changes in mandatory object placement. This mode can also be triggered by the following combination of settings (any others may be adjusted freely): the Custom Worlds, Old Node Generator, and Old Tower Generator features must be enabled and, on both planes if applicable, Land Tiles have to be at least 360, Continent Size Limit and Single Continent must be off, Terrain Height must be Low or Normal, and all of Tundra Reach, Max Swamps, and Max Deserts must be 8 or lower.
* The Intro difficulty now correctly prevents Random Events from happening without affecting the global game settings.


* Finding the Famous retort in treasure now correctly awards its +10 Fame.
* Finding the Artificer retort in treasure now awards the corresponding item crafting spells if not known already.
* Divine Power and Infernal Power are now correctly prevented from being awarded to wizards possessing opposite spellbooks.


* Units created at the start of the game no longer occasionally have extra experience.
* The Chaos Warrior may now gain Super Arcane Power as one of his random abilities, instead of simply losing a pick whenever he rolls it.
* Heroes who don't have a ranged magical attack will never get Arcane Power as a random ability, and all Heroes that do are now eligible for it.


* Overland spells may now be cast (or channeled Mana into) on the first game turn.
* Item crafting spells now use the correct costs when considering counters and Spell Blast.
* Spell Charges are now correctly removed when deselected during item creation.
* Finding spells in another wizard's fortress no longer corrupts memory.
* Overland spells no longer sometimes fail to clear the equipment slots of slain heroes properly, resulting in multiple references to the same item.


* Computer players no longer ignore any secondary realm that their rival Nature wizards may also be proficient in when making decisions.
* Computer players starting with 11 spellbooks in Life or Sorcery no longer begin the game with one of their spells missing.
* Computer players now always receive their intended guaranteed spells on the higher difficulties.
* Oberic may now combine his spellbooks into a single realm on higher difficulty settings, just like all other wizards.
* Computer players no longer occasionally start the game with more than 6 retorts.
* Computer players are no longer prevented from crafting magical items.
* Computer players will no longer equip staves and wands into the armor slots of their heroes.
* Computer players are no longer prevented from disbanding obsolete units for several turns when a game is loaded from the main menu.
* Computer players no longer mistarget or abort their casting of Ice Storm and Fire Storm when it completes.
* Units destroyed during the computer players' turns no longer have adverse effects on their decision-making.


* Wizard customization may now be reset from past the spell selection screen even if there were no spells to select.
* Selecting less than 6 Retorts with long enough names during Wizard creation no longer causes them to not be displayed in the profile overview on the left.
* Trying to select the Myrran Retort with not enough picks remaining now displays the correct error message.
* The error prompts on the wizard customization screen are now consistent in their display, and no longer sometimes cause graphic glitches when clicked away.
* The Custom wizard button is now framed correctly.
* Cities can now be renamed from the City Screen.
* Cities can now be cycled through from the City Screen.
* Having exactly 12, 18, or 24 active enchantments on a city no longer prevents upward scrolling from wrapping to the last page of them.
* The food, gold, and mana income displays of the main overland view now always show accurate values.
* The quick save function no longer uses the same slot as the auto save.
* The game no longer sometimes fails to re-select a stack from which a unit used the Meld or Build (outpost) commands.
* Units selected on the plane not currently in view may no longer be moved with the keyboard.
* Units with no moves remaining can no longer be given movement orders using the opposite plane.
* Having certain combinations of units selected no longer prevents the Plane button from being used during overland spell targeting.
* Receiving a pick reward no longer prevents the last list separator from being added to the treasure text.
* Trying to issue a build order to engineers while viewing the opposite plane now automatically centers on them instead.
* Non-selected engineers no longer count into the build time prediction when planning a road, unless they are already building on the origin tile.
* The Surveyor, Cartographer, Apprentice, Historian, and Astrologer advisors, as well as the Mirror, the combat-, and the overland spellbooks may now also be closed with the same key bindings that are used to open them.
* The item creation screen now features context-based help.
* Deleting the item name during creation now always assigns a new default.
* Pressing both mouse buttons at the same time will no longer trigger inappropriate interface elements.
* The mouse pointer no longer snaps to interface elements triggered through a key binding. This behaviour is now optional instead.
* The directional keys no longer snap the mouse pointer to interface elements in the indicated direction. This behaviour is now optional instead.
* Pressing a key that can't be interpreted by the game will no longer snap the mouse pointer to inappropriate interface elements.
* Ctrl + key press combinations are no longer misinterpreted as other input.
* Interface elements with an assigned key binding are no longer ignored by the (now legacy) mouse pointer movement functionality.
* Pressing or holding a mouse button when an error is about to be shown no longer crashes the game on some screens.
* Exiting a scroll-able list selection dialog no longer crashes the game.
* Right-clicking during a confirmation dialog no longer triggers context-based help on the screen underneath the dialog (corrupting memory or causing a crash when it is closed).
* Ability help trigger areas no longer overlap in the hiring dialogs.
* The Settings screen is now multi-page, and highlights the option being moused over.
  * Added setting: "Allow Duplicate Keys" - binding a key that is already in use on the same screen does not remove the previous binding.
  * Added setting: "Legacy Pointer Movement" - restores mouse pointer movement to key-activated interface elements, and directional snapping to adjacent controls using the legacy bindings.
  * Added setting: "Screen Edge Scrolling" - moving the mouse to an edge of the screen scrolls the main overland map in that direction.
  * Added setting: "Edge Scroll Delay" - adds a short delay between moving the mouse to a screen edge and the start of scrolling.
  * Added setting: "More Random Items" - half of all items are created from scratch instead of using defaults, and items created this way have access to the full range of item powers, not just attribute increases.

* Added a key binding interface. It can be reached from the Settings screen.
  * All of the original non-debug hotkeys have been re-implemented as dynamic bindings, with the exceptions of the 'A' key used to accept hero offers, which has been merged into the generic Ok/Yes/Accept bindings instead; and the 'N' key used to switch planes in the Cartographer, which now uses the overland view's switch plane (Plane button) binding.
  * Added key binding: "Quick Load" (overland) - loads from the quick save slot (SAVE10.GAM).
  * Added key binding: "Quit Without Saving" (overland) - exits without preforming an auto / continue save.
  * Added key binding: "Default Item Editor" (overland) - invokes an in-game default item editor (replaces ITEMMAKE.EXE).
  * Added key bindings: "Find Next / Previous Army" (overland) - cycles the view through the player's non-garrison armies (no selection is made).
  * Added key bindings: "Save / Recall Location" (overland) - stores and recalls up to 8 map locations that are also saved with the game.
  * Added key bindings: "Next / Previous City" (overland) - cycles the view through the player's cities (without entering them).
  * Added key bindings: "Scroll Map Up / Down / Left / Right" (overland) - scrolls the overland map in the indicated direction.
  * Added key bindings: "Next / Previous Control" (interface) - cycles through the visible interface elements in a non-directional fashion (by index).


* Playing event music or changing the background track no longer sometimes causes persistent glitches in the synthesizer.
* The Good Event and Building Complete music tracks no longer loop indefinitely.
* The negative food upkeep dialog is no longer missing its event music.

Patch Features:

  * Added Patch Feature: "Life And Death" - Life and Death spellbooks are not mutually exclusive.
  * Added Patch Feature: "2-Pick Myrran" - the Myrran retort costs only 2 picks.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Non-11 Book Matching" - if you don't start with 11 books in the same realm, neither will the computer players.
  * Added Patch Feature: "More 11-Book AIs" - increases the odds of the computer players starting with 11 books in the same realm.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Strict Retort Reqs" - Computer players must obey the spellbook requirements for selecting retorts. So does treasure, however.
  * Added Patch Feature: "No Snow Swimming" - Swimming units don't move cheaper across tundra tiles than ground units.
  * Added Patch Feature: "No Deep Tundra" - All-surround tundra tiles have the same movement costs as all other tundra tiles.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Mountains Of Grass" - Mountaineers don't suffer a movement penalty when crossing grasslands.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Lesser Hero Powerup" - Some less useful heroes gain additional random abilities, the Healer and Golden One can equip staves.
  * Added Patch Feature: "v1.51 Default Relations" - Starting relations are set using the 1.50/1.51 formula.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Revolting Raiders" - Raiders appear more often and in greater numbers.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Monsters Gone Wild" - Rampaging monsters appear earlier, more often, and in greater numbers.
  * Added Patch Feature: "No Item Theming" - Removes the spellbook requirements from magical item rewards.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Cheaper Misc Stats" - Attribute boost powers don't cost twice as much on miscellaneous items than on weapons and armor.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Five Power Items" - Increases the number of powers that can be imbued into items to 5.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Charge Any Weapon" - Allows Spell Charges to be imbued into any type of weapon, not just staves and wands.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Better Failed Rewards" - Failed specials award the discarded budget's worth of treasure, failed spells and prisoners are replaced with mana and gold respectively. Finding nothing is not possible.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Adamant Alchemy" - the alchemy retort costs 2 picks, but also allows using mithril and adamantium ores.


* Fixed several graphics engine bugs that had no effect on the vanilla game, but may impact modded ones.
* Slightly reduced the game's conventional memory footprint.
* ITEMMAKE.EXE is no longer supported. A feature-complete in-game editor is provided instead. However, the game will now also auto-correct all of the known bugs created by ITEMMAKE on load, so it can still be used if desired, it just won't get any updates.

Community Patch v1.52.03 to v1.60

Change Log from v1.52.03a to 1.60:


* Encounters eligible for two picks' worth of special treasure no longer sometimes only yield one.
* Randomly generated magical items now always have the intended amount powers.
* Neutral starting cities gained one more population on the Low and Normal Neutral Population customizer settings, so Normal lines up with the 1.31 values as originally intended.
* Capitals are no longer sometimes closer to each other than necessary when the No Double Towers patch feature is enabled.
* Restored the 1.31 mechanics for generating Raiders and Rampaging Monsters, with the exception of an upward shift of Impossible in Difficulty-based formulae (it being replaced by Extreme). All other changes introduced in the unofficial patches have been rolled into Revolting Raiders and Monsters Gone Wild. However, do note that these are now patch features, and must be set when creating the game. They can no longer be toggled in ongoing campaigns.
* It is now possible to force the map generator into "legacy mode", where mandatory objects (nodes, towers, lairs, and starting cities) are placed using the 1.31 order, observing the original mechanics. Triggering this mode has the following requirements: the Custom Worlds, Old Node Generator, and Old Tower generator features must be enabled and, on both planes if applicable, Land Tiles have to be at least 360, Continent Size Limit must be zero, Single Continent needs to be off, Terrain Height must be Low or Normal, and all of Tundra Reach, Max Swamps, and Max Deserts have to be 8 or lower. Any other features and settings may be freely adjusted.
* Starting or loading an Easy difficulty game no longer prevents Random Events from occurring, possibly turning off the related setting globally as well.


* Finding the Famous retort in treasure now correctly awards its +10 Fame.
* Finding the Artificer retort in treasure now awards the corresponding item crafting spells if not known already.
* Divine Power and Infernal Power are now correctly prevented from being awarded to wizards possessing opposite spellbooks.


* Retorts that decrease the casting cost of crafting spells no longer make those spells easier to counter.


* Computer players no longer occasionally start the game with more than 6 retorts.
* Computer players are no longer prevented from disbanding obsolete units for several turns when a game is loaded from the main menu.


* The error prompts on the wizard customization screen are now consistent in their display, and no longer sometimes cause graphic glitches when clicked away.
* The Custom wizard button is now framed correctly.
* Cities can now be renamed from the City Screen.
* Cities can now be cycled through from the City Screen.
* Having exactly 12, 18, or 24 active enchantments on a city no longer prevents upward scrolling from wrapping to the last page of them.
* The food, gold, and mana income displays of the main overland view now always show accurate values.
* Having no units selected in the main overland view no longer causes a drop in frame rate and responsiveness in the later stages of the game.
* The quick save function no longer uses the same slot as the auto save.
* The game no longer sometimes fails to re-select a stack from which a unit used the Meld or Build (outpost) commands.
* Units with no moves remaining can no longer be given movement orders using the opposite plane.
* Clicking the Plane button during spell targeting no longer deselects the active stack, if any.
* Receiving a pick reward no longer prevents the last list separator from being added to the treasure text.
* Trying to issue a build order to engineers while viewing the opposite plane now automatically centers on them instead.
* Non-selected engineers no longer count into the build time prediction when planning a road, unless they are already building on the origin tile.
* The Surveyor, Cartographer, Apprentice, Historian, and Astrologer advisors, as well as the Mirror, the combat-, and the overland spellbooks may now also be closed with the same key bindings that are used to open them.
* The item creation screen now features context-based help.
* Deleting the item name during creation now always assigns a new default.
* Pressing both mouse buttons at the same time will no longer trigger inappropriate interface elements.
* The mouse pointer no longer snaps to interface elements triggered through a key binding. This behaviour is now optional instead.
* The directional keys no longer snap the mouse pointer to interface elements in the indicated direction. This behaviour is now optional instead.
* Pressing a key that can't be interpreted by the game will no longer snap the mouse pointer to inappropriate interface elements.
* Ctrl + key press combinations are no longer misinterpreted as other input.
* Interface elements with an assigned key binding are no longer ignored by the (now legacy) mouse pointer movement functionality.
* Right-clicking during a confirmation dialog no longer triggers context-based help on the screen behind it (causing a crash when the dialog is then closed on certain screens).
* Ability help trigger areas no longer overlap in the hiring dialogs.
* The Settings screen is now multi-page, and highlights the option being moused over.
  * Restored the "End of Turn Wait" setting (removed in v1.40).
  * Restored the "Auto Unit Information" setting (removed in v1.40).
  * Restored the "Show Node Owners" setting (removed in v1.50).
  * Reverted "Automatic Combat" to the original "Strategic Combat Only".
  * The "Backup Saves" setting now has the appropriate help text.
  * "Revolting Raiders" is now a Patch Feature instead of a game setting.
  * "Monsters Gone Wild" is now a Patch Feature instead of a game setting.
  * Added setting: "Allow Duplicate Keys" - binding a key that is already in use on the same screen does not remove the previous binding.
  * Added setting: "Legacy Pointer Movement" - restores mouse pointer movement to key-activated interface elements, and directional snapping to adjacent controls using the legacy bindings.
  * Added setting: "Screen Edge Scrolling" - moving the mouse to an edge of the screen scrolls the main overland map in that direction.
  * Added setting: "Edge Scroll Delay" - adds a short delay between moving the mouse to a screen edge and the start of scrolling.
  * Added setting: "More Random Items" - half of all items are created from scratch instead of using defaults, and items created this way have access to the full range of item powers, not just attribute increases.

* Added a key binding interface. It can be reached from the Settings screen.
  * All of the original non-debug hotkeys have been re-implemented as dynamic bindings, with the exceptions of the 'A' key used to accept hero offers, which has been merged into the generic Ok/Yes/Accept bindings instead; and the 'N' key used to switch planes in the Cartographer, which now uses the overland view's switch plane (Plane button) binding.
  * Added key binding: "Quick Load" (overland) - loads from the quick save slot (SAVE10.GAM).
  * Added key binding: "Quit Without Saving" (overland) - exits without preforming an auto / continue save.
  * Added key binding: "Default Item Editor" (overland) - invokes an in-game default item editor (replaces ITEMMAKE.EXE).
  * Added key bindings: "Find Next / Previous Army" (overland) - cycles the view through the player's non-garrison armies (no selection is made).
  * Added key bindings: "Save / Recall Location" (overland) - stores and recalls up to 8 map locations that are also saved with the game.
  * Added key bindings: "Next / Previous City" (overland) - cycles the view through the player's cities (without entering them).
  * Added key bindings: "Scroll Map Up / Down / Left / Right" (overland) - scrolls the overland map in the indicated direction.
  * Added key bindings: "Next / Previous Control" (interface) - cycles through the visible interface elements in a non-directional fashion (by index).


* Playing event music or changing the background track no longer sometimes causes persistent glitches in the synthesizer.
* The Good Event and Building Complete music tracks no longer loop indefinitely.
* The negative food upkeep dialog is no longer missing its event music.

Patch Features:

  * Added Patch Feature: "Life And Death" - Life and Death spellbooks are not mutually exclusive.
  * Added Patch Feature: "2-Pick Myrran" - the Myrran retort costs only 2 picks.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Non-11 Book Matching" - if you don't start with 11 books in the same realm, neither will the computer players.
  * Added Patch Feature: "More 11-Book AIs" - increases the odds of the computer players starting with 11 books in the same realm.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Strict Retort Reqs" - Computer players must obey the spellbook requirements for selecting retorts. So does treasure, however.
  * Added Patch Feature: "No Snow Swimming" - Swimming units don't move cheaper across tundra tiles than ground units.
  * Added Patch Feature: "No Deep Tundra" - All-surround tundra tiles have the same movement costs as all other tundra tiles.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Mountains Of Grass" - Mountaineers don't suffer a movement penalty when crossing grasslands.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Lesser Hero Powerup" - Less useful heroes gain additional random abilities, the Healer and Golden One can equip staves.
  * Added Patch Feature: "v1.51 Default Relations" - Starting relations are set using the 1.50/1.51 formula.
* Added Patch Feature: "Item Theming" - Restores the spellbook requirements of magical item rewards (removed in v1.40).
  * Added Patch Feature: "Cheaper Misc Stats" - Attribute boost powers don't cost twice as much on miscellaneous items than on weapons and armor.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Five Power Items" - Increases the number of powers that can be imbued into items to 5.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Charge Any Weapon" - Allows Spell Charges to be imbued into any type of weapon, not just staves and wands.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Better Failed Rewards" - Failed specials award the discarded budget's worth of treasure, failed spells and prisoners are replaced with mana and gold respectively. Finding nothing is not possible.
  * Added Patch Feature: "Adamant Alchemy" - the alchemy retort costs 2 picks, but also allows using mithril and adamantium ores.


* Fixed several graphics engine bugs that had no effect on the vanilla game, but may impact modded ones.
* Slightly reduced the game's conventional memory footprint. It should now be possible to run native with sound on most Windows XP desktop computers, as well as notebooks that allow writing to base memory segment $E000 (i.e. no onboard device ROM is mapped there, or they can be disabled).
* ITEMMAKE.EXE is no longer supported. A feature-complete in-game editor is provided instead. At the same time, the game will now auto-correct all the known bugs created by ITEMMAKE on load, so it can still be used if desired, it just won't get any updates.
* The IW009, IW010, IW011, IW012, IW014, IW015, IW016, IW018, IW019, IW020, IW021, IW022, IW023, IW024, IW025, IW026, IW027, IW028, IW029, IW031, IW032, IW033, IW034, IW035, IW036, IW037, IW038, IW039, IW041, IW046, IW071, IW072, IW097, IW113, IW165, IW166, IW168, IW169, IW170, IW171, IW172, IW173, IM175, IM176, IM179, IM181, IM183, IM184, IM185, IM186, IM187, IM188, IM189, IM190, IM191, IM192, IM193, IM194, IM200, M003, M004, M005, M006, M009, M010, M012, M013, M014, M015, M016, M017, M018, M019, M020, M021, M022, M023, M024, M025, M026, M027, M031, W044, W053, W054, W134, W135, W178, W270, W325, W352, W364, M442, M475, M480, M484, W520, M521, M537, M547, M594, M659, W735, W748, W753, W756, M757, W761, M763, M768, W776, M777, M778, M779, M788, M790, M791, M800, W795, W798, HOTKEY.TXT, and TREASURE.TXT patches are now obsolete and can no longer be applied or removed. In addition, IM178, IM180, W304, M473, W473, W508, W565 and W733 are not possible to reverse anymore without editing them.

Caster of Magic for DOS 6.08 to 6.08b


- Fixed bug: neutral cities ignore maximum population imposed by terrain.
- Rivers no longer sometimes end abruptly with no outflow tiles.
- Fixed bug: tundra adjacent to rivers have incorrect transitions if the river's tile was originally tundra.
- Fixed bug: Runemaster without Artificer reduces item crafting costs by a hidden 25%.
- Fixed bug: clicking errors away during wizard creation can cause graphic glitches.
- Fixed bug: the custom wizard button is missing its frame.
- Cities can now be renamed from the city screen.
- Fixed bug: having 12, 18, or 24 city enchantments prevents upward wrapping in their panel.
- Exiting the city screen now always centers the map on the last viewed city.
- Fixed bug: the stack is sometimes not re-selected after melding or building an outpost.
- Fixed bug: finished units can be given movement orders on the opposite plane.
- Fixed bug: the plane button deselects during spell targeting.
- Fixed bug: the last list separator is missing from the dialog if there's pick treasure.
- The build button for engineers now centers on them if they are on the opposite plane.
- Fixed bug: non-selected engineers count into the build time prediction (they still will if they are already building on the same tile).
- The item creation screen now features context-based help.
- Deleting the item name during creation now assigns a new default.
- Fixed bug: default items that have exactly the requested mana value are not eligible for rewards and AI crafting.
- AI players now consider Artificer and Aether Flux when determining the maximum value of the items they can craft.
- Failed treasure that is meant to be replaced by an item now always will be even if there are already 3 others.
- Fixed bug: clicking both mouse buttons at the same time triggers unrelated buttons or labels.
- Fixed bug: keys that can't be interpreted by the game move the mouse pointer to some random control.
- Fixed bug: Ctrl+key combinations are misinterpreted as other input.
- Fixed bug: control cycling ignores buttons and labels that have hotkey assignments.
- Fixed bug: help is not cleared during confirmation dialogs (triggering such help crashes the game e.g. on the magic screen).
- Fixed bug: ability help trigger areas overlap on the hiring screens.
- The Settings screen is now multi-page, and highlights the option being moused over.
- Restored the "End of Turn Wait" setting.
- Restored the "Show Node Owners" setting.
- Restored the "Expanding Help" setting.
- Removed the "Sluggish UI" setting.
- Fixed bug: hotkeys don't trigger the button press animations.
- New setting: "Allow Duplicate Keys" (toggles automatic duplicate key removal).
- New setting: "Legacy Pointer Movement" (toggles mouse cursor movement on hotkey presses and legacy directional control key presses).
- New setting: "Screen Edge Scrolling" (toggles screen edge scrolling).
- New setting: "Edge Scroll Delay" (adds a fixed delay to screen edge scrolling).
- New setting: "V1.40 Unit Escapes" (controls whether escape triggers wait overland / done in battle).
- The quick save function (F10 by default) no longer uses the same slot as the auto save.
- Added a key binding interface. It can be reached from the Settings screen.
- New key binding: "Quick Load" (overland) - loads from the new quick save slot (SAVE10.GAM).
- New key binding: "Quit Without Saving" (overland) - exits without preforming an auto / continue save.
- New key binding: "Default Item Editor" (overland) - invokes an in-game default item editor (replaces ITEMMAKE.EXE).
- New key bindings: "Find Next / Previous Army" (overland) - cycles the view through the player's non-garrison armies (no selection is made).
- New key bindings: "Save / Recall Location" (overland) - stores and recalls up to 8 map locations that are also saved with the game.
- New key bindings: "Next / Previous City" (overland) - cycles the view through the player's cities (without entering them).
- New key bindings: "Scroll Map Up / Down / Left / Right" (overland) - scrolls the overland map in the indicated direction.
- New key bindings: "Next / Previous Control" (interface) - cycles through the visible interface elements in a non-directional fashion (by index).
- Pressing the surveyor, cartographer, astrologer, historian, mirror or spellbook hotkeys a second time now closes these screens.
- Fixed bug: event music and background track switches load into the still playing music buffer.
- Fixed bug: the Good Event and Building Complete music tracks loop indefinitely.
- Added the missing event music for the negative food upkeep dialog.
- Fixed some graphics engine bugs that had no confirmed impact, but could have caused problems later.
- Slightly reduced the game's conventional memory footprint.

Original blog post:

Patch 1.60?! Good sir, you gave a second life to this game!

Wow, this is amazing. Dizzyingly fast from my perspective (I've gone from my old 1.31 to 1.5203 to1.5203a to 1.60 in about 10 days or something) but wonderful nonetheless.

I'm very, very happy that these latest patches really respect the original (while allowing others to customize to their tastes).

I've just installed this (works perfect under real DOS on a real 1997 PC) and after spending quite a while looking over all the new options (especially the incredible keyboard editor - I decided to use my own ideas: F8 for cities, V Grand Vizier, N/P in city screens to switch cities, T for patrol (that was something I've wanted since 2003 LOL), Y for Purify, L for Meld) I started a new one. Looks good, works well so far.

Oh one thing does seem to have changed that I don't know how to modify back: The keypad unit moves work but only after turning off NumLock. Didn't have to do that in 1.5203a.

Update: I figured out that if I changed the 1-9 to move keys it works as it used to. The new save loc keys are nice though (like in Widelands) so I used ALT Number instead.

Found a related bug though. East and West are REVERSED. : ) When I set 4 to go West the unit goes east... Same for all the rest other than N and S. I suppose this might just be a labelling error.

Played some more with the keys and now I use 5 for centre freeing up C to at last be Cities!!! Many games use 5 as centre so I take no credit, just a copycat. : ) +/- for running through units (brilliant feature BTW) is handy since they're also on the keypad.

Update II
I may have found a problem with raiders. Halfling city sent 3 raiders (that I could see) in packets of 1 each every turn (3 turns in a row). Save files uploaded.

Update III
I am sure there is a problem with the raiders. I just reloaded a 1.52 Easy game into 1.60 and suddenly the neutrals started spitting out huge streams of raiders. Pairs of spearmen one square apart (presumably consecutive turns) and then a gap and more. The save9b.gam file shows it. I have been forced to revert to 1.52.03a.
If it helps I have not turned on revolting raiders patch (I'd never use that) or any other patch. All are off. The settings are all turned on (including the reintroduced End of Turn Summary/Wait) except for Strat. Comb as usual is off. Oh the new interface settings are all off (even mouse scrolling).

Attached Files
.gam   SAVE9.GAM (Size: 151.94 KB / Downloads: 0)
.gam   SAVE2.GAM (Size: 151.94 KB / Downloads: 0)
.gam   SAVE9B.GAM (Size: 151.94 KB / Downloads: 1)
"I think most people posting on a MOO/MOM forum in 2020 BC probably count as Time Travelers." : )

Thank you for your feedback, it's much appreciated! Yep, there is indeed a problem with those raiders. I mistyped the address of the difficulty global variable for incrementing the accumulator. It's present in both v1.31b and v1.60. If you want to keep playing this version (which is essentially testing, by the way, as you could probably guess by the amount of replies in this thread and the wiki blog post), you have three options:

1. Wait until I update. Unfortunately, I'm currently away from this project, so this will take a while, especially because I would not want to compile a version each for a single byte change - if I'm doing that, I'll correct all the problems I know about (like the mislabeled directions =P ).

2. If you have a hex editor and know how to use it, open the v1.60 (or v1.31b) WIZARDS.EXE and change the byte $F3532 from $DB to $BD.

3. Create a raidrfix.txt file with the contents of the box below, copy it into the game directory, navigate there using the DOS command prompt, and then type "fileset wizards.exe raidrfix.txt" (without the quotes) and press enter (this is assuming you're doing it on the real DOS machine - with DOSBox it's a little more complicated as you need to get a command prompt first).
Quote:; fix the wrong raider accumulator increase issue in the key binder patch
; apply to WIZARDS.EXE with FILESET

Bear in mind that if you go with options #2 or #3, you'll eventually need to revert when I do update, as the modified file will not be recognized by the patcher.

PS: the original code treated the directions and the numbers as the same input, that's why the numpad worked regardless of the NumLock state.

(June 11th, 2022, 21:56)drake178 Wrote: Thank you for your feedback, it's much appreciated! Yep, there is indeed a problem with those raiders. I mistyped the address of the difficulty global variable for incrementing the accumulator. It's present in both v1.31b and v1.60. If you want to keep playing this version (which is essentially testing, by the way, as you could probably guess by the amount of replies in this thread and the wiki blog post), you have three options:

1. Wait until I update. Unfortunately, I'm currently away from this project, so this will take a while, especially because I would not want to compile a version each for a single byte change - if I'm doing that, I'll correct all the problems I know about (like the mislabeled directions =P ).

2. If you have a hex editor and know how to use it, open the v1.60 (or v1.31b) WIZARDS.EXE and change the byte $F3532 from $DB to $BD.

3. Create a raidrfix.txt file with the contents of the box below, copy it into the game directory, navigate there using the DOS command prompt, and then type "fileset wizards.exe raidrfix.txt" (without the quotes) and press enter (this is assuming you're doing it on the real DOS machine - with DOSBox it's a little more complicated as you need to get a command prompt first).
Quote:; fix the wrong raider accumulator increase issue in the key binder patch
; apply to WIZARDS.EXE with FILESET

Bear in mind that if you go with options #2 or #3, you'll eventually need to revert when I do update, as the modified file will not be recognized by the patcher.

PS: the original code treated the directions and the numbers as the same input, that's why the numpad worked regardless of the NumLock state.

I've hex edited it (had to go to the big guns: Norton Utils Disk Editor because the one I was using (Volkov/Norton Commander) refused such a large file. : ) so that I can keep beta testing 1.60 and help out some more. Not to mention I like the new editable keys a lot.

I've never heard of fileset before. Couldn't find anything on the net about it either.
"I think most people posting on a MOO/MOM forum in 2020 BC probably count as Time Travelers." : )

(June 12th, 2022, 14:08)mxb2001 Wrote: I've never heard of fileset before. Couldn't find anything on the net about it either.

Oh, snap, I should have thought about that. FILESET.EXE and its companion REVERSE.EXE are tools created by Seravy to apply and remove individual / optional patches parsed in from text files. They were originally distributed with 1.50/1.51/CoM back when they were downloadable from here, and are included in all Slitherine versions of MoM. However, if you're not using one of those, then you likely won't have them... I'd recommend getting at least fileset, as it makes hotfixing multi-byte mistakes a lot easier, although personally, I do love Norton's de. Maybe I should check whether it runs in DOSBox =P

(June 12th, 2022, 18:58)drake178 Wrote:
(June 12th, 2022, 14:08)mxb2001 Wrote: I've never heard of fileset before. Couldn't find anything on the net about it either.

Oh, snap, I should have thought about that. FILESET.EXE and its companion REVERSE.EXE are tools created by Seravy to apply and remove individual / optional patches parsed in from text files. They were originally distributed with 1.50/1.51/CoM back when they were downloadable from here, and are included in all Slitherine versions of MoM. However, if you're not using one of those, then you likely won't have them... I'd recommend getting at least fileset, as it makes hotfixing multi-byte mistakes a lot easier, although personally, I do love Norton's de. Maybe I should check whether it runs in DOSBox =P

Hehehe, maybe I'll try it and see if I can edit the FAT table on my ext4 Linux SSD... 8 - O

Oh thanks for those exe's. They do seem handy, especially to use any potential txt patch files I might grab. I keep seeing references to them.
"I think most people posting on a MOO/MOM forum in 2020 BC probably count as Time Travelers." : )

Installed and testing the new patch.  Some questions/feedback:

(June 11th, 2022, 21:56)drake178 Wrote: Thank you for your feedback, it's much appreciated! Yep, there is indeed a problem with those raiders.

Noticed that issue too and changed offset F3532 with HxD as per your instructions. Let's see if it helps.

Patch 1.60 changelog:
Added Patch Feature: "No Item Theming" - Removes the spellbook requirements from magical item rewards
The changelog calls the feature "No Item Theming", but the in-game option is called "Item Themeing". Does checking the box turn theming on or off? (Sorry if that's a stupid question) 

Restored the 1.31 mechanics for generating Raiders and Rampaging Monsters. All other changes introduced in the unofficial patches have been rolled into Revolting Raiders and Monsters Gone Wild. 
Does that mean the raider/monster mechanics in 1.60 are different to 1.52.3 Community Patch (GoG version)? 

Also have some questions for 1.52.3a. I hope that's not too off-topic for this thread.
Patch 1.52.3a changelog
Towers of Wizardry now connect to land on both-, but at least one end whenever  possible, without spawning closer to each other than absolutely necessary
Magical Nodes are now created on land whenever possible (replaces 012).
Does "connect to land" means no nodes/towers are placed on small few-tile islands? (Again, stupid question, sorry) 

Added Patch Feature: "Common Elves" - removes the restrictions on using High Elves as a neutral race.
What kind of restriction is turned on / off here?

Added Map Setting: "Monster Lair Realms" - controls which realms of creatures  can appear in "colored" lairs (obsoletes IM188 and 778).
Added Map Setting: "Encounter Diversity" - controls the possible amount of variety in encounter guardians (obsoletes IM189, 015, and 779).
Could you explain what these two options do?

Btw, don't know if you optimized the code, but the world generation is noticeable faster compared to 1.52.3 GoG! thumbsup

(June 14th, 2022, 16:58)Calapine Wrote: Patch 1.60 changelog:
Added Patch Feature: "No Item Theming" - Removes the spellbook requirements from magical item rewards
The changelog calls the feature "No Item Theming", but the in-game option is called "Item Themeing". Does checking the box turn theming on or off? (Sorry if that's a stupid question) 
It's not a stupid question. I've noticed this myself already, but I don't want to change it here until I'm changing it everywhere. It's a copy+paste mistake in the change log. I develop for v1.31 first and port after, but in the CP Item Theming has been disabled back in v1.40, so I've altered the setting to match. Turning it on enables theming again. Unless, of course, I messed something up, but I think I've actually tested this specifically. The context-based help should be different too.

(June 14th, 2022, 16:58)Calapine Wrote: Restored the 1.31 mechanics for generating Raiders and Rampaging Monsters. All other changes introduced in the unofficial patches have been rolled into Revolting Raiders and Monsters Gone Wild. 
Does that mean the raider/monster mechanics in 1.60 are different to 1.52.3 Community Patch (GoG version)? 
Yes. The following are the changes introduced in v1.40 or later, all of which were undone here. That is, unless you enable the respective patch features, in which case they are added to their other effect, resulting in the same state as if you had them enabled in v1.52.03.

For Raiders, if Revolting Raiders is off, Myrran raiders now again have their unit count halved if the game has not progressed beyond turn 200 yet.

For Rampaging Monsters, if Monsters Gone Wild is off, the budget divisor is again 5 instead of 4 (25% lower budgets); the first turn that monsters can appear is again 50 instead of 40; the budget is again halved if the monsters spawn on an AI-only home continent; and it takes 25 budget points (back up from 20) to actually generate anything (any less is simply discarded).

I figured this may be a bit confusing, as a lot of these were not really documented anywhere until I wrote up the relevant articles on the wiki, but they are all modding changes nonetheless. I didn't want two separate settings for each feature (one to toggle v1.31/v1.52 and one for the new settings of v1.40), so I rolled them into one instead.

(June 14th, 2022, 16:58)Calapine Wrote: Patch 1.52.3a changelog
Towers of Wizardry now connect to land on both-, but at least one end whenever  possible, without spawning closer to each other than absolutely necessary
Magical Nodes are now created on land whenever possible (replaces 012).
Does "connect to land" means no nodes/towers are placed on small few-tile islands? (Again, stupid question, sorry)
For this, you need to know that there are two types of "small islands" that can be generated. One type is the direct result of continent creation: for example, if there are only 3 land tiles left to create, but the loop variables dictate that a new continent should be started, then this will be only 3 tiles. Depending on settings, if the continent size limits introduced in v1.50 are in use, then such a cutoff can also happen more than once per plane. Continents created like this always have a landmass ID by default though, so they count as land, and are valid targets for node and tower generation regardless of settings.

The other type of small islands are, in fact, nodes or towers generated on an ocean tile, which can then be expanded by up to 8 additional tiles. These are what the settings affect. Not creating nodes and especially towers on water was a design feature of 1.50, not the least because the evidence in the code suggests that this is what the devs wanted too, they just probably didn't have enough time to figure out how to. I did not have that problem. Where 1.50+ simply modified the attempt counters to make this ocean creation as unlikely as possible, I instead rewrote the generators to evaluate whether land creation is possible at all, and resort to oceans only if it isn't. This is also why map generation is now considerably faster when there are fewer eligible tiles: sequential evaluation of the entire map only takes a few tries worth of time, and there's always only one random roll after that.

This is also why I added the Old Node Generator and Old Tower Generator settings and the "legacy mode" map generation. As much as I want to fix the mistakes, I kind of liked those island resources, and would prefer to somehow enable the AI to exploit them rather than remove them irrevocably. But that is well in the future, so for now, the default will remain creating the assets on land when possible.

(June 14th, 2022, 16:58)Calapine Wrote: Added Patch Feature: "Common Elves" - removes the restrictions on using High Elves as a neutral race.
What kind of restriction is turned on / off here?
When the game starts generating neutral cities, it first assigns each continent a default race. Originally, High Elves may not be selected here, and are automatically replaced by High Men. Then, after a city location is picked, the game rolls out its race. If the tile chosen for the city is not a forest, High Elves are replaced by High Men here as well. Finally, the game rolls a d4 after this, and if it's not a 1 (75% chance), then the city's race is overwritten with that of the default race for the continent. This means that 75% of all neutral cities can't be High Elf because of the continental race restriction, and the rest are only allowed to randomly select this race if the city happens to be on a forest tile.

Enabling Common Elves removes the continental restriction, and turns the tile under cities picked to be High Elf into a forest automatically, so the race is never replaced when rolled, and has the same chance of appearing as a neutral race as any other Arcanian one. On the other hand, High Men are no longer roughly twice as common as everyone else.

(June 14th, 2022, 16:58)Calapine Wrote: Could you explain what these two options do?
Added Map Setting: "Monster Lair Realms" - controls which realms of creatures  can appear in "colored" lairs (obsoletes IM188 and 778).
"Colored" lairs are Abandoned Keeps, Dungeons, Monster Lairs, and Mysterious Caves - basically the non-tower non-node lairs that are not restricted to Life and Death creatures. Originally, these lairs were meant to contain Chaos monsters 40% of the time, Death monsters 40% of the time, and Nature monsters 20% of the time (the strategy guide is slightly off with its 1/3-1/3-1/3 on this). However, due to the switch cases lacking their break statements (an easy coding mistake), they all fell through to the last case: Nature. As a result, in v1.31, these lair types always feature Nature creatures. This is your slider value of 1.

v1.40 "fixed" this coding bug by changing the creature composition to 50% Chaos and 50% Nature. This is your slider value of 2.

I corrected the code to the original intent with the bug fixed in v1.52: 40% Chaos, 40% Death, and 20% Nature. This is slider your value of 3.

From there, sliding to 4 yields 1/3 Chaos, 1/3 Death, 1/6 Nature, and 1/6 Sorcery; while 5 results in 2/7 Chaos, 2/7 Death, 1/7 Nature, 1/7 Sorcery, and 1/7 Life.

For the record, I think this is actually fairly well explained in the right-click help.

(June 14th, 2022, 16:58)Calapine Wrote: Added Map Setting: "Encounter Diversity" - controls the possible amount of variety in encounter guardians (obsoletes IM189, 015, and 779).
This was the result of a rather long-winded discussion we've had with someone on the wiki (starting here, and culminating in this). You can use the slider to select from several predetermined combinations of Maximum Primary Divisor (2-4-4-6-6-8), Maximum Primary Creature Count (8-8-8-6-8-8), and Throwback Function (complex-simple-complex-simple-complex-complex) for generating encounter guardians. Essentially, the higher you slide, the more varied the encounters will be, but that also often means more monsters of the cheaper types - that is, lower average values and higher creature counts. You can read the discussion and look at the images in the second link if you want more exact details on how and why this happens. v1.31 matches slider setting 2, and v1.52.03 matches slider setting 4 (on the scale of 1 to 6).

Breaking news 2 (even more broken haha - I mean me probably): Wow so there were three large neutral Gnoll cities on my starting island. I suppose that probably accounts for the seemingly endless waves of raiders. I'll probably learn as the game goes on that my island was the only one with neutrals on it. A very wild start but somehow I managed to triumph. Well my second city was murdered twice. Third time's the charm I guess. I'm an expansionist so I can't stand raiders or monsters to begin with. Wish they could be turned off.
I also read up on raiders and see that on hard they can spawn on average every 12 turns. That's kinda what I was facing I guess.
So anyways, you can probably ignore this "bug" report as a false alarm.

Older stuff:

Breaking news: <insert embarrassed cough here> Ah ummm I feel a bit sheepish. I resumed that game and it turns out there's TWO Gnoll cities equidistant from my capitol. I don't know if that means they can gen twice as many raiders or not but if so then that may explain things... so well I dunno. : ) (on a irrelevant side note the much maligned Naga summon absolutely tears through lower level Gnolls like tissue paper)

Oldest stuff below:

Hi, me again. I just started a new game on Hard/4/Large/1.0 with Nomads and I can't help but think that the raiders are still "off" after the hex edit fix I did.

It's 1402 and I'm facing the 3rd wave of raiders. They're pretty hefty too, 2 halberd, 1 sword each. It is a large city of Gnolls true but the frequency just seems nuts. I've summoned a Naga and Sprite and sent them to locate and take the city and while on the way they intercepted wave 2 but I think it was just 3 turns later I found the city and it had just spawned 3 more halberds!

Unlucky die rollls? I don't know. In case it helps I'll upload some files that were generated plus the save. (Ah I renamed the .set etc. files to .gam so they would pass)

Attached Files
.gam   SAVE2.GAM (Size: 151.94 KB / Downloads: 1)
.gam   MAGIC.gam (Size: 466 bytes / Downloads: 0)
.gam   MAGICEXT.gam (Size: 128 bytes / Downloads: 0)
.gam   ITEMDATA.gam (Size: 14.21 KB / Downloads: 0)
.gam   LAST.gam (Size: 184 bytes / Downloads: 0)
.gam   WORLDGEN.gam (Size: 54 bytes / Downloads: 0)
.gam   PATCH.gam (Size: 192 bytes / Downloads: 0)
"I think most people posting on a MOO/MOM forum in 2020 BC probably count as Time Travelers." : )

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