As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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First Strike

The current "nerf" on First Strike is not elegant.
I think it might be better to remove the 24 hp limit from the ability and instead give Negate First Strike to most high end units that are meant to be immune to heroes oneshotting them.

Which brings a few questions we need to answer, in particular :
-Did we have any reason for not using the solution in the first place? I don't remember any but it was a long time ago.
-Which units do we want to negate first strike?
-What about heroes?

For the units, I think normal units, common and uncommon creatures are fine to be killed by a first striking unit in one hit. Most of these don't have 25 hp per figure to be relevant anyway.
Rares and Very Rares we should look at individually.

We have Angel, Phoenix, Arch Angel, Gorgons, Stone Giant, Behemoth, Great Wyrm, Colossus, Great Drake, Hydra, Doom Bat, Efreet, Chaos Spawn, Storm Giant, Sky Drake, Djinn, Vampire, Wraiths, Death Knights and Demon Lords.

Arch Angel already has Negate First strike so it's not relevant.
Angel isn't really meant to be a powerful combat unit so I think it doesn't need protection.
Phoenix I'm unsure of but probably doesn't need protection either, as Life is weak against hero strategies either way and counters them by an unstoppable quantity of unit, not by a strong doomstack (unless it's a doomstack of archangels or its own heroes).
Gorgons and Stone Giants are strong enough for a rare creature to not need this special treatment either, I think if a hero can first strike these, that's fine, and just means the owner should upgrade to very rares faster. Storm Giants, same deal, with their ranged armor piercing shots they are difficult enough as is, at least for a rare.
Behemoth definitely needs the protection as it's slow and meant to be a "tank" unit.
Wyrms probably don't need it since they can move first and kill the heroes if they are the defender, although flying heroes might be able to counter them. However a unit that digs itself into the ground definitely is something I'd expect to be immune to first strike attacks based on common sense, so probably better to add the ability to them.
Colossus have powerful ranged attacks and can hit invisible heroes, I don't see the need for an extra layer of protection.
Great Drakes and Sky Drakes need it most, being just too slow to avoid being taken out by the heroes on turn two and having no ranged attacks whatsoever.
Hydras are a joke for any decent engame hero anyway so it's fine to leave them as is.
Chaos Spawn's gaze comes before first strike either way.
Djinn are a pain to deal with, let's not make it even worse.
Doom Bats on the other hand, if the retaliation damage was unavoidable would be a lot more dangerous, hitting at least twice for 8 damage each, instead of only once on their first turn before they die. I think adding it makes sense for such a fast creature anyway.
Efreet, not sure, and honestly their melee damage isn't good enough to be relevant against stronger heroes so probably no need.
Vampires and Wraiths also do little to be able to pierce through an endgame hero's armor so they are fine as is, although I would expect a Vampire to be able to negate first strike attacks due to having abnormally fast reflexes.
Death Knights and Demon Lords probably need it.

So as a summary :
I think we should add NFS to Behemoth,  Great Drake, Sky Drake, Death Knight, Demon Lord and maybe to Great Wyrm, Vampire, Doom Bat.

As for heroes, the AI is bad at positioning these strategically and will likely get hit by a first strike attack so at least the better melee heroes and those with high fortress garrison priority should probably gain the ability. Although they often have enough armor that they can survive hits from enemy heroes anyway so I'm not entirely sure.

One rare creature you forgot is earth elemental. And it is thematically clumsy so it should not have negate first strike.
As for air elemental it probably needs negate first strike for the same thematic reasons.

If you release it in next patch I will record a video for YouTube testing whether the change makes high elf cavalry feasible for highest difficulty.

Negate First Strike makes sense on Behemoths, Great Wyrms, Death Knights and Doom Bats, out of the creatures listed. However, I'm not sure any flying unit needs Negate First Strike, there aren't that any heroes with both Flight or Thrown, and First Strike innately. I do support giving champion melee heroes Negate First Strike though, they should be experienced enough to not be taken by surprise with swift charges.

It's trivial to put a flight or shadow item on your hero. First Strike is rare on heroes (exactly because it's powerful) but 2 out of the 4 melee champions have it, which basically is 50% of the most relevant endgame heroes.
(ranged heroes don't care about first strike so they are not relevant to it.)

Is there a retort of first strike? It would be very useful on some heroes.

The first strike damage restriction doesn’t scale to early game (when a buffed elf cavalry can one shot early units). I don’t think the restriction should exist.

Providing negate fs to most top tiers and some higher level heroes is a better solution


Something similar, what about supernatural?

Currently it deals a minimum of (X-5)/2 damage which is not that hard to calculate but hard to imagine how much it is without calculations.
We could replace it with "At least one third" which is a lot more intuitive and has similar results (two versions depending on rounding up or down) :
DMG    OLD    NEW    NEW2
1    0    0    1
2    0    0    1
3    0    1    1
4    0    1    2
5    0    1    2
6    0    2    2
7    1    2    3
8    1    2    3
9    2    3    3
10    2    3    4
11    3    3    4
12    3    4    4
13    4    4    5
14    4    4    5
15    5    5    5
16    5    5    6
17    6    5    6
18    6    6    6
19    7    6    7
20    7    6    7
21    8    7    7
22    8    7    8
23    9    7    8
24    9    8    8
25    10    8    9

Do we have 5 percent reduction of to-hit on counter attack from every attack on that turn including ranged and no damage attacks same as in vanilla MoM? If so do we want to make supernatural units immune to it?

Yes, and I don't think supernatural units should be immune to that. It wouldn't help much against powerful melee hero stacks but it would hurt other, fairly balanced tactics much more, like killing a drake or two using a stack of 9 stag beetles.

Is it 5% per hit or 10% every two hits?

What this means that unit as cheap as nomad or dark elf spearman can have significant impact by giving what works as partial first strike. With resist elements this can potentially enable killing Gorgon's in melee much earlier, than usual. I will need to invent a build around it.

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