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Vampiric Assassin?

As I understand it, Life Steal penalty and Poison Touch use the same value. Does Tumu get anything special out of a Vampiric weapon?

No. It's not the same value. They do get stored in the same record field overland, that's true, but Poison has a separate field in the battle unit record, and the value is moved there for units with poison touch, clearing the special attack attribute field unless the unit has multi-gaze (i.e. is a chaos spawn).

Thanks for clearing that up!

(November 19th, 2023, 20:09)drake178 Wrote: No. It's not the same value. They do get stored in the same record field overland, that's true, but Poison has a separate field in the battle unit record, and the value is moved there for units with poison touch, clearing the special attack attribute field unless the unit has multi-gaze (i.e. is a chaos spawn).

Wait, are you saying that units with Poison touch attacks can't use other types of touch attacks? Or is it just that the value listed for Poison does not apply to other touch types?

Nothing like that. I guess I should have been more clear. The field we're talking about in the overland unit table holds the strength or modifier for special abilities. For poison, that's the strength. For life steal and others, it's the save penalty. If you give a unit both poison and stoning touch (no such unit exists in unmodded vanilla, of course) then it can't have a save penalty on the stoning. Item powers that have a save penalty are independent of this, and are applied separately through hardcoded branches. In theory, if a hero with a special attack that has a save penalty existed, then that save penalty would carry on to every save-based item power (touch attack) they get too. But poison doesn't.

Ah gotcha, thanks for clarifying.

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