I went for a huge early gamble. I built three warriors and sent them out to try and take a capital very quickly. Scouting around, I thought I made a huge mistake, since the closest city was Delhi, and was a long way off. Anyway, I sent my 3 warrior forth, and with a very favourable dice roll, managed to snatch Delhi without a loss in 3280BC! I decided to push forward to Kyoto, since removing Japan from the map this early would save a lot of trouble later on. I stacked up the experience points while moving to Kyoto by attacking warriors and scouts on the way. I captured Kyoto in 2320BC, and two civilizations were gone. (BTW, I took screenshots throughout, but when I went to the directory to get them together for the report, I found that most of them were missing, so I pasted these pics together from the replay). Here's the first screenshot I have, in 310BC.
After this I went for Mecca, Sparta and Thermapolye (I think), and in 200AD I had a verynice frontline of cities keeping the hordes of AI settlers a bit crowded in the north-western parts of the continent, killing off the ones that came too close.
Then came a period of economic chaos as the city upkeep (mainly from distance) kicked in. I focussed everything on getting to courthouses, got my workers (I stole quite a few) ready for forest chops, and even whipped 3or4 people in Delhi to get my first two courthouses out, which just got me back into the green at 0% science. This was a real close shave, as all the money I got from taking cities where spent when I built the chop and whip courthouses. I took turn-by-turn screenshots, or rather I thought I did but none of them came out. I guess I could have raized the captured cities as I went along, but I'm a builder by nature, rather than I warmonger. So, the next few years was spent building up the empire, defending on about three fronts as the units came piling in. I built my Forbidden Palace somewhere in the 800's AD in Kyoto, but I seem to have lost the screenshot I made from the aftermath.
I destroyed the Arabs in 1328AD, and by 1502 I had about 14 cities. Alex got longbows, so I started building some seige weapons, and then got Knights, but the game ended after taking Barcelona, with a Domination victory. See the pics attached for Military stats.
Domination Victory in 1613AD, for a score of 46181.
Sorry for the short write-up, but I cannot remember things very clearly, as I played this game over about a month, with almost-2-week periods of inactivity in-between (and my memory is pretty sh8tty at the best of times . Some things I can remember:
I set Berlin to max hammers at the start to get the first few Warriors out for a very quick attack.
I think I founded (or captured from Gandhi) all religions but Buddhism.
I built most of the wonders.
A lot of enemy Galleys parked on my shores after unloading units, but I never built any boats (even workboats!).
I never really had any problems with WW (or any other unhappiness). My health was also always more than enough. My biggest cities reached about 14 or 15 by the end.
I could most probably have gotten to a Conquest victory much faster than a domination victory given my very quick conquest of the first two CIVs, but I like to build up, I don't like raizing cities (except serious cities), and my city upkeep was just about killing me. So, I built.
Anyway, enjoyed the game immensely. Thanks Sirian.
A successful warrior rush against Delhi (3280BC)?
Taking out the Japanese capital in 2320BC?
How exactly did you manage the second of those two events? I can see taking out the Indian capital with some really sweet dice rolls, but frankly I don't see how you could have gotten enough units that far to the west by that date. The AIs will definitely have archers in their cities by 2320BC, so how did you pull it off against Japan?
I'm not trying to insinuate anything here, just genuinely curious, because that move looks pretty much impossible.
Sullla Wrote:A successful warrior rush against Delhi (3280BC)?
Taking out the Japanese capital in 2320BC?
How exactly did you manage the second of those two events? I can see taking out the Indian capital with some really sweet dice rolls, but frankly I don't see how you could have gotten enough units that far to the west by that date. The AIs will definitely have archers in their cities by 2320BC, so how did you pull it off against Japan?
I'm not trying to insinuate anything here, just genuinely curious, because that move looks pretty much impossible.
If I remember correctly, I had three warriors en route to Delhi (or at least planned for an early rush). I had my capital at max production to get them out. But I definitely attacked before they were all at Delhi (Delhi had one defending warrior). I didn't lose the first warrior, so I had three warriors close to Kyoto, and I decided to give it a go (I can't remember how long I waited before leaving Delhi, but I didn't wait until Delhi had its defender warrior finished, moving Southwest as I left in order to at least "clear the path" of any oncoming units. As I moved closer to Kyoto I met quite a few units (scouts and warriors), which I attacked to gain experience (see the RB6b.jpg file above - I met one CIV after the other, and took out their scouting units, especially after having the first promotion).
I can't remember if Kyoto had an archer when I attacked, but I used three promoted warriors (I think) against one defender inside the city. If I remember correctly I also took a Japanese worker while advancing. I do remember seeing an archer (maybe the first?) just after capturing Kyoto, escorting a setller.
So, to summarise: I used three (maybe two) promoted warriors, and even if there was an archer in Kyoto, I thought it worth the risk to take out Japan early. That, and I got really lucky with taking out Delhi and gaining experience from taking out scouting units en route to Kyoto.
I'm really sad those screenshots didn't come out. I was taking them like mad thoughout the game to get a nice write-up ... Next time I'll test the screenshots first.