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Jabah's Adventure 11

Executive summary (game not finished)


1. went for an early religion to 'secure' a commun one for the island
--> done with Hinduism (3480BC), it spreaded to Alex (975BC) and Cathy (1560BC) soon after.
2. 2 fast settlers to seal the rest of the island (Medina south in 2440Bc and Damascus west in 2040BC). Then CLOSE BORDERS until the entire island is mine, since having friendly enough relationship (religion + free gift every now and again)
--> everything according to plan (obviously in a long time to be able to financely support all this cities).

[Image: early.jpg]

Early miscellanous
Peacefull in island builder expansion, trying for Wonders while waiting for finances to be able for new cities, priority is absolutely keep the East for me from Alex and Cathy to have a Civilization big enough to deal with the others teams.

Wonders : missed Stonehenge by 5t (1280BC), Pyramids by 5t (300BC), Great Lib by 3t (150AD), then paranoid I whipped to finish (for 2 or 3t) Great Lighthouse (175AD), Hanging Gardens (475AD), Colossus (580AD), missed Chichen Itza to Alex for 5t (800AD), get Angkor (980AD)

Relation : Meet Victoria, Capac & Mansa in 550BC (Confuscianism spreaded into a city), they had several different religion.
Meet Bismarck, Napo, Gandhi and Roosevelt in 1060AD (through religion as well). They are a united Jewish bloc.

Religions : Get Taoism as well but keep it for me.

Research : after a little delay (very backward around 1000AD), able to catch up to be :
- first to Philo (760AD)
- first to Liberalism (1460AD) for Replacable Part. (Gandhi and Co had Nationalism+Economy).


Get TajMahal (1585AD) then Statue of Liberty (1620AD, thanks to a welcome GE)

Get bored, decide to go after Victoria, Capac, Mansa for a limited war before they have astro, since they can't reach and I have a slight military tech advantage.

Turn short because:
- Cathy signs OB with them (so I had to deal with boats in the southern pond)
- they discovered astro quickly after
- Gandhi Sneaked attack !!! in 1670AD.

[Image: sneak.jpg]

That is quite nighmarish as
1. it costed LOTS of luxuaries importing for happiness.
2. they have a good military tech (cavalry)
3. That was a clever landing as I am not able to reinforce the city.

-> Gandhis landing is luckily dealed (thks to lucky victories and him prefering pillaging than attacking with cavalry first), but Roosevelt landed next turn in the same spot and raze the city.

That will be hot spot number 1 (the 4 AIs having to galleon full of cavalry/grenadier landing within 10t) and I rebuild and get enough troops and navy to intercept (more later).

The English war
Went ok, but stop soon after capturing 3 cities on their mainland, because all spare troops had to go defending our eastern shore and Capac was starting to get enough troops to be a danger (and I had no longer a military tech advantage).
After a long pause, because of cultural pressure (and new military advantage : tank), I restarted this war, and conquered quickly most of England North-West (including London) before signing peace again.

The American war.
Defending against landing was easier with naval superiority, so Destroyers were a top priority (Ironclad too slow and unable to intercept anything).
The Eastern shore was almost always safe, with the few landings being crushed under superior numbers (sometimes very bloody, since attacking with inferiors troops).
On the West after several alerts, I had this nasty surprise

[Image: attack2.jpg]

The island city was captured, some AIs bombers were based there and were wrecking havocs in England until I recapture the city (lots of suicide cannons, followed by City Raiders tanks and infantry, thanks to 'un-attackable' squares in Russia next to the city were I could stack units).

After that I set a proper anti landing defenses, with warning destroyers/battleships + a reserve of 6+ battleships always ready to intercept before landing.

I also send a task force of Battleships+marines (+later carriers) to raze every cities on their (western) coasts, but that stopped in 1926 when I had this kind of defence waiting for me (+stealth bombers attacking the stack every turn).

[Image: landing.jpg]

Even if my shores are secure, the situation is quite hopeless.

Roosevelt is controling the UN (but passing stupid resolutions right now) and they have several SS components already done.

Technologically, they have Modern armor and Mechanised Infantry so don't need much more to launch.

My only hope should be to get the Internet (need 12 t to get the tech) and hope to out-race to space. The production should be OK, but the Internet is the big question.

Culture is up to 40% because of WW (and not a lot of happiness luxuaries) and the AIs don't even consider peace.

Run out of time


PS 1 - I have a lot more of pictures and notes, but since the game is incomplete, I didn't feel like writing a 'proper' repport, but I am ready to answer any detailed question smile
PS2 - Congrats on those who managed to win, this looks like a quite difficult game

Quick complements

1. Roosevelt is controlling the UN and the vote was against ME, not Victoria/Capac/Mansa, so with both AIs blocs voting for the same team, I have no hope in case of a general election.

2. being always at war, I had (almost) no chance of getting an alliance with Alex or Cathy since, except for a brief time against Victoria, they didn't want to join the war (too scary for them and nothing to give them) even with something like +17 relations


Jabah Wrote:PS 1 - I have a lot more of pictures and notes, but since the game is incomplete, I didn't feel like writing a 'proper' repport, but I am ready to answer any detailed question smile

Do you have any pictures from when you had the most cities that would let me see where they're placed? I'm trying to do a dotmap like I did for Epic 7 smile

I don't have a proper one right now (I have either the foundation of the first ones, one by one, or some global view of the heavy fighting zones), but it will take me only a few seconds tonight to get a 'flying camera' of the mainland and post it after.


To be able to compare 'openings' and use of land

The dotmap.

[Image: Adv11_dotmap.jpg]
[Image: global.jpg]
The timing, reasons for building and main improvements in the cities:

C: Mecca 4000BC - capital (commerce - cottage - Hinduism Shrine-WallStreet-Oxford-Academy +settled 'useless extra' GPs)

First wave - blocking AI around 2200BC
1: Medina 2440BC - blocking Cathy (commerce - cottage - Taoism shrine-Academy)
2: Damascus 2040BC - blocking Alex/Cathy (GP farm - farm - Theaters)

Second wave - expanding ressources+production around 500BC
3: Bagdad 625BC - marble/protecting south (production - Iron Work)
4: Najran 425BC - Gold+military (military production - Heroic+Pentagon)

Third wave - expanding ressources+production around 0AD
5: Kufah 75BC - Iron/blocking Alex (production)
6: Basra 0AD - Silver+fish+lake+hills (excellent fishing city - commerce+prod)

Fourth wave - expanding, filling all the continent around 1000AD
7: Khurusan 880AD - (production)
8: ANjar 1020AD - (production+commerce)
9*: Fustat 1130AD razed by Industrious AI, rebuild as Shiraz 1710AD - (excellent fishing city - commerce+prod)
10: Aden 1140AD - (excellent fishing city - commerce+prod)
11: Yamama 1160AD - (good fishing city - commerce+prod)
12: Muscat 1240AD - redeming empty space hills+sheep (production)
13: Mansura 1250AD - redeming empty space (decent fishing village, commerce)
14: Bukhara 1290AD - ok fishing village (clam+hills+river, commerce+prod)

Late settlements
15: Fez 1620AD - redeming empty space clam+hill (ok fishing village, commerce)
16: Merw 1892AD - getting some use from the space gained on Cathy from culture


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