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Imperium Sixteen: The cranky gnomes

RBO 16 is at hand. But I'm a Swedish heathen, and hardly a believer in Santa Nicolaus. A Swedish _hustomte_ is more like it. Cranky, unless given regular offerings of porridge, determined that the farm is given the best possible care.


1. All planetology tech must be gifted to the other races, if possible, unless they mistreat one of their planets. RIW should also be be gifted.
2. We expect to be given regular offerings of porridge (trade). Anyone who opens trade with us is our friend. We do not open trade ourselves.
3. We can agree to NAPs with friends, but won't propose it.
4. If some race mismanages a planet (pollution), we must step in as soon as possible and give the planet proper management.
5. Friendly races can be given presents from the other tech fields.

Note: rule 4 means that the Silicoids are our mortal enemies, but we'll play it on a planet-by-planet basis.

There are 10 planets within 6 pc, and three within 3 (purple, red, white). The colony ship will go to the red one, with the two initial scouts to the other two nearby planets. Home world will build more Scout 1A.

Zhardan (desert 50) settled, while Vox (steppe 45) and Hyades (no planet) are scouted. New scouts are fanning out, seven in total. 18 pop are sent from North Pole to Zhordan, and we build another round of scout 1As.

Endoria (ocean 70 artifacts) scouted, and we learn Shield 3!

2307-08 gives the scouting reports from the second round of scouting, and several contacts:

Alkari at Endoria
Silicoid at Ajax
Guardian at red south of Endoria
Klackon at Tau Cygni

The most important early target is Endoria. Most other planets are midding-size, with no specials. So North Pole opens research on propulsion and planetology, with 5 RP. Choices are:

IT 10
Range 5

Not the best selection in planetology, but IT 10 is very cheap and we have plenty of small habitables. Range is exactly what we needed. Research is then seeded with 64 RP (max from both worlds), and research continues with 6 RP (two clicks) from North Pole.

A Silicoid colony is encountered at Neptunus, size 85 fertile.

Time for a star analysis:

The Klackons are at the yellow to our north. The Silicoids at the yellow SE Neptunus. The Alkaris are probably at the yellow to the west, which means the Psilons are at the extreme northwest corner.

A few turns later a Silicoid colony ship and scout are encountered at Moro, but driven off. Maybe time to build some LR combat ships? In the end, I decide against it.

A new Silicoid probe at Moro, and IT 10 arrives.

Dead (IT 20, Dead)

There is only a single hostile that Dead opens up, and not very strategically placed either, but the benefit of IT 20 is rather small right now.

North Pole is terraformed at once, while Zhardan researches together with North Pole to seed planetology anew. In 2328, Zhardan can be terraformed in one turn, and does so. It is up to 52 factories, so will go to population and research duty after that.

Range 5 comes in in , with new choices:

warp 2 (warp 2, range 6)

We also get a census ranking:

Humans, Psilon, Silicoid, Klackon, Alkari

We also get contact with the Silicoids.

Present: IT 10 to Silicoids, 2331, 338 points

But then we note that they've polluted Neptunus, so we must take the planet away from them, and we can't given them presents anymore. But expansion must come before war.

First colony ship built in 2336. It's sent to Moro. The next one, three turns later, is sent to Endoria. Here I take a pause and builds eight more Scout 1A from leftovers, and seeds research. Moro settled in 2341, triggering a 3 system warning. The AIs are luggards. Zhardan sends 15 pop to Moro. Endoria settled in 2343. The Silicoids wants a NAP, but we decline since they pollute their planets and don't give us porridge. 15 pop are sent to Endoria from Zhardan. Vox settled in 2347, and 10 pop sent.

Psilon colony encountered at Phantos. Later, Kholdan is reached: 100/200/7, 2 larges and 20 smalls. Next colony ship goes to Tau Cygni. Ajax settled in 2352, giving us the 6-planet warning. 10 are sent from Zhardan, and 5 from Moro. The next turn we learn Warp 2:

Range 7 (range 6, range 7)

Good thing we went for warp 2 over range 6. The Col S2 is designed, and construction is changed to that.

Mentar is 100/200/3, with 5 armed larges in 3 different designs. We also learn Dead.

EER (IT 20, EER, IT 30, Toxic)

Altair is at 110/209/3, with no ships in orbit. Rhilus scouted. Tau Cygni settled in 2356, giving contact with the Klackons. Send 10 from Zhordan and 5 from Vox. Next colony ship will go to Proxima.

Present: IT 10 and Dead to Klackons in 2357: 286 + 1287

An Alkari force drives us off Rhilus - armed colony ship and 124 smalls. Vulcan settled next interturn, in 2358. Send 5 each from Moro and Ajax. Next standard colony ship will go to Aquilae, and then we'll have to build two Col E2, and probably be finished with expansion after that. Proxima settled next year, and we're up to nine planets and trigger the council. We are nominated together with the Silicoids.

2359 vote - 10 votes
Psilon: 2 abstain
Klackon: 1 abstain
Alkari: 1 abstain
Silicoid: 3 silicoids
Humans: 3 humans

The new Col S2 goes to Aquilae, and starts building Col E2 instead. I also send 10 from North Pole to Proxima - it's the only planet with plenty of pop right now. But the Psilons reach Aquilae in 2361-62 and settles the planet two turns before I can do so. We get contact with the Psilons.

Present: IT 10 and Dead to Psilons in 2362: 276 + 1242

Endoria reaches 50 BC/year and terraforms. Pollus scouted - the colony ship bound for Aquilae will got there instead once we learn range 7. Rha settled in 2365, giving us the "merge" message. Zhardan is at 50 RP/year, and North Pole will build the last colony ship next turn, so I decide to open the remaining fields in 2366 with minimal investment.

ECM 1 (ECM 1, DSS, BC 2) - cheapest advance tech
IIT 9 - maybe should have opened this earlier, we have plenty of factories to build
PDS (shield 2, PDS, PS 5) - nice to be able to bypass shield 2, we need the PDS against the Silicoids at Neptunus.
Hand L (hand l, hyper-V, gatling) - cheap and needed for ground combat

The newly built Col E2 goes to Jinga, and most of the empire is set to research, seeding all the research fields with 500+ RP. The next turn, North Pole takes over the research burden, while Zhardan finally starts building factories again, and Moro gets terraformed. All other planets continue factory construction.

Hand Lasers come in at 12%:

F Bomb (hyper-V, gatling, AMR, F bomb) - the only usable new tech

Weapons is seeded with 40 clicks, while the rest of the fields get two clicks each. Jinga settled in 2370. North Pole and Proxima sends 5 each. ECM 1 is delayed in coming in - it's at 45% with a minimal investment for a few turns in 2374. We have a clear lead in pop and planets right now, and the pop lead will only grow bigger. A small lead in production. Tech is led by the Silicoids and the Psilons, while we hold even with the Klackons.

ECM 1 finally comes in, and so does IIT 9.

IRC 3 (DSS, BC 3, ECM 2, IRC 3, BC 3) - anything to further our production lead
IIT 8 - only choice

Our tech tree has been quite nice so far. Only thing missing is early cleanup, but EER is on its way. Should probably prioritise that right now, come to think of it. And the council of 2374, with us and the Silicoids, 14 votes total.

Psilon: 2 humans
Klackons: 2 abstain
Alkari: 2 abstain
Silicoids: 3 abstain
Humans: 5 humans

Half the votes already, and the veto.

Several planets have reached 50 BC/year, and are terraformed. With two new tech fields, seeding is done next turn. The next turn, research is staggered: 5 to all fields but construction (10) and planetology (rest).

A missile base has been built at Moro in 2379. The Silicoids have a pretty big fleet gathered at Neptunis, including 2 huges. A few turns later, PDS comes in.

Class 5 (shield 2, class 5) - no contest

The Psilons ask for a NAP, but I decline since they don't give us porridge. I start building a missile base at Tau Cygni. Tech is equalised, since EER is at over 20%.

IIT 8 comes in:

IIT 7 (only choice) - construction is the only crappy field.

EER comes in the next turn.

IT 40 (IT 20, IT 30, Toxic, Radiated) - only one radiated planet on the map

Present: EER to Psilons and Klackons in 2390: 1430 + 1430

We also give the Klackons 50 BC by mistake.

Noone is giving us porridge, however. Range 7 comes next turn.

Warp 4 (range 6, warp 4, range 8, warp diss) - no contest

Mentar goes poor, and we gain contact with the Alkari.

Present: EER and Dead to Alkaris in 2391: 1417 + 981

IRC 3 comes in the next turn, and the planet-wide factory construction rate is set to 50%.

ISS (new choices ECM 3, ISS) - a computer would be nice next

F Bomb comes in the next turn, and some minor pop shuffling has been done.

Merculite (Mass D, Merculite, N Blaster) - a better missile is very much needed

I finally remember to send the last colony ship to Pollus - like I've said in earlier reports, I tend to get sloppy when I have plenty of planets to manage. The planetary shields come in, but I decline to autobuild them. Repulsor beam is the only new tech, but a good choice anyway. Pollus settled in 2398. Moro and Tau Cygni are set to build planetary shields, and Tau Cygni also sends 10 to Pollus. And another council, Humans against Psilons this time, in 2399, 17 votes.

Psilons: 3 psilons
Klackons: 2 abstain
Alkari: 2 humans
Silicoids: 3 abstain
Humans: 7 humans

And the Psilons declare! Various planets max out at the new factory levels, and research jumps up. A small Psilon fleet is moving towards Tau Cygni, probably bound there, but there is a base and a shield present, and the fleet proves to be a first-generation equipment one. Lasers, nukes, class 1 shields and speed 1.

Census ranking as of 2403-04

Humans, psilons, silicoids, alkari, klackon

IIT 7 comes in, with Zortium as the only choice. Good to get some armour. I note a single Psilon ship that probably is bound for Vox, and starts to build a shield there. They seem to have upgraded their engines to at least warp 3 now. The Psilons manage to scout Vox, but the shield is in place, and a missile base will be up the next turn, so little real damage done.

The Psilon ship at Vox is quite advanced, with warp 3, speed 1 (stupid AI), shield 4 and a Ion cannon. Good thing Merculites are on the way - neither of us could hurt the other. New tech: ISS.

BC 5 (only new choice) - great!

The Klackons declare, probably at Psilon instigation. Some Psilon ships are bound for Vox, and we hope that we get Merculites in time. New tech: warp 4:

Warp 5 (only new choice)

The Psilons leave Vox again, despite the bases being unable to hurt their ships (but they can't hurt the planet). New tech: rep beam, IT 40.

Shield 6 (PAS, shield 6)
AER (only new choice)

I miss terraforming the planets with IT 40 due to taking a break. Sloppy playing, again. Merculites comes in, late, at 33%:

hard beams (hyper-V, gatling, AMR, mass d, nblaster, stingers, hard beams) - bummer, I had hoped for fusion beams, and neither the stingers nor the hard beams are really desirable. I go for the hard beams in the end.

Once Zortium armor comes in it's time to build a fleet and take stewardship of Neptunus. It will also allow some more time to build up factories on the planets. The next turn the Alkari declare, and the next turn the Silicoids think we have expanded enough.

The Psilons ask for peace, and the Klackons sends a force against Pollus. I might be able to get a base and shield in place, but it'll require quite a bit of reserve spending, something I don't have much of, and I'm in the midst of factory construction, so no easy way to easily get it, so I'll have to resort to the planetary tax slider (possibly the first time I've used it ever!).

Finally, porridge! The Psilons agree to give us 50 BC of porridge per year! North Pole has also finished some concentrated factory construction and filled up the reserves, so I can turn off the planetary tax. I try to give the Psilons IT 40, but it won't show up on their list of desirable presents. Silly Psilons!

Zortium comes in:

RIW 40% (IIT 5, arm exos, RIW 40%) - we must treat our planets with care!

And then the Silicoids declare war. Pollus will get its shield done in time, but I missed to feed reserves for one turn, so there won't be a base. Time to build some ships.

We don't have a decent computer yet, but I can still build a decent missile boat:

DG 4A: alvl 1, 1xmercx5, 36 hp, warp/man 4.

The Klackons manage to scout Pollus, but there will be a base there next year, and they can't hurt the planet. The Silicoids make a strike against Zhardan, but it can get a shield and base up by itself with plenty of time to spare. The builds from North Pole are relocated to Zhardan, however.

The Klackons are driven off Pollus, but an invasion of 55 is on the way, so more missile bases are needed. They are limited to first-generation tech in their ships right now.

Present: IIT 7 to Psilons in 2424: 988

They still aren't interested in IT 40, however.

Council of 2424-25, us vs the Psilons, 19 votes:

Psilons: 3 psilons
Klackons: 1 psilons
Alkari: 2 psilons
Silicoid: 3 psilon
Humans: 10 humans

The Silicoids fleet reaches Zhardan, but they can't hurt the planets (hyper-Vs and lasers). Most of their fleet is destroyed, and the Klackons ask for peace. They still manage to invade (38 out of 55) Pollus, but are beaten back with 14 losses. They have Duralloy and Hand Lasers - no other gropo tech.

Here I did an extended break, and didn't take up the game until Tuesday post-report day. I avoided reading the other reports, so it's only late, though I had to rush in the end.

I quit building more DG 4As, since several significant technologies are in the percentages. One of them, Hard Beam, comes the very next turn, at 1%.

FRifle (ISP, AMT, FRifle) - I don't imagine I'll get it, but I see heavy ground combat in the future, and the other techs are not that desirable.

Tech spending on weapons is decreased, and sent to computers, fields and propulsion. The next turn, BC 5 arrives:

ASS (only new choice)

The Alkari ask for peace, and we accept. Research is switched from computers to planetology.

A Silicoid stack is bound for Vulcan, but it's a heavily developed world and can get a shield in two turns - the Silicoids won't arrive until five turns. Per our variant rules, we gift the Alkaris with IT 40. We also try to give it to the Klackons, but they don't seem to be interested.

Present: IT 40 to Alkaris in 2429: 1420

We get 1300 BC from the merchant event, and AER, shield 6 and warp 5 all comes in. It never rains but it pours.

PAS (PAS, shield 7)
ASoil (IT 50, Doom, ASoil) - no contest
ISG (only new choice)

Almost all research is directed at planetology - only two clicks to the other fields.

Present: AER to Klackons and Alkari in 2433: 1608 + 1608

The Psilons are not interested in presents, though.

The DG 4A managed to destroy a few bases at Neptunus (3 of 13), but there are a few ships over the planet as well. Time for the new gnomish fleet!

DG 5A: 1xmercx5, warp 5, man 5, spd 3, 36 hp, alvl 5
CA 5A: 2xhard beams, 3xfbomb, warp 5, man 5, spd 3, 200 hp, alvl 6, shield 6

Vox, North Pole, Zhardan, Ajax and Moro start building ships.

The Silicoids have Ion cannons, and the huge packs 18 heavies. Otherwise nothing special, but it can be dangerous. Of course, I have 11 points of shielding now, so not so dangerous to the planet. It leaves after destroying the scout there. Vulcan is set to build DGs instead.

The Silicoids launch another attack, this time at Moro. Orbital superiority gained at Neptunis, and ground invasions are begun, 30 each from Ajax, Zhardan and North Pole. A Klackon fleet is inbound to Pollus. It's big, but mainly fighters.

The 110 Silicoids at Neptunus only have Duralloy, and the 90 gnomes beat them, with 22 remaining. New tech:

BC 2
Warp 3
Shield 2

Not a bad haul, but not a single planetology tech! But that is only to be expected, given how they managed to pollute the poor planet. The Klackon fleet was only armed with lasers, and retreated from Pollus. 20 pop sent from Moro to Neptunus, and reserves spent there too.

Fleet spending is turned off, and the DG 4As are scrapped. The next turn, the Alkari and Psilons declare war. Tau Cygni is set to build more bases. ASoil comes in the next turn, and terraforming is set to 25%.

IT 60 (IT 60, CER) - I also increase spending on construction with RIW 40%.

Present: ASoil to Klackons in 2443: 1710

The Psilons bypass Tau Ceti and strike at Zhardan, but won't arrive for another six turns. Strategic maneuverability is one of the key things the AI doesn't get.

The Klackons also declare the next turn. The next turn the Silicoids ask for peace, and we agree, since we don't know if Cryslon is polluted. Pop growth is emphasised in preparation for the galactic council soon.

The Psilons flee Zhardan, and the council of 2449:

25 votes, humans vs psilons:

Psilon: 3 psilon
Klackon: 1 psilon
Alkari: 3 psilon
Silicoid: 2 psilon
Humans: 16 humans

Drat! So close! Even with all colonies at max pop.

RIW 40% comes in a few turns later:

Andrium (only new choice)

IT 60 comes in after that: +50 to eco, and

IT 80 (only new choice, unless you consider bioterm and choice)

The Klackons ask for peace, and most planets reach new pop levels. As thanks, they get a present.

Present: RIW 40% to Klackons in 2459: 1025

IT 80 comes in! Great! +50 again to eco.

A Cloning (only new choice)

Present: IT 80 to Klackons in 2463: 1406

The Alkaris ask for peace, and we grant it.

Present: RIW 40% and ASoil to Alkaris in 2464: 900 + 1080

The Psilons strike at Tau Cygni, but there are nine bases there, and their ships are still second-generation, at best. Using the old Scouts as decoys almost their entire fleet is destroyed.

PAS comes in a few turns later, and it seems shield 7 is the only choice. Small screw-up there. The next turn we get Adv cloning and FRifle:

IT 120 (only new choice)
Auto blaster (only new choice)

ASS comes in later, in 2472-73:

BC 7 (only new choice)

Cryslon, and all other planets are scouted. Since we discover pollution at Cryslon, we immediately invade the planet. Well, no, we'll have to wait until the fleet is in place, which will take three turns, so the election will come first. The next turn we get ISGs:

HEF (only choice, as always)

And the council of 2474-75:

Humans vs Psilons, 31 votes:

Psilons: 3 psilon
Klackons: 1 abstain
Alkari: 3 humans
Silicoids: 2 abstain
Humans: 22 humans

Why couldn't this have happened in the previous election (of course, then it'd have been a domination one)? Conquest victory in 2474.

Edit: added present scores, which weren't included in the first draft.

Total score: 20432, doubled to 40 864.

Not too bad, since I almost only gave planetology tech. Highest scoring gift was 1710 (ASoil to Klackons in 1710). Highest tech gifted was IT 80. tech level 38. Being at war for long periods didn't help the scoring, and I'm lucky that I had to re-deploy the fleet so the election came before I exterminated the Silicoids.

This one must have been a blast! It might also have been fun to play as Shoemaker's Elves: We may not offer trade agreements, NAPs, or Alliances. We give all tech to the first race we meet whenever we have any available, but if they ever offer us any deal of any kind, we may never give them a gift again, and must instead choose a different race (if any) to be our beneficiary....

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