Diplomatic victory:
Selrahc 1665 AD
Spaceship victories:
timmy827 - 1655
zeka - 1690
Olodune - 1710
T-hawk - 1720 (sponsor shadow)
Swiss Pauli - 1725
haphazard1 - 1750
shpoko - 1750
LKendter - 1765
Ruff_Hi - 1785
Ronald - 1840
Kodii - 1860
And as promised, here's a graph showing the research rate over each turn, for each player that reported the data. Also the Excel workbook. Beaker counts are the raw XML values, unadjusted for game size and speed.
Ruff_Hi took an early lead with the Civil Service slingshot, but that didn't hold up through the rest of the game, possibly thanks to fairly late Democracy. Timmy827's early game was middle of the pack, but he took a clear and permanent lead with the Democracy slingshot.
My max-density build worked out probably about as one would expect. I lagged behind the pack through the first third of the game (and no Oracle hurt too), but around T120 after Sid's Sushi, my tech rate clearly improves on par with Timmy's and ahead of everyone else. And my steals show up as small but visible ticks.
Ronald's line shows some surprising activity. He was right with Timmy and even ahead for a short while, but around T120, his tech pace faded significantly. Ronald's report gives little detail, but I suspect the culprit was undersized cities. His screenshot shows cities of sizes 17-16-15-15-14 and it seems Sid's Sushi only in Paris.
If anyone wants to report their tech dates, I'll add them in. Big thanks to Ronald for compiling that data!
Selrahc 1665 AD
Spaceship victories:
timmy827 - 1655
zeka - 1690
Olodune - 1710
T-hawk - 1720 (sponsor shadow)
Swiss Pauli - 1725
haphazard1 - 1750
shpoko - 1750
LKendter - 1765
Ruff_Hi - 1785
Ronald - 1840
Kodii - 1860
And as promised, here's a graph showing the research rate over each turn, for each player that reported the data. Also the Excel workbook. Beaker counts are the raw XML values, unadjusted for game size and speed.
Ruff_Hi took an early lead with the Civil Service slingshot, but that didn't hold up through the rest of the game, possibly thanks to fairly late Democracy. Timmy827's early game was middle of the pack, but he took a clear and permanent lead with the Democracy slingshot.
My max-density build worked out probably about as one would expect. I lagged behind the pack through the first third of the game (and no Oracle hurt too), but around T120 after Sid's Sushi, my tech rate clearly improves on par with Timmy's and ahead of everyone else. And my steals show up as small but visible ticks.
Ronald's line shows some surprising activity. He was right with Timmy and even ahead for a short while, but around T120, his tech pace faded significantly. Ronald's report gives little detail, but I suspect the culprit was undersized cities. His screenshot shows cities of sizes 17-16-15-15-14 and it seems Sid's Sushi only in Paris.
If anyone wants to report their tech dates, I'll add them in. Big thanks to Ronald for compiling that data!