I don't really have a report per se - I kind of half-assed my first (and only actual counting) try at this game, and then did about a dozen shadows afterwards. The psychology involved in this game is outstanding, I don't even know if you realized it when you set it up, T-hawk. First you have the basic questions - do I worry more about the early game or the late game, do I focus on food or commerce/hammers, etc. Then you have the do I suck up to my neighbors and tech blissfully in peace or do I go military heavy to keep my tech lead? I literally have tried this game a dozen times - by far my best result was a mostly gold start with a 2 coastal tiles + 2 lake fish for food, where I went privateer crazy. Of course, my result was nowhere near as spectacular as fluffyflyingpig's, but it definitely played best for me.
I have no report, because I lost the official game when I let Shaka get too advanced and he spent the majority of the late game forcing me to build military to beat him away rather than focus on spaceship stuff, and Hannibal launched on me.
Anyway, I guess I'm just posting to say I rather enjoyed this game.
I have no report, because I lost the official game when I let Shaka get too advanced and he spent the majority of the late game forcing me to build military to beat him away rather than focus on spaceship stuff, and Hannibal launched on me.
Anyway, I guess I'm just posting to say I rather enjoyed this game.