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So we won our first game pretty easily, but it was a good learning experience! It's time to decide what comes next; signups are now open for SG2. We should have a number of players returning from SG1 but additional players are also welcome; if we need to we can split into multiple teams, so no worries about getting too many participants. New players are still welcome!

Along with your signup, please answer the following questions:

1. Preferred race?
(Human, Hiver, Tarka, Liir, or Morrigi -- I'd prefer to reserve Zuul until some of our players have experience with at least one more race first, as the Zuul can be hard to get going with if you aren't prepared for their mentality.)

2. Preferred challenge level?
(On a scale from 0.0 to 5.9, where 0 is the game we just played, and 5.9 is insane variant action. Essentially:
-- 0 is a normal difficulty game with even starts for all positions,
-- 1 is the same with a small handicap,
-- 2 is the same with a larger handicap or variant rules
-- 3 is a game on hard difficulty with even starts
-- 4 is a game on hard difficulty with a small handicap
-- 5 is a game on hard difficulty with a larger handcap or variant rules)

3. Preferred overall pace of advancement in the game for all races?
(On a scale from 0-10, where 0 is glacial and 10 is lightning-fast. There are a lot of modifiers that can affect how quickly the game proceeds through the technology tree, from how big an empire everyone starts with, to how planets are distributed on the map, to how much planets are worth relative to the cost of settling them, to global economy and research modifiers in general. I would say that our first game was somewhere near the middle since we used default settings for most things.)

4. Do you like surprises?
(I'll use this as a tie-breaker on the challenge question. If enough people want a surprise and we pick a challenging enough difficulty overall to make effective use of one, I'll add something appropriate in. It might not be apparent from the get go what kind of surprise it is, and it could make the game considerably more challenging than anticipated, so be forewarned! smile )

I'm still interested! I'm also working on letting some of my other obligations die down so we should have fewer 'Mardoc, are you alive?' moments smile.

Zed-F Wrote:1. Preferred race?

Not Human, not Tarka; I want something different and interesting in terms of movement. Liir, Hiver, and Morrigi are all different enough to make me think.

Zed-F Wrote:2. Preferred challenge level?
Probably somewhere 2ish. I'm ready for a step up, but there's still a lot of room for me to grow, I'm sure.

Zed-F Wrote:3. Preferred overall pace of advancement in the game for all races?
If our first game was a 5, then I'd probably go for a 2 in this one. I'd like more time with each tech level to make the jumps feel more significant.

Zed-F Wrote:4. Do you like surprises?
All in all, yes. An abrupt change of plans makes the game more interesting.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Zed-F Wrote:New players are still welcome!

I would like to sign up for the team. I am still mostly a noob at SotS, and SGs are a great way to learn from more experienced players while having a lot of fun. smile

Zed-F Wrote:1. Preferred race?
(Human, Hiver, Tarka, Liir, or Morrigi -- I'd prefer to reserve Zuul until some of our players have experience with at least one more race first, as the Zuul can be hard to get going with if you aren't prepared for their mentality.)

Humans was just played, and I have been working my way through a game as the Tarka. So I would prefer any of Hiver, Liir, or Morrigi.

Zed-F Wrote:2. Preferred challenge level?

Somewhere around a 2, maybe up to a 2.5. With the benefit of strong players on the team and a little bit of experience for the rest of us I think a moderate challenge is in order. But nothing too terribly difficult yet. lol

How much difference does hard difficulty make, compared to other starting handicaps like giving the AIs an extra world or some bonus starting techs?

Zed-F Wrote:3. Preferred overall pace of advancement in the game for all races?

Maybe a 3 or 4? I agree with Mardoc that it is nice to start a bit slower so that reaching those milestones is more meaningful. But I would also be interested in some settings which might make for a game where the AM era is reached before everything is over.

Am I contradicting myself? (I am vast, I contain multitudes. lol) Or can a combination like this be put together?

Zed-F Wrote:4. Do you like surprises?

Surprises are fun. Even if I end up wailing and gnashing my teeth when whatever it is happens, I'll enjoy it. Really. lol

Thanks for the organizational efforts, ZedF! And for starting up SotS discussion here at RB and getting me interested in a very fun game.

I don't know if you need/want more people, if not I'd be happy to be a sub. If your looking for people I'm happy to join. I'm happy with whatever the general consensus seems to be with regards to game settings.

you can get this on steam right?

fire&ice' Wrote:you can get this on steam right?

Looks like it - Sword of the Stars Complete Collection, currently 19.99. You might find a better price if you're willing to go to Amazon or Stardock, though.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Amazon is showing Digital Download as US$15.99, so slightly a better deal, especially if you don't want to use Steam's software constantly (and amazon gives you the same download anytime/anywhere options that steam does anyway).

Tyrmith Wrote:I don't know if you need/want more people, if not I'd be happy to be a sub. If your looking for people I'm happy to join. I'm happy with whatever the general consensus seems to be.
More people is always good! If you have the game you can count yourself in. smile

Quote:How much difference does hard difficulty make, compared to other starting handicaps like giving the AIs an extra world or some bonus starting techs?
Hard difficulty is a significant jump up. The Hard AIs get a 50% economy bonus and at least a 50% research bonus (which multiplies with the economy bonus.) As a result it tends to be a tad more ambitious in its planning and not quite as tentative about early exploration (or it can afford more slip-ups and still have a viable expansion plan.) A normal AI with more bonus worlds will tend to result in an empire that has more production but also has a larger amount of territory to defend, so its navy will be more spread out, whereas a hard AI may have less production relative to income but will have higher-tech ships to do it with and probably a stronger initial defense.

That said, a 10 planet normal AI empire is certainly going to put up more of a fight than a single planet hard AI empire, so there are limits to all things.

So thus far we have:



Tyrmith, fire&ice, do you have the game patched up to 1.8.0?

Yeah, I never patched anything as far as I'm aware, but the game says it's at 1.8.0, should I be at the right point just by having complete edition?

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