pssst I heard Austria and Turkey were going to attack Russia
David and Uberfish of Germany
ok I had to do that
Anyway here's the brief scoop on Germany: - Ideally we want to ally with one of England or France to kill the other and get it done quickly. Germany's main problem is two front wars. - Russia is almost always a mid-long term enemy, but the all out attack on Russia in 1901 is too risky. However denying them Sweden should be strongly considered especially if they seem to be doing well in the south. - And going south is suicidal. We want peace with Austria and Italy for now and ideally a DMZ in Tyrolia (so we don't have to worry about Italy trying to sneak into Munich) - Turkey is automatically our friend, we can't help her directly but we would like to see her do well as a counterbalance to Russia/Austria/Italy - Holland and Denmark are ours - Norway is England's - Russia will claim Sweden is his but he can't force the issue. - Belgium is a bargaining chip between England/France/Germany I sent a quick reply to A/I friendship messages, it's good to get something out there quickly - If France is really talking to austria before us, then WTF LOL. David did you hear from him? I'll leave talking with E/F to you mainly
Yeah, I have a simple message from France saying
Good to meet my neighbour in Germany! I'm sure you agree that there's a pink "error" on the map that should be painted black and blue as fast as possible! Or not, of course, all depends.... Anyway, hope to hear your thoughts about the start of the game.
England agreed on the principle of the split and that we could be flexible with SCs changing hands - actually he also suggested going 4/2 in belgium/france/iberia if we got both Sweden and St Petersburg, which works just as well
That definitely sounds like a good thing and sorry I had to go off, my rentals wanted on to the computer.
ok a couple of things have been established
- we got the Tyrolia DMZ so sneak attacks on Munich shouldn't be a worry - note my noncommittal reply to Russia about Sweden. This brings up the obvious question "why should Germany ever allow Russia into Sweden", imo there are two main reasons one might want to do so 1) Germany wants Russian cooperation against England 2) Austria and Turkey are destroying Russia and Germany wants to prop Russia up for a while IMO the german fleet should be moved to denmark and not holland on the first move. The main point of the Holland move is for Germany to try and support itself into Belgium. But this move is unlikely to make friends with either England or France and leaves units in an awkward position. Fleet in Denmark has much more options than an army and helps defend the Baltic if Russia is hostile. Army in Holland can move back out to Ruhr and a fleet can't. Also the leverage on Russia that comes from moving to Denmark just doesn't exist with a move to Holland.
Have you ever heard of the 'sealion' opening because Nakor asked me in an email if I had heard of it, I have not responded yet.
Edit: I checked it out online, but I don't think I like it nearly as much because it gives too much power to France and isn't nearly as good for us.
The diplomacy term Sealion is named after the Nazi plans to invade Britain in WW2.