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Starters game Diplomacy

So, the first game is getting in an interesting phase. Everyone has seen how this game works a bit, so maybe it's time to start a game for everyone who wants to get familiair with Diplomacy.

If we get seven players to play in this game, we can start and I'll adjudicate.
So, who of you new guys is up for it?

List of ppl who expressed interest in the lurker thread:
- Nakor (as adjudicator, I'd assume the game master / admin)
- Jowy
- Bobchillingworth
- Sciz
- Twinkletoes89
- Gaspar

So we got five players, need just two more.

PS. Let's try not to spoil the other game.

I will give it a go, think I understand the rules now at least

Is there some rule/FAQ/guide site for this somewhere? I remember seeing a link in a topic in here but I can't find it now

just posting to confirm my interest
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

Here is a set of rules in pdf. Feel free to ask any questions you have!

Glad to see something like this getting going! I'm happy to help someone out if they'd like a teammate/ded-lurker.

Checking in!

Hey scooter, wouldn't be fair with you as a teammate. You, like me, can answer all questioons, of course!

Is there room for one more? I've played a single abortive game ever, not sure if that'd disqualify me.
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