Serdoa/WarriorKnight: Varn of the Illians
Very, very strong choice here. Spiritual PoWs + adaptive for either a war trait or an eco trait at turn 70 plus the ability to slow down everyone else in the game thanks to Stasis. Either one of Agg or Raiders would make for some seriously scary PoWs. I expect at least one early kill from this team.
Sareln: Kandros Fir of the Sheam
Aggressive PZs and Skellies with Financial to fuel tech/upgrades. Another powerful rush choice. #1 candidte to summone me on his way to the Grimoire.
Square Leg: Amalanchier of the Hippus
Yet another rush choice. Amalanchier is an interesting choice. No economy trait, but Raiders + Defender's +10% boost to retreat chance + Horselords + Warcry will make for some very scary mounted units if Square Leg can get to Stirrups before getting PoWed or PZed.
Ellimist/Mist: Varn of the Sidar
Hmmm. Great choice for a SP game, but I suspect it will be weak in MP. Even with Charismatic/Spiritual it will take a very long time to get Priests up to level 6 for mass waning.
Krill/Kyan/Darrell/Cyneheard: Kandros Fir of the Clan
Very strong team here. Solid leader and a solid civ. I don't see a lot of synergy between the leader and civ, but if they can avoid getting PZed, PoWed and/or Warcried they should be able to do very well in the midgame. #2 candidate to summon me.
Amelia: Einon Logos of the Elohim
The only restriced leader in the game. Not sure what Amelia is planning on, but I think he could have made a stronger leader choice. Philo/Defender isn't a great combo. It's ok, but there are stronger choices out there.
Thoth: Hyborem.
Hyborem tends to get summoned in one of two circumstances:
a) An "escape boat" from a poor situation (either due to land or being on the losing end of a war). In this case, I'll be inheriting the summoning civ and will be in a very weak position. My goal in this case is to hold out as long as I can.
b) As a side effect from a run a the Grimoire. In this case, I'll likely be playing the Infernals with a lateish start (most likely in the t140-160 range). I'll likely not have very much of a chance at the game unless I get very lucky with my spawn location. My goal in this case is to cause as much havoc and destruction as possible. (and last longer than 5 turns. :neenernee )