You can see that first i moved char on the sign, and there had place an realy interisting dialogue:
-Kublay khan(knowed like KK) : Get that worker, its a haven gift, we still have
only 3 .
-Pericle(knwon like P) :I dont know, I realy like to have good relation with neighbours
KK- What relations, you asked me for help with you military well you have it;
P- Its just a worker
KK- Doesn't mater, your neighbour must tremble before you, you have a name to watch out here.
P-still i like peace more
KK-Did you falow my Pbem 18?? you know the pro's one?
P- I remeber something....
KK-Well i will refresh your memory, at this time one of Asokas cities was burn;and i had 4 axes and not 2 chariots...
P- I am not sure about ofensive, i think he has cooper too and going for fast bw its an usual custom for China...
KK-You dont know gaspar..., Did you read his pbem 14?
P-I didn't had much time lately...
KK-pfffff, that game started 1 year ago, you have noo chanse to win this one, i will refresh you memory again, When gaspar was atacked by mighty scooter with lots of stron cavalry(not like your chariots , grumble, grumble)
he had nothing...
P: And???
KK: I can bet that now, he has a mighty army of 3 , 4 warioirs and if you listen to me and sent the other chariot here we could eliminated him..
P: Dont think so, one single spear....I want to play peacefull for now;
KK: Did you won any games here on RB?
P: Not yet...
KK: Listen to me with this attitude you will never win one,Well looks like Gaspar had righ when called you a 'Sisie'
P:Go away I just ask you to help in military campain and not run my empire.
I will sent this to Gaspar:
Quote:Hi Gaspar(or Isabela),
We met on pbem 24, my chariot its near an very undefended worker. I was thinking to declare and take that worker, but this its not Pericle stile, more like Kublay khan.
I have a funny ideea, i dont know if you'll agree:
- we singn a Nap, which its last until one of us destroy the other oponent on his side.So if i finish firts my oponent if i want i can declare war on you , but you cant, if you finish him first you can declare and i cant.If any of us declare war after finishing the other oponent the Nap its void.
What you think about that?
I will not play the turn until i got an answer to this if you dont agree i am sure we can find something else..
And he accepted peace for a very long time, Pericles just love's this.