Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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A Very Perpy SG

[COLOR="Yellow"]The Occasionally Updated Play Order:

Bobchillingworth < JUST PLAYED

DaveV < UP NOW

Selrahc < computer can't handle the [strike]truth[/strike] turns

Dantski < too many units!

Nicolae Carpathia < skip until further notice

Thoth < ON DECK


Brian Shanahan

Anyone interested in playing a strange & possibly amusing EitB SG using Perpentarch?

Basic idea is that each player does whatever the hell they want in their turn, writes up a summary in spoiler tags in the SG thread, and then passes the save onwards. Players are forbidden to tell each other what they're doing & can't read each other's reports until the game is finished. Obviously the intent is screwed more towards just having fun rather than trying to prove anything smile

[X] Sign me up!

This sounds like fun!

Sounds fun. I'll sign up.

I could be persuaded not to listen to teammates for once!
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Excellent! Four players is enough to start a SG, I think. I'm happy to include others too if someone else wants to try a round, assuming nobody has any objections.

So, settings- I'm up for whatever, with a slight preference for doing an Erebus Continent map with everything set to "random" smile Really any map which offers a lot of options with a random choice is great.

For Difficulty, I suggest Immortal or whatever the step below is; either works. I don't have much of a preference for any of the "Challenge" settings, I'd default just to leaving all of them off. I'd like to keep lairs on, All Unique Features, regular barbs, Orthus enabled, I'm fine either way regarding Acheron.

For most map types I propose the basic standard size w/ the default number of opponents.

ALTERNATIVELY, in the spirit of the game we could just have a random lurker generate a map for us using whatever (at least minimally playable) settings they desire =) I'm fine with either option!

I've never played in a SG before, so idk how long turnsets usually are- maybe 20 each? Whatever works.


This sounds like fun. *kicks self for signing on for PB6*.

<--Doesn't have time. cry

I'm looking forward to Lurking.

I'm terrible at FFH so I'm interested. I probably won't be good to play for another couple of days, so I'll be wrecking Bob's hard-earned empire in a later turnset.


Hmmm.... Would you want someone who has very little FFH knowledge/experience on board? If so, I'm your guy!
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player


Up to six! jive

Actually any more and it's probably best just to start a parallel game. So for the moment I'm going to call an end to signups for active players. Turnsets should be 15 each, I think. Or 10? Could use some input from someone who actually has played in one of these things before :neenernee

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