I figure naming my stuff after pokemon will give me heaps of possible names for units and cities, so that's my theme yall. It took a while for me to find this subforum, I must admit.
Well, I'm completely stumped as to where I want to setlle. Looks like an ocean to my south, maybe to my north as well. I might wander around for a couple of turns, just get a feel for my surroundings before I make a decision where to settle.
Pallet Town has been founded. I believe I should have a strategic resource in my BFC, since I only have 3 visible, so hopefully that's either horses or copper.
Hopefully there's a lurker out there who can help me with this.
So, I'm getting Mining, and my Fast Worker, in 7 turns. Is it better to farm the rice, or mine the gold for my fast worker's first action?
My guess is that mining the gold is better because it will come online first due to shorter time to build a mine, and the worker can start the turn he's born. It also saves a worker turn to build both. Is that worth missing out on the earlier food?