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Adv2 - A Soul of War's report

Ok my first real game on monarch... Ouch... Someone didn't want us to have an easy time around. ok the Az-Teskimos, nice theme, but while there be jungles around? I guess not. So we have no usefull UU.. ok cost 5less than swordman but has 1 less attack. Damn.

On our start, could make it work if we could.. no wait can't build lighthouse... darn 1 square SW and it was a whole different game. Maybe it wouldn't have been that good but hey can dream?

4000BC: ok we are spiritual so here we go polytheism. My usual start a worker under way.

3920BC: Ok scout exploring pop a hut get a scout... nice and I keep exploring with both.

3760BC: Scout pop a hut ... hum ... juicy nice ... Animal Husbandry

Not much

3600BC: Scout pop a hut ... hum ... juicy nice ... Fishing, that will help with the start we have...

3520BC: Polytheism founded in Tenochtitlan... go for HinJud? Nah go for HinBud no one got it so far, no one got Polytheism... I have plenty of time for second religion.
[Image: soulowar_a201.jpg]

3480BC: Gold from goody hut. and you always meet your closest neighbourgh?
Bleh... the roman. And I'm sure they have iron nearby...

3440BC: Scout pop a hut ... hum ... juicy nice ... See the pattern??? Mining, third in 5 hut... god damn!

My tech three at the date!
[Image: soulowar_a202.jpg]

Damn I might make it through the game with this start. Ok worker done start barracks... might as well make a strong army.. roman nearby but still a way to walk to my home... mountain, hills and forest... (see no jungle... useless UU)

3280BC: Gold from hut

3160BC: Hey guess what two-headed Hydra... yeah I'm officially a HinBud but couldn't save my pics... learned it to late to... But I start masonry

-small hints- Don't put illegal character in the name: \ / : * ? " < > |

3080BC: Scout get xp... I give him the forest/jungle so he can explore all terrain faster... well xcept hill but they always have a fast path around or forest on them...

3000BC: Get map from hut

2960BC: Finish barrack start warrior.

2840BC: Finish first warrior start on stonehenge to start my gpp.

2800BC: Grows to 3 learn Masonry and heads for Monotheism... Will I get the third head on monarch? might help me a lot in this game.. the income and all...

2560BC: Grows to 4... starting to think I'm hurting myself too much... ok it should go fast with all my workers improvement around to pump a settler but still...

[Image: soulowar_a203.jpg]
Yeah I'm officially a HinBudJud-ism oh and I start the wheel need the road...

2160BC: Grows to 5 and ...
[Image: soulowar_a204.jpg]
Yeah I can start thinking about religious income.. and focus on my empire now. Start a warrior 2turn than settler.

2000BC: I get the wheel a barb warrior kill my scout... I need archery soon, next in queue.

1840BC: Get archery start bronze working... need something to get at those roman... I never like them as neighbourgh

1680BC: First settler.. I know it's late but hey.. I needed to feed my spiritual side first.. Oh and I start an archer

1560BC: Shiva, the holy destroyer get is shrine to the west. My second city will be build around it. Judhaism auto spread to shiva so it will be my main religion so far. Switch my state religion. I start a worker there to help spread it's growth. I also finish an archer that will move to this city. I start the parthenon.

1480BC: Learn, to my dismisses, that there is no bronze nearby... I start Prieshood for the oracle.

1360BC: Learn priesthood, start oracle in place of the parthenon. Start Sailing

1120BC: Learn Sailing start writhing.

1040BC: Finishes worker in Shiva start Lighthouse, Oracle is ready to build, need writhign before so switch back to parthenon.

925BC: Learn Writhing start Iron Working, start Oracle again.

900BC: Finishes Oracle, learn Theology and founds Chistianity in Shiva.
[Image: soulowar_a205.jpg]
[Image: soulowar_a206.jpg]

825BC: PUshes my chirstian prophet in Tenochtitlan and well he manage to spread a 4th religion!
[Image: soulowar_a207.jpg]
Yeah still only have a warrior, anyway barb can spend from that side and they need to go by shiva. The warrior give me the protection they need... bunch of fool...

675BC: Moses was born 25years ago, now that he is of age he conduct the work on the Temple of Salomon.
[Image: soulowar_a208.jpg]
Also a settler is ready to found my third city... (only third one... gosh)

650BC: Learn Iron Working, Oh there is iron overthere.. got a settler right here.. nice.. oh better yet a barb city right there... gotta move settler down and build some jaguar.. OH my the only usefull thing they have no need of iron... Confucianism iis founded somewhere

575BC: Learn Agriculture, start pottery

475BC: Learn Pottery, start Mathematics, first jaguar ready.

375BC: I found the shrine to the great fish Bahamut and found my third city around it. I start a Barrack, from my knowledge so far.. It will be my best launching point for an attacke against rome
[Image: soulowar_a209.jpg]

200BC: Learn Mathematics, start Alphabet

100BC: Judaism spread in Bahamut

75BC: Captured the barbarian city Anasazi

25AD: Settler ready in Shiva and The parthenon is finally finished!
[Image: soulowar_a210.jpg]

175AD: Mahavira was born 25years ago and now he finish the project of his life the Kashi Vishwanath.
[Image: soulowar_a211.jpg]
Seeing the beauty of our frosty land Roman declare war against the mighty Az-Teskimos!

200AD: Romans near the great shrine of Bahamut and face a lone archer, a faithfull of Shiva the destroyer! After long hour of preparation, the great unnamed hero slays all of the invader! 2 Axeman, a charot and a spearman. (survived at 0.03)
[Image: soulowar_a212.jpg]

250AD: Alphabet is learned start calendar.

275AD: Traded to learn Currency

300AD-500AD: A few skirmish with the romans but peace is declared without much damage on each side, but vengeance is brewing.

450AD: The great shrine of Leviathan, the great sea serpent that protected us from invaders from the sea.
[Image: soulowar_a213.jpg]
Also this year the great shrine to Ramuh is been made in the old barbarian city! Hail the lord of thunder!

880AD: I build the mahabodhi
[Image: soulowar_a214.jpg]

Since my war with the roman I lag behind the others by a lot... I decided to turn taht aorund by conquering the romans and their pyramids. I construct my military and keep teching, getting backwards after each tech.

1090AD: Rome will pay!
[Image: soulowar_a215.jpg]

After a few years of combat here the gain before I am forced to make peace if I don't want to loose Ramuh.. AI on that is stupid accepting peace even at teh doorstep of conquering a city.
[Image: soulowar_a216.jpg]

But really the war didn't do much to help... Judhaism is spread quite a lot and keep spreading I got mao with me and much teh otehrs against me... I slowly lag behind to hit the bottom... only moved from there by the fallen civ, I don't think that getting the three headed hydra helped me much.. sure I hoped to go Cultural and thought that I could manage with only a few cities. nah the starting position and the course I didn't take (hit the sea and spread around it) killed me. I lost space ship in 1984 while going for cultural... I guess I can't steal a win this time wink Here the closest I got...
[Image: soulowar_a217.jpg]

Even with my backward civ I have the best cities
[Image: soulowar_a218.jpg]

Sorry the report is not better but at least it's an improvement... oh yeah I hate standard spead. I don'T understand it much.. played one full game under it (now two) but all teh others were epic so my knowledge is biased. oh yeah vicky had a rocking start! now heading for adv-4 I guess. please grats my hydra wink

You got your Hydra going much much earlier than I did. Interesting war with Rome there, too.

I enjoyed your early game report. The middle and late game report are... pretty much not there. lol Would have been cool to read some more, but thanks for posting the interesting opening. (Wow! Parthenon on top of everything else, and way early Hydra. I spent my prophet on a fifth religion and was shocked to only get one more by 1000AD!)

- Sirian

By the way... I used my free Christian missionary to better effect. Sending him to your capital was interesting, but you could have sent him to Rome and maybe avoided that war altogether? At least that was how it worked for me. smile
Fortune favors the bold.

Damn you had an interesting start! I've never really tried to chase the hydra like that - it is far to rare for me to even try for one religion realy on, even! I think that was cool - and those early wonders a great synergy with the Great Prophet points. But I just don't know if there was nearly enough time in this game to capitalize on the benefits of more than one. Denial is one thing, but even if your neighbors found another religion - you could just switch to it and still earn your shrine gold, right? I just can't see the utility of nabbing more than one religion in this context.

I also can't believe you did so well at the start of the rome war, so early in the game! Impressive start, I'm sure you could have gone lots of places with that if war hadn't gotten you down.

One thing I should have mentionned is that I didn't bother to change my play style from epic... there is a lot of difference in a normal game.

I didn'T report mid to late game for a simple fact.. next turn please, culture build, next turn please... hum dmna can I make peace now? no.. next turn please... most of it was that.

Alex attacked me, mao attacked me... rome before being whipped out. Saladin and vicky at the end.. (she wipped rome so was close border).

True about christianity but I would have needed anotehr to send to capital to go for state religion.. might as well have send to him judhaism earlier... might have saved my ass.

I usually have good start until I make some quick dumb move in mid game that spells it... Oh and I enjoy a lot more the start of the game.

I usually don't aim for lot of religion, but for me the only possible way I thought I could win it was by culture so I need lot of religion. 4 religion give me 4 50%+ culture building per 3 city... if I wouldn'T have lost 3 city I could have had 4 more maybe 5 (because, I got taoism from rome.. he popped that religion), would have bode better for me on teh cultural path.

Your opening was exactly the same as mine, aside from going for Hinduism before Buddhism. Popping Fishing AND Mining from huts was a huge break, allowing you to chase a second religion with no extra penalty. I would have loved to be in that situation, let me tell you. And then you went ahead and completed the Hydra. Good stuff. You then completed Stonehenge 2 turns later, off to an excellent start.

Then you got Christianity too! Amazing. This is a redux of the Sirian game all over again! lol Unlike Sirian, you took founding your first shrine over grabbing a FIFTH religion, but I would have done the same thing, I think. With the Parthenon too, that was officially a crazy capital!

OK, a single archer manages to kill two axes, chariot, and spear?! That's ridiculously lucky. I WISH I had that kind of combat luck! (Seriously, that shouldn't be happening...)

Wow, after fighting Rome, the next picture is of the United Nations? I think we skipped ahead a wee bit! smile Try reading Sirian's report for a good demonstration of what you can DO with all those hydra heads to get a real advantage. Your opening was great, but it didn't really take you anywhere in this game.
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