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[Spoilers] Old Human Tourist: Empress of Azteca

If TBS thought we intended an attack on his stack on Lashing, which we would in that case obviously have projected to be successful, his best move would be to move the stack away. However, if he were to believe our (initial) objective was his stack, I don't know why he would believe we would not bring enough frigates to bombard the defences down in one turn, or allow him to opportunity to escape. I don't know if what I just wrote made sense, but in short, thinking about it, it seems to me he would either believe his stack was in danger, and move it away, or see through the deception, and move his stack away. And, to be honest, if he can see us coming a mile away, I don't know why he wouldn't just reinforce all his culture cities, or move his stack into a better zone-defence position - i.e., it might be best to prepare for an old-fashioned, highly-suboptimal, defensive field engagement/culture-slog upon landing. Alternatively, what are the defences in Glamdrul and Fort Tahn? Or what about a conventional attack from that green player in the east's land? The two-movers in TBS's stack are three or four turns from Elensefar (though he might see such an attack coming, too). I dunno, just throwing out ideas.

Turn 216

Not a lot happening this turn, Dreylin's capital came out of revolt and it'll be a couple of turns before the continent is culturally covered. Electric windmills in a golden age aren't bad, but as a city-specialisation fan I'm not so keen on them. They'll do here though as we can't get mature cottages in the time we have left.

On our way to visit TBS we have a small advance party, a larger fleet at the back and (hopefully) a hidden fleet in Mayo. Please shout if this is really dumb, but I think there is a chance TBS doesn't notice our units under dtay's defenders, so he'll have a false idea about how much we're committing to attack. Of course unprotected boats can very easily be sunk so I unloaded three unpromoted Infantry to make sure that can't happen.

Demos and power.


(March 27th, 2015, 14:11)TheHumanHydra Wrote: If TBS thought we intended an attack on his stack on Lashing, which we would in that case obviously have projected to be successful, his best move would be to move the stack away. However, if he were to believe our (initial) objective was his stack, I don't know why he would believe we would not bring enough frigates to bombard the defences down in one turn, or allow him to opportunity to escape. I don't know if what I just wrote made sense, but in short, thinking about it, it seems to me he would either believe his stack was in danger, and move it away, or see through the deception, and move his stack away. And, to be honest, if he can see us coming a mile away, I don't know why he wouldn't just reinforce all his culture cities, or move his stack into a better zone-defence position - i.e., it might be best to prepare for an old-fashioned, highly-suboptimal, defensive field engagement/culture-slog upon landing. Alternatively, what are the defences in Glamdrul and Fort Tahn? Or what about a conventional attack from that green player in the east's land? The two-movers in TBS's stack are three or four turns from Elensefar (though he might see such an attack coming, too). I dunno, just throwing out ideas.

I was hoping he'd think his stack was in danger and reinforce it with units that were headed elsewhere... I guess he will reinforce the culture city if he thinks we have multiple Commandos but he might not have considered that possible. BGN built the Pentagon and SoZ so we'd need something ridiculous like seven GGs to produce commando cav crazyeye.

The defenses in the East probably aren't as good, but they also give TBS time to reinforce as it'll be three turns extra to get over there.

If we can't burn a city with a lightning strike do you think we'll be better off waiting for tanks, bombers and Marines to carry out the slog? TBS is drafting Infantry right now and has built one Machine Gun so far.

27 Insanely Important Things To Know About Fighting TBS

(Based on what we can see, which isn't everything)

1. He doesn't have much siege. But presumably will get Artillery after Combustion for Destroyers and er... Artillery.
2. I think his expansion was carried out with Cuirassiers and he's been farming hard since then.

3. He's drafting Infantry. Seems to be doing five a turn (and why not).
4. He has some border tensions with GermanJoey, meaning only a portion of his army will be waiting for us.

5. The major force is in Lashing. From here his 16 2-movers can reinforce either of our target cities immediately. We should kill them all easily, but that slows the capture and gives him more time to react.

6. I'm guessing these reinforcements are heading towards Lashing.
7. Unless we get lucky it'll take our 10 Amphi Infantry two turns to capture Arcanclave.

8. Our airships can hit Kharbranth from dtay's city of Raholas and they can hit Arcanclave and Lashing from Edelman.

9. Declaring on TBS also means war on dtay, so we'll need to be sure about teleport mechanics - will it send us back to the south or over to plako's culture?

10. Nope. It sends us to the west banghead.

11. So this might make it a bit clearer. I've modeled dtay's culture closely, but didn't bother planting our cities on the north continent in the sim - will that matter? The upshot is that if we time the declaration right we can get all our 6-movers to be one turn from Kharbaranth, covered by the Frigates we already have up in the north. I'll need another look (next turn) to figure out the timings properly, but I think we probably declare t218. If we're going to attack.

12. Unless we can get open borders from dtay straight away we won't have air support to soften up the defenders.
13. Is there any chance that we can get TBS to declare on us to save us having to risk the teleportation dance?
14. Er...
15. How do buzzfeed do it?

Coerce someone on Reddit to make a post about it so you can steal their points.

When you finish this game I have a post about teleportation mechanics that you would love to see nod
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Turn 217

BGN gets Electricity in two turns. Broadway completes in three but could be sped up at the cost of a lot more food. I doubt BGN would use an engineer on it and I don't *think* he can overflow enough to get 800 hammers in one turn. Worst case is a coinflip and burnt great engineer, so I'll let Zucchini build up some nice overflow for the turn after (perhaps to be kept in a wealth build until Radio completes).

Planted the last filler city on North Continent. Some cities are starving a little when they come out of revolt, but 4-food farms are a great way of stopping that quickly.

Hello TBS boat stack! I'm working on the assumption that my teleport sim is right and we're declaring war next turn. If the sim is right then we neatly sidestep this stack nod. If the sim is wrong then I'm blaming Pindicator and I think we'll need to stay at war with dtay so we can be sure to get through his culture. That means we'll we have fourteen of dtay's Frigates (under the selected boats) that we want to dodge around and then at least eight of TBS' Frigates to kill/avoid. Which in turn means we need to upgrade a bunch of Frigates to Destroyers and perhaps Galleons to Transports frown hammer.

If we're declaring on TBS next turn then we'll know how much we need Destroyers. We have a bunch of Cannons in city queues so we'll go for Artillery this turn, then we can 1-turn the remaining beakers of Combustion and a lot of Frigates will queue-upgrade to Destroyers. Combustion isn't a great tech for us - a bunch of cities will go unhealthy due to Factories and require Public Transportation before they starve. And it obsoletes whale, but Broadway remedies that for us. If we don't need Destroyers straight away do we grab Radio (for Eiffel Tower) instead?

Espionage is getting sticky - I've switched to TBS as dtay seems to be investing about 50 EPs per turn in us, so we're not getting visibility back on him soon and we need to be sure to keep visibility on TBS. BGN is a lost cause - I've put three Airships on that border to do the scouting instead smile.

Demos, victory conditions and power


Er, just to make sure - you weren't thinking of upgrading outside of our culture, right? I might be misremembering, but I don't think you can do that. But that might not be what you meant.

I think I'm going to try and catch you on chat tomorrow so I can understand this proposed attack better.

Bad news for blood loving lurkers - TBS moved more stuff into Kharbranth and put his stack of Frigates in range to block us anyway, so I think our only option is to retreat, declare on TBS and dtay and offer dtay a cease fire. Then we tech to tanks and/or flight and come back to mess TBS up. Dtay should accept the cease fire and give us OBs again as I don't think he wants a naval war of Frigates against Destroyers.

If we complete Combustion this turn we could upgrade the fleet (11 Frigates, 2 SotL) next turn, move up towards TBS t220 and then hit him t221, but by then he's had a turn to upgrade his fleet (10 Frigates with two more lurking) too. So instead we could just upgrade the fleet, and wait for the reinforcements we're building to join it.

Turn 218

The reason we're not attacking this turn - Kharbranth is stuffed so it'd take more than a turn to get through, meaning the stack of Frigates there could mince our boats...

But we need to do something about the defensive pact if we're coming back with destroyers. I moved our boats SW one tile and declared on TBS, trigering a dtay declaration and kicking us out of his culture.

Our boats ended up 1SE of where I'd assumed, but that was fine. It did cost us 20 gold, 80 beakers in lost trade income though. Sorry Fintourist! I offered dtay a cease fire straight away, then next turn while we upgrade our Frigates to destroyers and a couple of 4-move galleons to 5-move transports (needed for tactical reasons) we can ask him for open borders.

In the mean time we might as well take advantage of this opportunity to get some XP...
- Frigate vs Caravel 99%... WIN (one hit)

- C2 Cav vs Explorer 99%... FLAWLESS WIN

- C1 Galleon vs Caravel 89%... WIN (4 hits frown)

- Infantry vs Explorer 99%... didn't happen. Wait. What?

BGN (who was playing at the same time as me) took our declaration of war on TBS as a cue to close borders with him, meaning the explorer (and an airship I was about to kill) teleported. I'm happy that TBS will get a bit less income and that our western flank is protected but I really wanted that 1XP! cry

On techs - this turn we get Combustion, then we'll want to spend a bit of cash upgrading Frigates, and then we'll either go for
- Flight (3 turns at break-even) - Carriers and Fighters for what THH tells me is the full Sirian Doctrine
- Industrialism (4 turns at break-even) - Tanks and Battleships to crush TBS's resistance
- Radio (3 turns at break-even) - for the Eiffel Tower and Rock n Roll in Zucchini and Carrot.
I think Flight is the more useful military tech since we need another GG for commando tanks. I'm inclined slightly towards Radio though, because I don't want BGN sniping the wonders from us. Hmmm.

Demos and power


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