Sent at 5:32 PM on Friday
Bob: Guess I'll just respond via chat, since you're here now
you can copy & paste this into the thread when you post or whatever
Me: Yeah sure
Probably spoil the whole thing too
Bob: I think you are underestimating how much crap Volanna has to do to really take off
Sent at 5:36 PM on Friday
Bob: yes, she can expand quickly, but to really get the benefit of her civilization, she has to research FoL, then up to Priesthood, and then tech to Recon, just to have a complete economy and basic military
that has always been the deal with both elven civilizations
a really strong economy that takes forever to build and leaves you vulnerable in the process
the Ljo have an EXP leader too
so the big difference is AGG, and Sinister- and where that shows up is with the darn Fawns
Volanna has won a single game, IIRC
with a fawn rush.
Me: Yes, she does take a while to take off
(she's played one game as well )
Bob: like, she'd still be very strong
but... so what?
EitB has several strong leaders who take a while to really get going
Me: Because of her traits, she is able to accelerate much faster then any elf but Thessa (who IMO is the strongest Ljol)
Bob: make it so she doesn't have an uncounterable early rush option and she isn't any worse than, idk, Jonas
See, I consider Thessa theweakest elf
she needs so many things
Me: And because of AGG, even without using SIN she is able to protect her weak stage, the opening for far longer
In summary - elves get too be awesome late, but are weak early. EXP reduces the time she is weak, whilst AGG allows better protection whilst she is
Ha, agree to disagree there. Thessa is my favorite elf leader
But then, you don't like mage gameplans IIRC
Bob: You could say almost the exact same thing about Sheelba, and she's almost universally considered weaker than Jonas, and pretty mediocre over all
Me: Err, no
Sheelba is pretty strong IMO, but different thought entirely
Bob: Double settlers with warrens, AGG, and ORG to make expansion easier to afford
and an incredible late game if she can get there
Me: Clan are not weak early, they are strong. They grow to be weak late
Because they fall behind
Bob: what!
... that really doesn't bear with my experiences, at all
or even what we've seen in games
Ellimist ran away with the Clan in the first game he won
Me: In clan you are always weaker tech wise so you compensate with it through numbers
I think we're talking about different things
Bob: the Barbarian science penalty doesn't have a particularly dramatic impact late-game
Me: Clan are the strongest really late, its that they can't get there because of penalties and other expansion
Bob: warrens workers and being left alone by barbarians early on easily makes up for it
Me: No, but it does in the mid game
Yes it does. Clan are very strong
But besides the point, and I think we're arguing at cross-sections from each other
Bob: Shrug. Without a very strong early unit to protect her, I'm just not seeing how Volanna is OP, as opposed to just a very good choice
Hunters aren't on the path to FoL, either
Me: Yes they are
Bob: oh wait, I guess it's AH which is optional
Me: yeah
Bob: well whatever, you still have to build the stupid Lodges
Me: Yeah. still...I wouldn't ever pick Faeryl with Vollanna there, even if I couldn't build fawns at all
Bob: I agree, I wouldn't either... but I don't like Illusionists, at all
Me: Oh yeah.
Bob: I wouldn't play as Faeyrl under most circumstances
Me: I think I'll make Illusionist an optional alternative to mage
Bob: hmm
a free upgrade?
Me: Although then I might have to make a seperate archmage
This lets you choose which you want
Bob: seperate adept too... I think their skeleton summons are illusions
Me: I don't think free mages is nessecary
Bob: I mean, mages can upgrade for free to illusionists
Me: Yeah, but who cares there, not going to be bothered with if skellies are illusions or not
Huh, I suppose
I thought it would be better to just divide though
Bob: Either way, I guess. I think that's sort of a buff to a civ that might not need it, though
Illusionists are I think generally a bit worse than mages
Svart Archmages are pretty sweet
Me: Yeah, but currently the change is not intended to worsen them, IMO, its just that's how it turned out
Awesome until Empyrean destroys your gameplan
Bob: sure
I mean, I think illusionists being meh might be kind of the point
it forces them to lug around killing units with the arcane dudes
Me: I think it maybe should be how magic works in general
Bob: kind of keeps an otherwise really strong civ in check
Me: But that's too much of a sidebar
I suppose
Bob: well *more killing units
Me: I just get the feeling it is a flavor thing by the devs, who didn't really consider the consequences
And basically means no one goes the arcane route with Svarts
Bob: Like, I think we just have different perspectives on what is powerful with what leaders
Thessa seems very weak to me
Me: Probably
Bob: you need PoL, you need Arcane units, you need Champs or Rangers or LB to cover them, you need archery for your hero
Me: You have more mp experience which is probably there
And why do you need Champs or Rangers or LB to cover them, you need archery for your hero
Like why not just use mages
Bob: Mages + PoL is, what, 6 strength defending, at best?
Me: Nature 2 should probably plant forests - another thing will never get done
Depends what you're summoning
Bob: we're going to assume you don't have death mana coming out your ass
Me: Okay, so 3 mana total?
Sent at 6:00 PM on Friday
Me: Lets say 10 mages, throwing out Hosts, enchanted bladed, maelstrom, speeding in on body
That's yeah sure S6 effective, but hosts have maybe E3 as well, and besides, why are they getting that close?
What are the alternatives at that tech?
Bob: See, there's the issue
Me: Iron axes?
Bob: because she had to spend a lot of beakers running up the divine line too
Me: Do tell
Bob: you could be facing T3 by that point.
against, say, Calabim
or otherwise a lot of the more powerful T2 units
say, HA
Me: HA suck in EitB
Which...hum. I should do something about that. But true
Bob: not to mention that PoL are somewhat redundant in a summoner army, yet you need them anyway
Me: Even so, Elves don't need to outfight you there
Bob: like, she isn't bad. But none of the Elves are
Me: and that sort of army can probably defend there
And the alternative is Arendal - and how many priests have you got by then?
Only two mana techs and sorcery
Bob: Well the big advantage of Arendal is military
I mean economy
Me: so maybe Veil?
Bob: because she's the only one who can get in and out of GoN
the Elven Crack civic
Me: True. But if you ignore the other religions, you can just stay in
Bob: oh man, that's such a waste!
she's the only one who can really get away with Elven Runes and Elven StW
Me: Which yes, are incredible
But the distance isn't massive if you just eat the infinite hapiness/health
Bob: Idk if I'd even touch the Arcane line as her..
with several divine units boosted in EitB...
Me: Yes. Order might be good
Bob: I guess just the adept stuff
Me: Do crusaders dissappear if you leave?
Bob: no
neither to Paramanders
which got massively boosted
Me: So then go for a quick conversion
Bob: do*
Me: Did they?
Bob: 8 strength defending
2 moves with SPI
Medic, Demon Slaying, respectable 6 attack
80 hammers
very nice units
with SPI
Me: That's with iron, no?
Bob: copper
can't use metal weapons
but need copper
Me: oh
Bob: Crusaders can use metal weapons, they're basically just cheap, weaker champs
Me: 6/8 natural
Bob: yeah
Me: Yeah, but you get them free with each order conversion
Bob: Yeah, Crusaders are nice too.
Divine game in general is a lot stronger in EitB
Me: So pick up order, get 15 units and 5 priests
So is ARC thoguh
Mages used to be really hard to get
Bob: I don't play many SPI games mostly because I think it's pretty easy to get trapped in an endless well of new Divine toys
really easy to get stuck with a broad but shallow army
Me: Yeah
Bob: I prefer civs with deep beelines, generally
just a personal preference tho
lots of people have made SPI work
Me: Same. I've never really done SPI
I'm more of a one for a gameplan with a endgoal
Bob: right
well moving down your email... (just put me down for "mostly disagress about Volanna")
I guess I misunderstood about Keelyn
Me: Yup
Thought so
Bob: I thought the change was puppets can't summon units which last for 2 turns
I guess it's just puppets can't last for 2
summons otherise unchanged?
that's a lot more reasonable
Me: Think so
Honestly though, probably wouldn't go Keelyn with this. Just not strong enough compared to Perp
Bob: yeah, idk
I guess I'd go with her if I wanted a mage game
Me: Even then, no ARC sucketh
Bob: Furia if I wanted melee
Me: Furia's what?
Bob: Cha / Rai / Barb
Me: Oh
Bob: pretty nasty with Harlequins
if anybody used them
Me: Harles are best with Gibbon Earth Elementals though
Bob: Perp is really fun, but he's completely unreliable
Me: Yeah. But 3 traits are normally applicable
Bob: yeah, I mean he always has at least one good one
but like losing Raiders just when you want to start building up blows
Me: Yeah
Bob: and gaining ORG sort of compels you to suddenly cue up Command Posts in all your production cities before it disappears
Me: Best setup: start mage buildup with ARC/CHA and then get RAI just as you invade
Bob: I mean I love him for SP, but otherise... mehhh
Me: Yeah, the lack of focus would mean I wouldn't go MP, but then I want a really set one for my first game
Bob: Ellimist really likes him, but Ellimist also mostly just uses him for Freaks, which really would be better with Furia
Me: (A part of me can't believe I've never played a FFH MP game...)
Bob: wait, you haven't?
you're in the Perpy game, right?
Me: Oh there is 31
But that's not MY game
Just one I jump in and fiddle around with once every 2 months
Bob: you should totally propose a new game
drag in some bums from Civfanatics
Me: But time...
Bob: new blood
for the new blood god
Me: Hmm, maybe
Would you dedlurk/cover for 2 weeks in 2 months time?
Bob: play a game with a slow pace Pretty sure civ fanatics people would oblige
I am going to get this update done before I do anything else, no SP no nothing
I know myself too well
Bob: hah, well I'm pretty sure any game you propose is going to take forever to fill up
because the standard RB crowd is pretty busy with games already
Me: Yeah
Bob: so you really would need to either wait a long time or drag people in from Fantatics
Me: I probably would propose at CFC
though how well they'd take to it, who knows?
And then you have to reinvent the wheel to make sure they all know what they're in for
Bob: pretty much. Which might work out just right.
Game won't start for a while, that's for sure
and hey, if you can bring a new crop of players in, that'd be great
Me: Yeah
Still, not this weekend
Bob: hmm okay so you're asking me in the email about what civs are weak vs. strong
well, I can't even remember them well enough to rank them all, I guess
uh call out random civs
I'll give a couple pithy thoughts
Me: Grigori
Bob: one at a time, doofus
Me: Sheiam
Bob: Grigori- been used in few games, but Thoth did win as them once. Can do a strong early rush, and the Medic unit is amazing (you're basically always at full health). But happiness is terrible. Very map-dependant.
Weak-to-Okay, depends on mapmaker being generous with luxuries. And having luck with a rush.
(if you wanted to improve them, Dragonslayers are a pretty obvious option- really laughable UU right now)
Me: Hmm, I could make them +200% versus dragons...
Bob: Doviello- Buffed a lot in EitB. Pretty solid, lots of neat tricks you can pull with the WS and upgrading mechanics. Both leaders are solid, although playing Charadon on a large map is tantamount to suicide, so don't have Mardoc GM ;P
Me: Heh
Bob: Pretty strong, I'd say.
Me: Dovellio is just one I can't get a read on, because never played MP and they have a very different style from me
Obviously TBS dominated with Charadon, but depends on the target of the rush
Bob: Amurites- well, you're basically playing too completely different games depending on which leader you pick. Woman Leader is for Firebow rushing, which I think has a lot of potential in teamer games and small maps, but leaves you economically very weak and very vulnerable until you get all your little pieces in place (civics, command posts, tech)
Man Leader is obviously all about bulbing the arcane line
I never do this, so... idk
I guess he's okay.
starting mana is really nice
Potentially the most broken civ in the game, but you'd need an insane amount of tech so forget it
Me: Yeah. I think Amurites are pretty nicely balanced tbh
Hmm, clan or amurite for Medieval start
Bob: I'd rate them as pretty middle-of-the-road.
weak early game, weak-to-strong mid game depending on if you get caught with your pants down before deplaying FB / Wizards, asurdly strong late game- if you can supply the tech, which you probably can't
Me: Would amurite beat Hippus in '29?
Bob: hard to say for a medieval start, but those would certainly be top tier- I think we already had that convo
which was that?
Me: Massive map Elli got caught on
And HK built 100 cities
Bob: hmm, right
eh, they aren't super-moble
certainly would have had time to make an incredibly army, but actually moving it across the map?
Me: (on second thought probably die to the barbs - pushing them so far behind that even with all their toys they'd be too weak to beat the massive empire of Hippia)
Anyway, Khazad, and then Khazad if they didn't have the inital -2 happy, as if the worst vault is knocked out entirely
Bob: what was the fourth civ, Sheaim?
idk how to play these guys, tbh
averax is simple enough
but the other two?
even in FFH, I couldn't figure them out
they're arcane or whatever, fine, okay
but... they have a single arcane UU
and it's really late
and sucks
except on defense
which sucks
so, idk. Play if you want an early UU that makes everyone fear and hate you, and then want to either play a bog-standard arcane game or continue to bother people with exploding axemen
Me: Yeah. Wait until reading the vaults proposal though, too many planned changes to evaluate pre
Bob: well your proposed new gates sound like a real pain to code
Me: Problem is SUM sucks
Bob: I would just jack the spawn rate way up
call it a day
fuck, just triple the current rate
bam, done
Me: Thought was largely based off - now they can build mages!
Bob: mehhh
you know who can already build mages
fucking Sabratheil
and nobody plays as him
Me: And other fun things, and cheaper and blah blah blah
Bob: Org and CHM.
Bob: yeah
probably least-picked civ
even sidar get more love
Me: Elohim
Bob: they've been showing up a lot lately
Me: Honestly, I prefer Bannor to Elohim
Bob: thessalonica is tempting
Me: Yeah, suppose SPI awesomeness helps
But just...why?
Bob: Bannor... have very nice unit graphics
that's the nicest thing I can say about them
Me: lol
Bob: Like, they aren't bad
just absurdly micro intensive
fucking fanatics everywhere
Me: Nah, I'd go Bannor if I had to choose between the two. At least they have a gameplan
Bob: and then you have to gather all the little idiots up and give them pet adepts to enchant their blades and haste them and UGH
Sent at 6:44 PM on Friday
Bob: post this chat i think i was very quoatable
Me: Indeed
Sent at 7:00 PM on Friday
I started ranking all the civs for you, but I got bored about 1/4 of the way through
in sum, I think maybe 7 or so are really good, the rest are okay
none are "bad"
I think the Sheaim are the weakest, if you ignore leader traits for everyone.
also in the bottom: Elohim, Luchiurp (once the mud golem price adjustment comes in), Grigori
Strongest are about who you would expect: Balz, Calabim, Clan, both Elves, Kurios
but out of everyone, really only the Sheaim have serious gaps in strategy
But with buildable Gate units and better spawn rates, as well as some improvement to SUM...
I think all they really need are much better spawn rates
they have all these really neat UU
that never appear
also requirements for a couple are incredibly stupid
I just worry that a strategy based on chance is too...unreliable
the Manticores, which are by far the best gate units, require _groves_
fucking groves!
who came up with that?!
it boggles the mind
used to be warhorses
I don't even know what minotaurs require, they never seem to appear
and they *are* roughly the same as knights'
forges, maybe
Its Obsidian gates!
hahahaha good freaking luck
yeah, both of those probably need to be moved up :P
I mean, I can understand making them tough to obtain
because they're T4 units you can theoretically have in unlimited numbers
but sheesh
But manticores are too powerful for stables....hum.
Manticores are really powerful
because they fly
FFH doesn't have many flying counters, pre-archmages
any by many, I mean any
except fireballs
...which is why groves
Problem is, once you have CwN, you still have to build a bunch of them
yeah, I understand that, but the sheaim have zero reason to go for Commune with Nature
Which is why implementation is really stupid
if you make Commune cheaper, then I guess it's acceptable
But normallly, CwN is okay for having a T4 unit at
Reason it doesn't work? Because they spawn, not buildable12:49 PM
Put them at a decent price and maybe make a NU limit, and suddenly its a okay tactic
it's because CwN is very expensive, the Sheaim start as evil and have great synergy with the veil so they won't usually be neutral, gates are expensive, groves are expensive... it's a whole lot to ask for some units
really nice units, but by the time you get them your opponents will have T4 of their own
probably a couple different types.
I really want to make it based off tech, not building
so when are you going to post your EitB ideas
what are you waiting for
and by "your ideas" I mean "mostly mine"
I'm writing it up
It's going to be quite long
can i write the forward
"just read all the stuff i wrote"
The foreword?
yeah whatever
Well I sent you one and that remains same
Hyborem always appears with his Hero, two Champions, two longbowmen, two settlers, two workers and an imp. [CHECK] This right?
one worker
and three manes
that the AI usually "upgrades" into scouts
also, the settlers spawn in with the starting settler promotion
which makes them supurb scouts
And some of the units come with M1
fuck it
fuck you!
right, all the non-mane and non-Hyborem combat units are Mobility 1
And obviously Hyborem spawns with the Gela, which technically is also a unit
Isn't Hybie?
I don't think so?
Or is he just 2 move base
2 base
Yeah that's it
What do you say to the idea of golems starting with the commando promotion
seems very strong
But max 2 moves
And they have to find/make roads
what luchiurp isn't researching engineering?
and gargoyles would be 6 moves
What if it was tied to one of those obscure buildings?
I'm not sure if you know, it was before I started playing FFH, but I have heard that golems once could get the Heavy and Light promotions from structures
maybe just restore those
nobody uses any but blastic workshops anyway
I can't even remember what the other two are
Uhh, building bulk
one gives "perfect vision" or sonething
can't remember the other one at all
probably invisibility
gotta run, I'll be back later.
got some more thoughts on hyborem
see ya
Proposal: As well as his current starting units, Hyborem receives a number of axes, manes and settlers (sans promotions) equal to half the average number of cities in the game.
honestly, that sounds way too complicated
Also, I don't like the idea of him building manes
Ellimist has brought it up before too
I think it has too much snowball potential
if they're too cheap
but even if they're difficult to 1-turn in anything but the capital, that's still awfully strong
I do favor just having infernal cities spawn at size 6
which encourages ICS play, yes
but that's already the best move for him
the change just makes it viable
Uhh, spent about an hour trying to implement that

Personally, building pop has a tradeoff
And its actually quite hard to get to the point where you want to go vertical like that
even in SP
You just can't compare playing infernals in SP to MP
You need a ton of techs
it's completely different
Yeah, I know
I've done enough of both to know
What I'm saying is, even in SP where you can do whatever the hell you want, it takes ages to get to the point where super infernal cities take off
But you don't need super cities to break MP. Here's the thing with building manes- Hyborem gets +100% production in his capital with Godking
and Infernal citizens can be much more productive than regular citizens, because obviously you don't need to worry about food
You could easily start 1-turning manes the turn you spawn in
Okay, say 3h tile
15 turns of that, you can can produce most units in a single turn
Sure its easy to do (though +50% not +100%)
And 15 units is a lot
And diminishing returns
50%? Hyborem's palace gives a production bonus
Oh does it?
Anyway, you have maybe 15 good tiles max
And that's really max
So you can get 45hpt max, 90hpt with bonii
Which yeah is a lot
I don't think you understand how broken this is going to get. 15 citizens working mostly production tiles means you can 1, maybe 2-turn most military units... which you would want to do for a little while, for defense and to pop out some settlers
But you've put 60 worker turns, 300 hammers and 15 turns into getting that
but the real trick is adopting caste, or one of the other "unlimited specialist" civics, and then running 15 scientists
15 anything but engineers
because every infernal citizen could be working a tile, or they could be a specialist- and it's easy to unlock unlimited specialists in EitB
now 3 or 4 beaker sages aren't amazing, but that's a _lot_ of bulbs
or culture bombs.
or settled priests, in a godking capital
So speaking entirely in terms of pricing a pop, what would you consider the point at which you wouldn't be building manes
(in MP)
idk. That's what Ellimist and I chatted about for a while
he suggested 50, which is too expensive to build casually in non-captal cities, unless you captured them large or something
but Hyborem's capital could still one-turn them if the AI doesn't waste your starting manes
Is the capital bonus an issue then?
I would rather just aboid the headache and make his new cities start larger
As in, would that be a good solution without it?
yeah the capital bonus is a big problem- but losing it hurts a lot
because I think the reason Kael gave it to him is the same reason he spawns with 2 LB instead of 4 Champs
What I'm really coming from is that Hyborem needs a way to grow his cities, as it is impossible to rely on the current method of getting manes
basically he needs to be able to produce defenders pretty quickly
Which is what he is "balanced" around, as the AI is reliable in its stupidity
like I told Ellimist, it would be nice if Hyborem could build a living unit that isn't Rosier
but what can you do? Invent new units for him?
that's way outside the scope of the mod
Another change I'm looking at is making demonic (right?) units give manes
But I won't be doing that for a while
that would probably be annoying to program
snce you'd have to be sure you didn't have manes giving manes
Just give them "not living" or whatever the horsemen tag is
I mean, if I can just indulge in wishful thinking, I'd like it if everytime someone switched to an "evil" civic he got manes
I really wish we had the variable alignment thing some of the mods have (never tried it, but sounds good)
Hyborem is def. the toughest civ to balance tho
How much would you cry if I took away his iron?
at the end of the day, he could spawn in some icy hell and be completely screwed no matter what
uh lots
It's a little odd, Kael obviously realized that the Infernal could snowball out of control if manes were too easy to obtain, yet the Mercurians can easily supply their own angels
issue is, if i get the variable spawn thing down, I don't want to power up his rush too much
with AGG / RAI, it's not like throwing axes at people is a _bad_ idea...
People would play as Mercurians all the time if you could bulb Fanatacism
Mercurian just =/= Infernal on soooo many levels
They're completely different
Anything wrong with making snow +1c at rivers?
what's the point?
The Illians aren't economically disadvantaged
like, obviously the change is to
Bob: efit them, but why
No, but it's a bit stupid that they lose out from transforming the terrain
well, that's why a smart illian player doesn't actually transform all of their land :P
You're right however, while it might be a good change it isn't important, so I'll leave it for now.
Fawns: just add ToL as a requirement or increase cost?
both, I think
were the discounted in EitB? I can't remember
They're slightly better, but it ruins the symmetry...
All T2 units were IIRC
I don't think hunters were
gotta double-check that
Yeah they were, big time (fawns)
So 75h?
well, people weren't building them before
in regular FFH
but sheesh.
heh that was probably a change I suggested, too
yeah 75
At 125% of price...maybe lose ToL?
I mean, they do already need the spread
I guess
How do you spell Sheaim?
like that
Oh like that
Ha, never spelt it like that before...
What is a decent price for Mobius witches?
120 hammers on quick, I guess
I wouldn't make them buildable to begin with :P
hmm actually maybe 160
Like, vamps are 120
for comparison
but witches could have any mage spells...
that's pretty good.
or potentially terrible.
no less than 120
Uhh, are those all quick?
I never play normal!
not even SP
takes waaaaay too long
I don't think they'd get any mage spells if built naturally
what's the point then?
just, buildable mages?
Neither, but I get all my numbers of the pedia
the free, random spells are what makes them neat!
I could try to implement it
But ARC/SUM mages that don't require massive investment in getting xp is pretty valuable already
you're going to copy in all of my commentary when you post change proposals, right?
No way I'm typing all this shit again
Not that anyone will read it...this is like 5000 words
delete key, man
not like I even remember what I wrote
That involves work, right?
I can barely remember what I had for lunch
All of this is going in
I'll be sure to forget it!