Posted this earlier in a wrong thread.
Sorry for necro this but its not easy to find a forum to discuss strategy of this game. Ive played from back then and ive played in the original patch.
In the original patch the game always crashed on my computer when wraiths attack so i had to kill them with ranged units. It also crashed at other instances. And yes, some picks costed less and some picks were different. Runemaster made your spells harder to dispel instead of stenghting your own dispel spells.
So the point I want to make to the OP. Ive used almost a similar wizard as the video and I know why they called the ultimate mage. Its not weak at all. I use right now
Agressive Build
Node mastery
1Life (or 1 death wich is more difficult) 1Chaos 1Nature 1Sorcery
I use this build and no summon hero/champion because they are cheesy also no wraiths.
Its very fast and you need no extra buildings. Simply swordmen can conquer any indy city. Lizards get more HP. Klackon more defense. A lizard javelineer is very strong as are the turtle and beetle. Alchemy gives magic weapons to the primitive races. I try to make a strng stack fast to get extra books from ruins. Charismatic and the varied books makes me more able to get a lot of spells from the other wizards.
This other build I call Amigo wich is similar but weaker
Node mastery
3 life 2 sorc 2 fire 2 nature
This build is very challenging because its weak but getting 2 books gives you more trading choices. After I recently read prima strategy guide, a pdf of an old guide that explains at detail EVERITHNG i learned that life magic gives a bonus to relations similar to charismatic and death a minus.
barbarian are the race thats gets the least unrest in you other races cities.
The goal of this build is to archieve the ultimate wizard. That is having "ALL" the spells. First trade to all of the other wizard spells. (you need to have 3 spellbooks in a magic to get the good ones) Maybe 4 books to the really rare such as move fortress, time stop, etc. Im leaning towards that you need only 3 books so youll need 1 extra of each element. Also this applies when banishing a wizard, the spells you can get use the same limits. You will only get arcane spells from an all death rjak. And no rares if you only share 1 book.
You really dont need to give spells at all you just do spell brokering. And after that get the rest of the books to get the spells you have missing. Save and reload if needed to get acually books insted of other stuff. Life and death books are found in ruins. You will be missing death spells ofcourse.
Imagine having:
Healing-Call ligthning-Flame strike-Invisibility-Magic immunity-Invulnability-Wind Walking-Spell Lock-Earth Gate-Flight
Torin-Warrax-Malleus-Markus-Alorra-Roland Maybe Yramarag or elana replacing someone. The rest of the stack made of Sky drakes. Of course its an overkill but the goal is getting the ultimate stack of units.
Troll shamans would be the healers of your killer stack. Its the only reliable healer because you don even need to enchant them for protection. They suck up all ranged attacks till they die, and they dont really die.
Prima strategy guide:
Some Cheesy builds
All death, summon wraiths
(from several guys in youtube)
Runemaster-Artificer 5 sorc 2 life 2 nature
(from this guy)
Channeler-Conjurer-Nature mastery-Node Mastery
4Nature 1sorc 1fire
(my cheesy build, summon sprites, then profit)