Chapter 7
Tasunke shared a moment with a farm maiden, Piera.
Tasunke Ah, my dear Piera, you are as sweet as a winter's rose.
Piera: A winter's rose? Do such things exist?
Tasunke: Oh yes, quite rare and exquisite
Piera: Oh? Well thank you then.
Tasunke places his hands over Piera's
Tasunke: Yes, your hands are like silk, your lips like honey, your hair like....
Kragroth storms out of the Kuriorate Palace far away
Kragroth: Tasunke! Quit fooling around human and get your pagt gar over her!
Tasunke: Hey, is that any way to talk to the Lord of the Hippus!
Kragroth: Now human! This important!
Tasunke quickly bowed to Piera before dash-jumping onto his horse and galloping back to the capitol
Piera: Tasunke?!
Tasunke: Sorry dear, duty calls!
Tasunke galloped straight into the Kuriorate Palace and into the War Room, horse and all.
Tasunke: Yes, what is it? What's so important?!
Kragroth pulls out a map from a scout report
Kragroth: Look human!
Kragroth: It's that sea hag Hannah! She tortured my mind and helped murder my sons!
Tasunke: It's that she-bitch Hannah! She killed my sister!
Kragroth and Tasunke together: I Hate Hannah!
Tasunke: So what are we going to do about it?!
Kragroth: Knowledge is power and I don't want her getting any more power. It will take 5 turns for her to find my city if she moves right. I want you to move your scout to intercept her, the scout can finish her scout off with a high percentage chance.
Tasunke: What about your goblin scout?
Kragroth: Goblin too slow without wolf. Goblin scout is best to travel and explor e more land towards enemy camp.
Tasunke: Hmm, if Hannah travels through the forests, it will nullify my aggressive advantage. I'm not willing to risk a loss to create a promoted scout that's harder to kill in our lands.
Kragroth: True, we need a little more firepower. We need to try to trap Hannah's scout by making her go nearby both a warrior and a scout.
Kragroth scribbles on the parchment and shows it to Tasunke.
Kragroth: Blue means hilll. Purple is where Hannah scout will likely go. Red is where we should have scout and warrior.
Tasunke: What's the significance of hills? Why are they called out?
Kragroth: Every unit sees 1 tile in all directions by default. If any tile with 2 tiles is a hill or mountain, then that unit sees that tile there also.
Tasunke: Oh, interesting
Kragroth: At that point, Hannah's scout will see a hill, but not the capitol. Moreover, it's not too far away for the warrior to retreat if need be.
Tasunke: Hmm, I assume the scout attacks first and if he dies, the warrior finishes off Hannah?
Kragroth: Very good human. Even if Hannah's scout is on a forest, Aggressive Scout + Aggressive Warrior stand good chance of winning.
Tasunke: The scout of course might have an extra move and retreat back after seeing our Scout and Warrior together.
Kragroth: True, but then your scout can follow her retreat and slow her down. At least that gives us all more time to build warriors. It much easier to pin scout if home city is protected well.
Tasunke: You know, the problem with this plan is that she'll know where your city is.
Kragroth: What you mean?
Cardith enters the room
Cardith: Sorry for being late, but I think I know what Tasunke is saying. If another civilization border is 2 tiles away, you will catch a glimmer of that border.
Kragroth: So what?
Cardith: Well, if Hannah circumnavigates the inland sea, she will be able to surmise that your capitol is next to the sea, open to a naval attack.
Kragroth: ...
Tasunke: And you know how that tentacled freak loves her naval attacks!
Cardith looks at Kragroth's map
Cardith: There's an issue with trying to avoid the enemy know where your city is. Whenever a unit is adjacent to a coast, that unit sees all tiles adjacent to that coast.
Cardith redraws the map and shows it to Kragroth and Tasunke.
Cardith: You see, if Hannah's scout stands in that circled tile, she'll automatically know where your city is located and she'll see all of those tiles there. She'll likely surmise that your city is adjacent to water. We should try to avoid that if possible.
Tasunke: Let's actually plot out her most likely path
Tasunke takes another parchment and redraws the map again
Tasunke: You see, in the middle of turn 3, she'll find the border for your city. Unless she dilly dallies around and takes a longer path around and why would she do that. At the fastest, she'll be one of the spots marked with a 5 in 5 turns.
Kragroth: Hmm, so many places she could be
Tasunke: Possibly, but whenever I scout, I like to get my full 2 moves in. One move on a plains/grassland and another move onto a Forest or Hill.
Kragroth: Open area not give defensive bonus, more likely to die from attack and not be able to explore more yes?
Tasunke: Absolutely.
Kragroth: Hmm, and so 2 tiles above capitol not likely good spot, because Hannah scout likely see warrior and scout and be able to retreat?
Cardith: Correct, hence the red x. If we put the scout and the warrior on the red x, Hannah will likely complete her last move on a forest and afterwards it will be too late, the scout will be next to the scout and the warrior. And, it's very hard for the enemy to survive both attacks.
Kragroth let out a half smile
Kragroth: At least we have a good chance of preventing her from finding all our cities.