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Sheaim Schism (t200 onwards)

Re-read the variant rule-set, will play by the SG rules starting with t200 (201).

Will be a friendly, jovial competition to see how the games match up (and how they differ).

*Ah, one tiny rule change.

-> In addition to Abashi, Messhaber of Dis can also be built. (armageddon unique)


Worker stack inbound. Like last time, I whipped the Settler (and unlike last time, no *building* of gate units)

So, assuming everything plays out the same, I should still beat Ljos to the northern mana.

t207 and each mana node has a Witch on it. I got slightly luckier this time around with the spawns ... in both sequences, 3 witches spawned, however it was all 3 in the south. This time around it was 2 in the south, 1 in the north. So the 5th node will finish a little faster (and the southern ones just a little slower).

In the end, this will mean that all 3 nodes will be added t211 (for a total of 5 death nodes). Each node will take 4 turns to build, simultaneously.Thinking back on the possibility of Waterwalking witches, it might be worth it to turn one of the far-northern (new) nodes into Water as opposed to death. For the Witches to eventually become waterwalking. To do this automatically we will need 3 water nodes .... unsure as to whether or not it will be worth it. Luckily, one of the Witches should have Metamagic eventually (and if not, we can always conquer a node post Sorcery to build one)



going to try to get this Mana before the Barbs get it (if I'm not too late already)

--> Could either go Entropy for these 2 nodes, or an additional 2 deaths, or perhaps, later, 2 water manas.


So yea ... lol at the AI ....

Conquest? rly? Well ... at least City States makes sense .... the only guy running Aristo is NOT also running Agrarianism, so a bit of a self-nerf on that count imho.

Have we looked into any potential AI improvements?


tempting ... tempting ... but no. I don't need a war with the AI until it has already been all but won ... plus ... I don't want to lose the trade routes (yet)

t213 ... whipped another Settler (also from Kvatch) to go to 2nd mana (barb mana)


Ramping up the fogbusting, in prep for the settler/city.


Settler is escorted with Succubus ... the idea is, erm, to encourage early 'pop growth' for the new city :P

turn 219 sees the entry of our first Religion!! (well, possibly our *only* religion ... heh) --> But since religious units can't be used other than as spread functionality ... might as well try out some other religions, if we have the time for it.

Still ... as 'Armageddon focused,' even if it does end up being our only religion, that is perfectly fine as well. Besides ... it is needed for the Messhaber of Dis ... dancing


Tongurstadt ended up being our Holy City ... maybe not the best, but certainly not the worst. When need be it can share those juicy mines from Kvatch smile All in all I think it is an excellent location. Will promptly rename the city 'Tartarus'.


-------> I had briefly pondered as to whether hiring units from Goblin Forts was allowed, but decided against it, as I feel that it might be against the spirit of the variant. Equally tempting (but less justifiable) would have been to 'upgrade' from the warriors into better units, such as PZ and Chariot ... buuuuuut .... that would be against the variant (imho) much moreso than hiring a unit w/ gold from a Goblin Fort. I certainly wouldn't mind, later on, hiring some wolf riders, for strictly pillage purposes (non-combat) ... but its a gray area, so I doubt I'll do it, at least for now.

turn 219 is also special because its the first turn that we are 'breaking even' when it comes to science on 0% ... no longer are we getting negative values (which needed to be sunk into the largely useless cartography tech).

I'm somewhat dissapointed, imho, b/c I could have sworn that City States was upgraded to +1 trade routes per city ... I *had* thought that was in EitB v11, but alas, it doesnt seem to be. Hmmm.

Q .... was City States ever +1 TR in EitB? I could have sworn it was. frown

Eastern Dotmap


While I'm certainly not *planning* on going to war with the barbs ... if it happens, I AM going after those cities.

However, I'd much rather get them via Cultural Conquest devil


Infrastructure! Yeay!!

Srsly tho, TONS of Public Baths, followed by TONS of libraries. Going to sprinkle in more courthouses here n there. I want every city with Planar Gates + Public Baths ASAP.

-----> After Ashen Veil I went Construction -> Horseback Riding, and now I'm working on Smelting. I'd like to go Mil Strat to see if Form of the Titan/ Command Posts actually affect planar spawns or not. However, its largely secondary. I'd rather just get some high production centers started so that I can actually let my cities re-grow and maybe focus on some elegies down the road. I haven't needed to build any Elegies at this point, b/c normal spawns have been enough (AKA, founding AV boosted AC to 10 so ... yea)

Upon discovering Horseback riding ... I immediately upgraded ALL WITCHES to mobility 1 ... not to mention that one of my witches has body 1 ... so thats a potential 3 move stack w/ summons smile

....I was within a HAIR's breadth of declaring war on the Ljosalfar/Lanun teams when ... two things happened.

#1) Both moved up from Cautious to pleased

#2) Razing the Octopus Holy City would lower the AC

#3) neither had marble ... but it looked like Elohim had marble far in their hinterlands .... Muahahahahahaha devil

As of t230 I have 21 planar gates in my 24 cities (3 more cities planned). Of these 21 gate-cities, I have 17 public baths to my 12 carnivals. I've been quite busy slaving away at public baths :D ... and after that, a nifty Inn/ Library combo ... (followed by Lighthouse/Harbor in the coastal cities) ... and occasionally I'd throw in a Granary/Smokehouse. Its not really a city-specific strategy to be honest, its just a formula applied to every relevant city, and it seems to be doing well thus far. Eventually I'll switch into AV, n get Sac the weak/ summon infernals, just not quite yet.


I will probably invade the Elohim with about 15 Mobius Witches and all 10 succubi. The Witches with Hope will work on popping northern culture-borders, and the 11 Chaos Mauraders will serve as northern garrison duty.

--> t 234 alone saw 4 Mobius Witches and 1 Succubus spawn in the same turn. These two unit types will be my primary attacking force throughout most of the game.

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