Donovan's Sandbox
Alright, let's do this! Many thanks to Brick for providing a sandbox for my capital. I probably wouldn't have this report to you otherwise. It should be noted that I played this out on RtR so I will likely be playing this out again once I upload the correct mod.
Turn 0
Resources - are not bad at all. We get two tiles (Sheep, Fish) that will be 5f/2c each once worked, as well as Ivory for early happiness and WEs. We also have Sugar in the NE that will be a nice backup in its raw state (3f/1h) until I get to Calendar.
Opening Strategy - As you can see, I have opted for Workboat first as it's the only practical move. This makes Fishing a requirement as first tech in order to use it. A worker will take 12 turns out of the gate for the exact same yield.
NOTE: Sorry, I only have the resources toggled on this screenshot.
Turn 5
I have cast the nets and started training a Warrior. Though I am so used to going Worker first since joining here, my reasoning for the delay will become clear in a moment. Also, the capital will be ready to grow in 5 turns.
I have chosen Mining as the next tech in order to beeline to BW. Since the worker is delayed, I can afford to get this tech now and get a jump on locating Copper.
Turn 11
Capital jumps up to Size 2 on this turn, helping both my research and production. The addtional pop will get us a new Worker in 7 turns, so if you take that from the original 12 I got the Workboat for free.
New Warrior can join our Scout (I just read that everyone starts with Settler/Scout) to mark our radius in the search for Copper.
Turn 18
BW finished! Also new worker out on Turn 18 that will fence in the Sheep in order to match the output of the Fish tile. Even as-is, I am still getting the Wheel in 3 turns. The pace of the cheaper early tech feels awesome..until you realize that most of the other players will be enjoying these same gains.
Started on a Scout next to allow growth to Size 3. I did this before learning we would open with one, so I may use this spot to either train a Warrior or put some hammers into the Ikhanda.
I can also already chop out Forests but am going to wait just a bit to revolt to Slavery. Though I will need to start thinking about Settlers soon.
Turn 21
The Wheel is done, on to Pottery in 5! Also the Sheep pasture completed on the same turn, helping my early commerce even more. Capital is at Size 3, and we can use the Sugar instead of the Ivory for rapid growth.
Turn 24
Upon further consideration, I decided to forgo growth to Size 4 to get another Worker earlier. The extra pop would have only netted me 2h and since I was already at 12*5t, 14*4t would not have cut any time off the build.
The existing Worker is also working to chop out a work buddy so that lost time can be made up. After playing with the FW as my UU n PB25, I can't adequately express the disappointment I felt when I sent this worker into the trees and the END TURN sign started flashing. Oh well, I have some new toys to try out this time!
Turn 26
Pottery complete! New worker also ready so now Cottages and Mines can be built in tandem if so desired. I am thinking that I will only have them work tandem on flatlands to save lost movement points, but I have that luxury early on.
I don't think I have ever had access to Cottages so early so I may try to foster more of a Cottage economy this time out.
The capital grows in 2 turns, to synchronize the first Cottage. And even with only two worked tiles when that is complete, I still have the versalitity of choosing food, production or Commerce thanks to the two unworked resources. And I am pretty sure that Animal Husbandry will be next to buff the Ivory tile.