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"hidden ranged attack" with gaze bug?

Certain units have a special attack, like Night Stalker's Death Gaze.
These units have a ranged attack strength of 1 set, which, if reduced to 0 through spells like Black Prayer, results in the units not using their ability.

I'd like to ask that, if I change the value for the ranged attack, will it make the effect any stronger, or is it safe to do so?
I want to get rid of the bug, but if it means my Night Stalker uses the Death gaze ability more than once, that would be bad, especially as I don't think I would notice it.
Setting it to 3 would make it safe from Black Prayer and True Light.

The hidden ranged attack causes normal damage for its attack strength (similar to a breath attack), so if you increase it, it will do slightly more damage. On single-figure units it's unlikely that the difference between a 1 and a 3 will be visible or relevant, though gorgons might hit noticeably harder.

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