Thanks, Sirian, for the, um, interesting map. The result, however, was an entirely forgettable game: no shots fired by anyone and a very mediocre mid-1900's launch. I did build the Three Gorges Dam for the first time ever in CivIV, and set a personal record for consecutive Great Scientists (I lost track at eleven), long after I started trying for other varieties. It was also unusual to build the casings last (Apollo completed as I was finishing up the tech tree).
No mineral pops here either, though my preference for mills cut down on my chances. I noticed that this map also offered the very Sirianesque reward for early exploration, but I didn't make contact with the other continent until Optics
No mineral pops here either, though my preference for mills cut down on my chances. I noticed that this map also offered the very Sirianesque reward for early exploration, but I didn't make contact with the other continent until Optics