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Civ6 PBEM4 Organizing Thread

Singaboy and I have been talking about starting a new Civ6 game, and I have been wanting to try out a different map concept. 

TL;DR: I would like to see some of the naval civs in Civ6 get some love and a chance to explore naval combat. EDIT: We're using an island plates map instead of continents.

We're looking for 6 players with a reasonably high PYDT rating (doubly important because of the number of players in this PBEM).

Island Plates
Small World Size
Low Sea Level 
New World Age
Wet Climate
Abundant Resources
Barbs On
No Huts
Prince Difficulty

This game will feature a public diplomacy thread.
No images will be allowed in this public diplomacy thread. 

Sullla has graciously volunteered once again to be our mapmaker. He's going to toll 20-25 maps and take the best fit to the following criteria in descending order of importance: 

1. Starts are reasonably balanced/everyone has access to at least 1 city-state 

Civs will be divided into 3 categories, with a civ from each constituting each 6 groups of 3 civs each. Players will get to choose from among these. Civ categorization method listed later in the thread.

House rules (city cession, DoFs, etc.) TBD

1. OleDavey: 14:00 - 16:00 GMT, 02:00 - 05:00 GMT, U.S.
2. Singaboy: 21:00 - 22:00 GMT, 11:00 - 14:00 GMT, Singapore
3. Woden: 11:00 - 14:00 GMT, 0:00 - 4:00 GMT, U.S.
4. TheArchduke: 5:00-7:00, 16:00-20:00 GMT, Austria
5. CFCJesterFool: 11:00-11:30, 21:00-02:30 GMT, U.S.
6. Japper007: 14:00-4:00 GMT, Netherlands

Tentative Turn Order:

CFC Jesterfool (11:00 - 11:30 GMT)
Singaboy (11:00 - 14:00 GMT)
Woden (11:00 - 14:00 GMT)
Japper007 (14:00 - 4:00 GMT)
OleDavey (14:00 - 16:00 GMT)
The Archduke (16:00 - 20:00 GMT)

CFC Jesterfool (21:00 - 02:30 GMT)
Singaboy (21:00-02:30 GMT)
Woden (00:00 - 04:00 GMT)
Japper007 (14:00 - 4:00 GMT)
OleDavey (02:00 - 05:00 GMT)
The Archduke (05:00 - 07:00 GMT)

Player one can be picked randomly, but should probably be one of the four of us who has messed with PYDT before.

Not sure whether I want to join another PBEM this soon. I do have much fun with PBEM 2 but it is also quite taxing for me to play daily turns since it is my first time doing such endeavor. I think that I shall take some break from PBEM after PBEM 2 finishes, of course I shall lurk every page of participants here. (Also no interest dedlurking someone at this moment, but I might change my mind)

Maybe after summer break, in September I might sign up for another PBEM.

EDIT: suggestion for civilizations, maybe only pick from civilizations that have sea related bonuses or unique sea units?
Which would mean:

-Brazil: unique battle ship
-England: unique privateer and unique harbor district
-German: unique submarine
-Japan: strength bonus to land units next coast and strength bonus for naval units at coast tiles
-Norway: obvious choice for naval adventure
-Spain: Can form fleets and armadas earlier

Which makes 6 civilizations (including 3 civilizations not chosen before in PBEM) , just a suggestion. Or just go along with same method as previous PBEM's.

Probably can't commit to keeping up with the multiple turns/day of PBEM two but I'll be very interested to observe this one play out. I'm considering trying dedlurking

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I might regret this in a few months since I can't seem to stop obsessively thinking about PBEM2, but sign me up! If a seventh person wants to sign up, I will graciously bow out and wait for the next one.

A couple of suggestions:
1. Have you considered a Island map with low sea level (or high, I don't remember which). They tend to give big land masses with more than 1 civ on it and are usually connected by coastal waters. Just a thought.
2. You might want to wait until after the next patch (90% it lands on July 11th or 18th) to roll the maps. We might get a world builder that would make it easier (just a hunch, no proof of world builder).

I am fine with pretty much anything and look forward to some navy combat.

(June 25th, 2017, 15:57)Woden Wrote: I might regret this in a few months since I can't seem to stop obsessively thinking about PBEM2, but sign me up! If a seventh person wants to sign up, I will graciously bow out and wait for the next one.

A couple of suggestions:
1. Have you considered a Island map with low sea level (or high, I don't remember which). They tend to give big land masses with more than 1 civ on it and are usually connected by coastal waters. Just a thought.
2. You might want to wait until after the next patch (90% it lands on July 11th or 18th) to roll the maps. We might get a world builder that would make it easier (just a hunch, no proof of world builder).

I am fine with pretty much anything and look forward to some navy combat.

Islands low sea level is a good suggestion. I will leave it up to the players if we want to switch. Do you have any screencaps in debug mode of what an islands map like that looks like by chance?

I had no idea we were due for a patch so soon, that's an excellent suggestion. Just the same, I think that's the perfect amount of time out that we'll just be wrapping up organizing the game about the time the patch hits. 

Glad to have you onboard again Woden  goodjob

I rolled a few sample maps to compare Island Plates varying sea level to show the differences.

Island Plates with Low Sea Level...


Looks loke everything is connected (light blue in map window) and you can get a few big islands with a bunch of little islands. I did strategic view to expand the window. I think in this one almost everybody started on there own island, maybe 2 shared a bigger island, IDK.

Island Plates with High Sea Level...

This one had 3 big islands and a few smaller ones but you are missing a lot of small islands compared to the low sea level. Once again, everything is basically connect via coastal waters.

Now the in between, Island Plates with standard sea level...

It is kind of in between with the number of small fill islands but you do get big islands with a few civs on the same island.

I know it is not a lot of screenshots but I think you can see the differences, especially if you look at the world map window. Overall, this does provide connected land masses and chances of multiple civs on the same island.

I would like to sign up. Having too much fun, even when clearly loosing PBEM 2. Playing against the AI does not interest me anymore.

So this looks like a PBEM2 II +1, that will be nice to see. I am looking forward lurk this game, as I am still occupied with PBEM3 by then and it would get to much.

Good luck to all players involved


@Woden - both of those maps look like almost exactly what I had in mind! As far as amount of water/naval accessibility, etc. 

If other players are okay with it, I'm all for swapping to an island plates map at this point.

Yeah, I would like to see how navies fare as well, so fine by me.

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