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WG6 Spoilers: CH raises the dead for mundane property management

Spoilers, spoilers, spoilers!

We finally have a different lineup for one of my games, as scooter is swapped out for Old Harry. Let's see who everyone is playing:

superdeath: Sigrid is a fine generic choice, and this game feels like it'll have bigger units than average since there are relatively few bases.

Old Harry: Ragna is interesting--I'd say it might be worth it to jump over the wall to access the properties without breaking down the gate, but Ragna charges so slow...

CH: Valder is an obvious choice, as hinted at in the title--lots of properties means you need lots of foot soldiers to capture them.

Bob: Tenri is one I'm still not sure how strong she is--can she also move a unit past the wall?

Next post we'll get into what's actually happening.

We'll start with Turn 5, as that's where things more interesting than Infantry movement happen:

As you can see, I'm making up for my missteps from the previous games, building both a Treb and a Wagon.  I also started moving west (just where Valder ended up after the opening turns) and found Bob starting to try and capture some stuff.  Now to Turn 6:

So yes, we have an Archer in the south (which will one-shot my Soldier), and superdeath has managed to capture "my" western city, though no sign of his actual units.  Now to the much more interesting stuff on Turn 7:

We'll start with the most interesting part of the turn--my Cav got hurt for two additional damage and I couldn't capture the city in the West because of a poor damage roll frown
Oh, and that Bob either didn't realize I had a Treb beyond the mountains (that did attack his soldier on T6) (BTW this is why having animations on is an advantage) or decided to randomly get suicidal with Tenri. Admittedly I don't think I'll kill next turn unless Bob is really dumb (she probably moves back to the woods, and then while I could reveal with the soldier+attack with Valder theoretically, I think I would need a super-high damage roll and that would be extremely risky on my part--but wait, she can't move to the woods! Maybe this will work?), but this feels like a very unnecessary risk (unless Bob is protesting being pulling into this game with no FTA compensation).

After yesterday's cliffhanger, we have one question: how will Bob get out of this one?

Well, Bob did heal and surround Tenri with units, but not only is that still in range of one of my Trebs, she's guarded from the front by a 1 HP Soldier.  And the result?

I did have to use Valder (which feels like a low damage roll on the Treb) which cost me from capturing the second city there, but I did kill Bob and got another power activation for my troubles.  Let's see how things look after the rest of my moves:

I'll be able to capture three buildings in the SE next turn (the two in the center from my soldiers, then I'll summon a zombie on the other side that will start capturing buildings in the area. However, that means we'll need to start focusing on the NW front, as superdeath brought Sigrid down to poke around (as seen in the first screenshot). I'm moving more troops towards the NW front (though I think I'll keep the second Treb in the SE) and my hope is that superdeath doesn't move that much forward out of fear of possible Trebs (though if he was smart he might realize that most of my troops were probably killing Bob), but even if he does the most I can lose are the city and/or some Infantry since the Knight is in the woods. I'm not sure what I should move to that area though--maybe Fliers and Mages? I'm also close to breaking through the center, and I'm wondering if anyone else is trying (I probably could hear if they are, but that would require effort and/or a game log)

(and yes, the 3 HP Infantry captured before I saw how outnumbered I was and needed to attack, despite the odds not looking good)

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