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Imperium Twelve - Anti-environmentalists          


Sponsor: Sullla
Opening Date: Monday, August 25
Duration: Four Weeks
Map Generation: Random (unedited)

Race: Meklar
Difficulty: Hard
Galaxy Size: Medium
Opponents: Five
Color: White
Events: On

Scenario: The cybernetic Meklar are the most mechanically-inclined race in the galaxy, and this game is intended to explore their industrial nature. You'll play the role of the worst polluters this universe has ever seen: no using or acquiring Planetology tech!

Variant: You may not research any Planetology tech, period. Set the research slider to zero on the first turn and never touch it again.

You are not allowed to loot any Planetology tech either, so all ground invasions of enemy planets are forbidden. You will have to raze and replace with new colonies to take over AI worlds. (Have fun with those Hostile planets! ) The one and only situation in which ground invasions are allowed is against your own planets if hit by the Rebellion event (looting tech is not possible in this situation).

You are allowed to steal technology from other races via Espionage. However, you must always select a tech category other than Planetology. If the ONLY option on the theft screen is Planetology tech, you should take what is available and incur the appropriate scoring penalty (see below).

"What if I get a Planetology tech from an Artifacts world?" You won't. Have some faith in the map creator!

Scoring: Acquiring Planetology tech is not a cause for instant loss, but it will incur a scoring penalty. You lose one point for each tech level gained in Planetology. For example, if you finish the game at tech level 10, you would incur a ten point penalty. Results will be listed in order of least demerits, with all ties in alphabetical order. There is no bonus for finishing quickly, or winning in a more dominant fashion.

Notes: This should prove to be a rather difficult game, so we're classifying this as our first "Extreme Imperium." Remember that you cannot lose the game unless you are completely wiped out, or unless an AI race manages to amass 2/3 of the votes in the Council. Stick with it, keep plugging away, and stay true to your anti-environmentalist ideals!

Closing Day: Monday, September 22. Reports due by the end of September 23, your local time.

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