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Imperium Fourteen - Ursine Archaeologists - Results          


Scoring: The Bulrathi hope someday to rule the galaxy and establish their historical preservation policies across every star system. The more absolute their eventual rule, the more successfully they will be able to implement these policies, but they gain no real advantage, and therefore no bonus, for an early or overwhelming victory. Results will be listed in alphabetical order within each of four scoring categories:

  • Emperors who rule over the galaxy uncontested and can implement all their policies, having achieved a Domination, Conquest, or Extermination victory.
  • Prime Ministers whose rule is accepted by their rivals as they achieve a Diplomatic victory.
  • Advisors who continue to participate in the government of the Galactic Imperium upon suffering (and accepting) a Diplomatic defeat.
  • Losses and Incompletes for those who lose by extermination or are unable to complete the game.
Player Victory Type Date
dathon Conquest 2550
kjn Extermination 2545
Megafrost Conquest 2500
RefSteel Conquest 2500
sargon0 Conquest 2425
timmy827 Domination 2550

Prime Ministers
Player Victory Type Date
Sullla Diplomatic 2475

Player Result Date
KnTenshi Diplomatic Loss 2475

Losses and Incomplete Games
Player Result Date
jmas Retired 2350
mostly_harmless Retired ???

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