Opening Date: Monday, March 2
Duration: Four Weeks
Map Generation: Random (a few minor edits)
Race: Sakkra
Difficulty: Hard
Galaxy Size: Medium
Opponents: Five
Color: Green
Events: Player's Choice
After last month's extremely difficult challenge, we're going to relax
a bit and have fun with this variant. Have you ever wondered what it would
be like to play a game using the AI's personality traits? Then this is
the game for you!
Before starting, each player must conduct two dice rolls to determine
their Diplomatic and Production personalities for the game. These are
explained as followed:
1) Ruthless: You have nothing but contempt for weaklings. Player must
always be at war at all times with any race rated lower than them on the
"Total Power" bar graph.
2) Erratic: You can never make up your mind about anything. Every 10 turns,
the Player must pick one race at random and roll the dice. If the result
is 1-5, do nothing. If the die roll comes up a 6, declare war on that
3) Aggressive: You have an obnoxious and overbearing personality. Player
should issue demands frequently of the other races and seek to bully them
as much as possible, by diplomatic or military means. There's no hard
and fast rule for this personality, so use your best judgment of how an
"Aggressive" leader would act.
4) Pacifistic: You seek to avoid conflict wherever possible. Player may
never declare war, must always accept peace if asked by the other races,
and must cave to all AI threats.
5) Honorable: You stick by your friends no matter what. Player may not
declare war on any race at "Relaxed" relations or above, and
should seek to force strong, lasting friendships with these allies. Player
may not break any trade deals or conduct Espionage (which is not viewed
as Honorable!)
6) Xenophobic: They are all out to get you. Player must refuse any and
all diplomacy with other races, with the one exception that you are allowed
to accept peace with AI races if offered. Player must invest heavily in
Espionage, at least five clicks = 2% of overall spending with EACH known
rival empire.
1) Diplomats: You seek to communicate with the other races
and protect
what you have via "big stick" diplomacy. At least 33% of production
at all planets must go into the defense slider at all times to protect
your colonies. At least 50% of research must go into the Computers field
at all times.
2) Militarists: You seek to conquer the lesser races. At least 50% of
production at all planets must go into the shipbuilding slider at all
times. At least 50% of research must go into the Weapons field at all
3) Technologists: You have an obsessive desire to out-tech the other races.
At least 50% of production at all planets must go into the tech slider
at all times. You must always pick to research the most expensive tech
offered in each of the six fields!
4) Ecologists: You want to grow really, really big planets. At least 50%
of production at all planets must go into the Eco slider at all times,
until they have maxed population (then the sliders can be set normally).
Whenever a new Terraforming tech is discovered, you must drop everything
that all planets are currently doing to re-max population at all worlds.
At least 50% of research must go into the Planetology field at all times.
Since we're using the Sakkra, you have a good chance of completely maxing
this field.
5) Industrialists: You love building factories and promoting industry.
At least 80% of production at all planets must go into the industrial
slider at all times, until they have maxed factories. After maxing factories,
you still must assign at least 33% of production into the industrial slider
at all planets, to feed into the reserve. Whenever a new Robotic Controls
tech is discovered, you must drop everything that all planets are currently
doing to re-max factories at all worlds. At least 50% of research must
go into the Construction field at all times.
6) Expansionists: You want to settle the galaxy as quickly as possible.
Until all habitable planets that can currently be reached are colonized,
the player must do nothing but build factories, scouts, and colony ships.
You are also obsessed with speed, so whenever a new Warp Engine technology
is discovered, all ships two or more warp levels lower must be immediately
scrapped (i.e., if jumping from warp 2 to warp 5 engines, all ships of
warp 1, warp 2, and warp 3 would have to be scrapped). At least 50% of
research must go into the Propulsion field at all times.
For each
of these categories, ignore Eco cleanup spending. Thus, if you have to
spend at least 50% of production into ships (i.e. Militarists), that doesn't
include Eco cleanup. These are also just rough guidelines to keep in mind
- don't feel like you have to measure out exact amounts every turn! The
goal of the game is to have fun. 
None. Results will be listed in alphabetical order, next to the personality
that each player rolled (e.g. Ruthless Diplomats). We should see some,
errr, interesting comparisons after this one is over. Good luck and have

Day: Monday, March 30. Reports due by the end of March 31, your local
Imperium Eighteen!