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Imperium 21 - Resting on our Laurels - Results          


This event has custom scoring. SCORING IS OPTIONAL.

KnTenshi RefSteel Timmy827 sargon0
Game Result 2500 Diplo Loss / 2792 Extermination Win +100 2428 Extermination Win +100 2500 Conquest Win +100 2400 Conquest Win +100
1st Comp Tech 2328 +6 2341 +2 2342 2333 +4
1st Const Tech 2338 2337 +2 2333 +4 2329 +6
1st FF Tech 2331 +6 2349 +1 2349 +1 2339 +4
1st Plan Tech 2342 +2 2323 +6 2343 2327 +4
1st Prop Tech 2322 +4 2329 +2 2317 +6 2332
1st Wpn Tech 2343 +4 2350 +2 Never Researched! 2341 +6
Additional Techs None None None Five total -25
Total Score 122 115 111 99

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Optional Scoring System:
+100 for victory (any type)
+6 for being the first among participating players to research their first tech in a given field
+4 for being second among participating players to research their first tech in a given field
+2 for being third among participating players to research their first tech in a given field
-5 for each tech self-researched beyond your first in each tech field.

The bonus points for being first, second, or third to research a tech in a given field, and the penalties for researching multiple techs in any field, are scored separately for each of the six tech fields:

Computers, Construction, Force Fields, Planetology, Propulsion, and Weapons, for a maximum total research bonus of +36.

In case of ties,the total points the tied players would have achieved together are tallied and divided equally between them (i.e. if two players are tied for the fastest tech in one field, and two others are tied for the second-fastest in that field, the first pair get ( 6 + 4 ) / 2 = 5 points each, and the second pair get ( 2 + 0 ) / 2 = 1 point each.

Only the first tech whose research your scientists complete in each field applies for the scoring bonus, and that tech never results in a penalty, even if it is above the first tech tier in its field. Techs acquired via espionage, invasion, trade/diplomacy, scouting an Artifacts world, or defeating the Guardian do not count for bonuses, do not accrue penalties, and do not count as your "first researched tech" under any circumstances; for scoring purposes, they are completely ignored.





