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Imperium 23 - Resistance is Futile - Results          


This event has custom scoring. Scoring is optional. Results are listed below:

Scored Games:

Player Game Result # of Planets Colonies Formed Total
RefSteel 2486 Extermination Win: +614 47 Planets: +235 3 Colonized: -75 774
Maniac Marshall 2475 Diplomatic Win: +625 12 Planets: +60 7 Colonized: -175 510
jeffh 2400 Diplomatic Loss: +500 5 Planets: +25 4 Colonized: -100 425
KnTenshi 2440 Extermination Loss +500 0 Planets: +0 4 Colonized: -100 400
sargon0 2400 Diplomatic Loss: +500 7 Planets: +35 6 Colonized: -150 385


Unscored Games:

Player Game Result
timmy827 2400 Diplomatic Loss / Retired Final War

Back to main Imperium 23 page.

Optional Scoring System: This event has custom scoring. You are not required to track your scoring if you prefer not to do so. If you want to be scored, you need to document (by recording the information someplace; we're pretty laid back about scoring here, so you don't have to worry about "proving" anything) your final result, the number of colonies you form via colony ship, your final planet count, and the date of your victory (if any). Score for the game will be calculated as follows:

  • Completing the game: +500 (win or lose; diplomatic losses qualify if you accept the ruling, and you still get 500 points for hanging on to the bitter end if your Meklar are exterminated from the galaxy!)
  • Each year remaining before 2600 when (and if!) you achieve a victory: +1
  • Each planet you control at the end of the game: +5
  • Each colony you build yourself: -25 (for founding with a colony ship; there's no penalty for conquering!)
  • Tie-breaker: Ties will be broken in order of earliest to latest victories, followed by latest to earliest defeats (resigning from the game counts as a defeat on the date of resignation, and qualifies for planet count scoring, but does not count as "completing the game")





