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Imperium 24 - Never Mind Maneuvers - Results          


This event has custom scoring. Scoring is optional. Results are listed below: Scored Games:

Player Game Result 6 Planets 12 Planets 18 Planets 12 Planets Total
sargon0 2425 Conquest Win: +10 2343: +6 2365: +6 2380: +6 2396: +6 34
Horist 2500 Conquest Win: +10 7 in 2359: +1 2422: +2 2468: +4 2487: +4 21
RefSteel 2375 Diplo Win: +10 2354: +2 N/A N/A N/A 12
Maniac Marshall 2375 Diplo Win: +10 N/A N/A N/A N/A 10
Olorin 2400 Diplo Loss 2352: +4 2396: +4 N/A N/A 8

Shadow Games:

Player Game Result
Horist (replay) 2868 Extermination Moonshot Victory!
jeffh 2550 Domination Win / 2570 Extermination Win

Back to main Imperium 24 page.

Scoring: This event has custom scoring. SCORING IS OPTIONAL. You are not required to track your scoring if you prefer not to do so. If you want to be scored, just record your final game result, the dates when you reach the relevant planet benchmarks, and the number of planets you control by the end of those turns. Note that it may be possible achieve a decent score for this one even if you lose the game or resign. The benchmark numbers are the same as the GNN droid's for a medium galaxy: 6, 12, 18, and 23 worlds, and all points are scored only the first time you reach or surpass a benchmark (i.e. not if you lose a world and regain it again).

  • Victory: +10 (regardless of type)
  • First among participating players to reach a given "number of planets" benchmark: +6
  • Second to reach a given benchmark: +4
  • Third to reach a given benchmark: +2
  • Each additional colony beyond the benchmark number formed on the same turn you reached a given benchmark: +1 (i.e. if you have 4 coloniesin 2349 and build 3 more colonies in 2350, your "6 planets" date is 2350, and you get an additonal +1 for building a 7th colony the same year. If you go from 5 planets to 13 in a single year, you would get 7 bonus points for the "6 planets" benchmark PLUS 1 point for the 12 planet benchmark.)
  • Shooting the Moon: If you manage to win an Extermination Victory without ever expanding beyond 5 worlds, you gain a bonus of +150!


