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Imperium 31 - The Black Box          


Sponsor: RefSteel
Opening Date: Monday, August 23, 2010
Duration: Four Weeks
Map Generation: Random (Unedited)

Race: Mrrshans
Difficulty: Hard
Galaxy Size: Medium
Opponents: Five
Color: White
Events: On

Scenario: To the average Mrrshan, science is a mystery. Everyone knows it provides really cool stuff like space heaters, aircraft, and (every kitten's favorite) high-powered laser weapons for starship targeting practice, but for all their lightning reflexes and excellent night vision, most Mrrshans are completely in the dark about the way the wonders of the modern world came to be. The Mrrshan leaders know that scientists need funding to make things better, but as far as they're concerned, the money is simply poured into a black box, and transformed - by some inexplicable process - into valuable discoveries.

The Mrrshan scientists, though highly honored, have equally little understanding of politics and war. Having pursued their kittenish curiosity until it led them to the top of the Mrrshan scientific world, they pursue it equally in all fields of research, learning everything they can about every aspect of their world ... slowly, but surely.

Variant rules:
- The research sliders have been equalized and locked at the start of the game. None of the sliders may ever be changed! (If you somehow accidentally change them, just set them back by going to the Tech screen and hitting the = key.)
- When prompted to choose a new technology to research, you must always choose the top (i.e. oldest and least expensive) technology on the screen.

Scoring: None. Results will be listed in alphabetical order.

Closing Date: Monday, September 20, 2010. Reports due by the end of Tuesday, September 21, your local time.

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