Aboriginee Metal Worker
by Irate
Special Thanks to Charis, Drasca, and Shank-Alfonse

Class: Warrior


A faction of the ancient Aboriginee tribes, these people are experts at making beautiful weaponry and armor out of metals.

Irate(Abom)'s describes the metal worker: "We are people who work with medls real well. We're brothers to bar, but still different. This no mean we use juju! All of us know how to bring out the properties that medl have, we're just little smarter than bar's. Most carry lots from battle to battle, because all medls will break! The only way for medl to stay forever is through juju, and that is evil. "


A metal worker is in high distrust of all other people who also work with metal. He has a large paranoia complex and is always thinking someone would put a curse on his items if they were to repair them, because of this he will repair his own items rather than letting Griswold or another player repair them for him.

Many consider Wirt a thief and a scoundrel, he is also known to have poorly crafted wares, no self-respecting metal worker would ever purchase something from Wirt.

Griswold is one of the newer metal workers, considered a novice by most. He is out to prove his worth. To catch your attention at some point Gris will offer you an item with perfect stats (on the enchantment) made out of beautiful metals or some form of jewels (Must have a allowed prefix or suffix, none disallowed) Once Griswold has offered you this items, you must buy it and test it out to prove authenticity (gain one level while using/wearing the item) Once the item has been inspected and in fact is authentic, Griswold is considered a master metal worker, you may now buy his wares.


Unlike their Barbarian brothers, the metal workers do not see anything wrong with using rings that enhance to-hit. They know that the rings are not actually evil juju, but the metals embedded within them help to balance their hands and swing straighter.

Swords and Blunts

Only the enchantments listed in this section may be used.

Many metal workers love to craft weapons and jewelry out of beautiful and powerful metals:
Iron, Steel, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Bronze, Mithril

They have also been known to embed sparkling jewels in their items:
Pearl, Ivory, Amber

While some think that this is not possible, many metal workers have been able to create sponge like substances to attach to items, this causes the item to absorb damage:
Absorption. Thieves

Others have also succeeded in create lighter and faster weapons, along with perfectly balanced jewels and armor:
Swiftness, Speed, Stability, Harmony

It is also possible to enhance the armor class of armors by putting certain pieces of metal in certain places:
Strong, Grand, Valiant, Glorious, Blessed, Awesome

Some metal workers have even been able to enhance a weapons damage by placing strips of metal in key places:
Jagged, Deadly, Heavy, Vicious, Brutal

One of the easier things to do with metal is to sharpen it so finely that it will pierce and puncture anything:
Piercing, Puncturing

All metal workers can easily create such a hard surface that items will last for an extremely long time:
Sturdiness, Craftsmanship, Structure¹

¹: You may never use the suffix 'of the ages' this is considered evil juju! An item may be built so it lasts a long time, but it never lasts forever.

After a rather much of experience with metals (after 1st dot) some metal workers learn how to create massive weapons that they do incredible amounts of damage! Thus, you may use the prefix massive as long as it is on a two-handed sword/blunt weapon.

Finally after a metal worker has gained a certain amount of experience with the handling of metals, they are able to infuse certain animal spirits in to their items. Some Spirits are harder to infuse than others. The metal worker must be more experienced, for example, if he wants to infuse an item with a spirit of an eagle rather than an item with the spirit of a jaguar.
After first dot: Jaguar
After second dot: Eagle
After third dot: Wolf

Uniques are not allowed at all. There is one exception to this rule though, the Holy Defender may be used if found, this is a sacred shield that was forged long ago by one of the greatest metal workers to ever live.


No magical shrines may be used, which are all those except Religious and Hidden. Hidden and Religious shrines simply call upon the great spirit of the elder metal workers. Once they have appeared they will either increase the durability of all items and sacrifice some durability of one item (Hidden) or they will mend all your items (Religious).


At birth he learns how to mix potent spices and herbs to heal (Heal scrolls, Res scrolls, also Id's), once a metal worker has reached the 5th clvl, he begins to learn of the secret passages of his tribe (Town portal), and at the 10th clvl he starts to gain the ability to heal himself by simply concentrating and contemplating (Heal, Heal other) once he has gained his first dot the tribe shows him the secrets of throwing the lasso (Telekinesis) and throwing the bolo (Lvl one stone curse, it cannot be repeated on an opponent)

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