Bushido Warrior
by Charis & LemmingofGlory
with assistance from Tazaki
and thanks to T_Dawg

Class: Any
Tag: BW


The Samurai Warrior, following the Code of Bushido. A way of honor, a way of life, a way of combat. The lands of the East bring a swift lightly clad warrior with a strong heart.


The Code of the Bushido prevent them from attacking any helpless enemy: One who is blinded, one who is terrified.

The Bushido do not loot corpses, or defile coffins or graves. However, the Bushido may loot the corpse of the boy whose tracks do not match (Wirt) in order to gain access to the Cow Level.

The Bushido stars out selling his/her equippable items. After clearing Den of Evil and Blood Moor (s)he might have earned enough money to buy (approx 625 gp) and equip (35 s/27 d) a Two-Handed sword from Charsi. If not, the Bushido might want to consider re-doing these area for extra cash.

All enemies must be finished by the sword.

Magical swords may only be gifts when (s)he has found/bought a sword for him/herself one of equal type may he receive one as a gift. (i.e. You can UPGRADE his base type with a gift, but not outright twink.)

The right to wield a Katana is earned by defeating Hephasto.

Mercenary Rules

The Bushido proudly marches with any honorable coop partner, including mercenaries. Some mercenaries might follow the way of the Bushido themselves. (All mercs ok. Iron Wolves and Barbarians can be Bushidos, if you wish.)

Iron Wolves
The followers of the Way of the Iron Wolf are skilled in the use of magic, and channel it through a Wakizashi.
Wakizashi (see below) must be used. Never a shield.
Armor and Enchantments must be a usable under Bushido rules. (see below)

The Bushido from Mount Arreat spent many years training in the Far East.
Wakizashis or Katanas (see below) must be used.
Armor and Enchantments must be legal under Bushido rules. (see below)


Any leather/quilted based or mail, except Scale (too clunky).
For plates, ONLY Breastplate and Light Plate are allowed.
For Goths, also Gothic/Embossed.

Helms, Gloves, etc.

Never (except Blistering, Way of Gold)

A limited set of Swords and Staves - the key one for most is the Great Sword.

The Bushido warrior is a master of the sword. He will not use any clumsy sword with no or low dexterity requirements. Such are the weapons of baboons. With no shield, two-handed swords are the most desired.

There are two basic classifications for Bushido weapons: Katana (essentially a great sword) and a Wakizashi (a more nimble sword of honor). Once found, and having the stats to wield each, they will never be without both a Katana and Wakizashi on their person. Super Boss creatures must ALWAYS be opposed at that point with their Katana if the Bushido can wield it.

Wakizashi: Scimitar, Sabre, Kris, Blade, Short Sword, Long Sword

Katana: Flamberge, Great Sword, Giant, Bastard, Two-Handed

Several favorite unique swords are Shadowfang, Soulflay, Kinemil's Awl, Blacktongue, Ripsaw, and The Patriarch.

Similar to being unique, Rune Words can create very nice items. In particular, the Bushido holds in high esteem the word of "Honor."


Bushido take many different paths, and each Bushido is given a path based on the class that he chooses.

The Way of the Elements (Sorceress)
This Bushido excels in strong magics, but also enjoys melee combat.

The Sorcsido will use limited magics, but powerful magics: Enchant, Frozen/Shiver/Chilling Armor, Energy Shield, Telekinesis, Cold/Fire/Lightning Masteries, and limited Frost Nova, Nova, Charged Bolt, Fire Bolt, Ice Bolt, Inferno, Meteor Teleport, and Static Field.

Teleport is used for transportation and to close on the enemy, it is NOT used to flee like a coward!

Frost Nova, Nova, Charged/Fire/Ice Bolt - these are used to lure, slow and injure ranged opponents and weaken those who try to mob the Bushido. They are NOT "finishers." (Small reproducible opponents such as Grotesque Wyrms, Maggot Young, etc. may be finished with Nova or any skill you see fit. Cowardly Leapers and creatures which reproduce other creatures may also be finished in this way. Self-healers may also be slaughtered in this fashion, though this is preferred as a last resort tactic for them.)

Inferno and Meteor may be used vs cowardly ranged attackers (though not Act bosses). If they will not fight, let them fry where they stand. (Due to Meteor's area effect, it may also be used vs small reproducable enemies as well.)

Static Field is limited in two ways. Slvl allowed is one per act completed: so it's available slvl 1 in Act Two, slvl 5 after Slayer title, etc. The number of casts is limited to 1 per difficulty plus 1 per player in game. After this flurry of casts, it may NOT be reused until ALL monsters on screen are dead. Choose wisely when to start the Static Flurry!

The Way of the Barshido (Barbarian)
He focuses on combat skills and mastery of the sword. Sword mastery should be kept at least as high as the highest combat skill level. His strength should never exceed his dexterity.

Only sword mastery allowed, and the non-weapon masteries.

Warcries: All except Find Potion/Item (defiling corpses is dishonorable). Battle Command, increasing mastery, is a favorite

Combat Skills: No Double throw (since no throwing), and WW is limited.

Some need to be thought of with different names! Taunt = Challenge (honorable), Grim Ward = Raise Tribal Standard, Bash = Overpower

Berserk is reserved for the mortal foe of the Bushido (as defined by the character himself) and those immune to physical punishment.

Whirlwind may *NOT* be done with a 2H weapon, only when wielding two harmonious wakizashi. Also it MUST be done in a continuous Dance of Death style - on the right mouse button where you do NOT let go of the mouse. Rather it is redirected and the WW automatically goes again, for a graceful and skillful path of destruction (kudos to KingOfPain for the Dance of Death style).

The Barshido's harmony is disrupted when he uses a Wakizashi and Katana simultaneously, though when using two Wakizashis or two Katanas simultaneously he is in a harmonious state. (Cannot dual-wield a Katana with a Wakizashi, though two Waki's or two Kat's at the same time is fine.)

Many Barshidos wait until the second slaying of Hephasto to dual wield two Katanas. (Optional: Wait until the slayage of Nightmare Fatso before dual-wielding two Katanas.)

The Way of the Mind (Necromancer)
The coldest and creepiest of the Bushido. They are not typical Necromancers as they are very melee oriented and only make use of certain spells and incantations: Amplify Damage, Weaken, Terror, Confuse, Attract, Decrepify, Lower Resist, Life Tap, Bone Armor, Summon Resist, and limited use of Bone Wall, Poison Nova, Iron Golem, Dim Vision, Revive and Skeletal Warrior mastery.

Golem use is extremely limited. The sole usable golem is the Iron Golem, which must be created from Katana or Wakizashi. This golem is essentially a "trainee" of the Bushido warrior and is mentored by the Necroshido. He is not a meat shield to be summoned and left to die. And he must fight for himself, so keep his base slvl at 1 so his Thorns doesn't fight for him.

The Necroshido will never allow his Golem to battle alone and will either call him back (unsummon) or charge in to save him if necessary. Special pride is felt by this class if their Katana Iron Golem(s) is able to defeat the Dark Lord of Terror unaided. (Tough!)

He has no use for "undead", but is able to reanimate foes who have been slain directly by his blade (not his golem or a partner's kill). The only ones which may be revived are those that wield a sword. (Arch enemy Abyss Knights are favorite targets) There is no limit to the number of Revishidos, _as long as_ the corpses come via the melee death blow of the Necro himself.

Necros choosing to use a dagger class weapon can use poison dagger, but if they do, are strictly forbidden from hit and run tactics. They must stand toe-to-toe if PD skill is used.

The Way of Agility (Amazon)
She enjoys helping others by distracting enemies. This class will most likely make heavy use of Critical Strike, Inner Sight, Dodge, Slow Missiles, Avoid, Decoy, Evade, Valkyrie.

No skills are banned for this class (because other skills are already autonerfed).

There is one other path, for those who choose true speed. Special weapons of the highest quality material allowing unmatched speed may be used with the Fend skill: Brandistocks ONLY. Going this route, Valkyries are too slow and may not be used UNLESS an aura of Fanaticism or Vigor is in use. Such Bushido's, affectionately known as Blenders, focus on maximum speed.

The Way of the Heavens (Paladin)
Strong in faith as well as in deed.

This Bushido does not use Smite, Holy Shield, Might, Thorns, Sanctuary, Concentration, Prayer, Defiance, Resistance Auras, Redemption. This leaves room for their favorite auras: Fanaticism, Conviction, Blessed Aim, Cleansing.

Holy Freeze may only be used as a "scouting" skill, to slow down an oncoming mob. Once flashed, switch to another aura.

Charge is popular, but so is Zeal. The Zealous Bushido of the heavens scorns the usual advice not to pump zeal. Instead he chooses a quick weapon and adds gear to increase speed. Fanaticism would be the typical choice for him.

The Horadric staff is allowed in addition to the Katana and Wakizashi swords.

The Way of the Dragon (Assassin)
With raking claws, searing fire, and brutal kicks at their command, those that follow the Way of the Dragon have little trouble fighting the torrents of evil.

Those that follow the Way of the Dragon will never use such vile skills as Venom, Cloak of Shadows, Mind Blast, or the demon Shadow Master.

She can train in the use of all Martial Arts skills (save Fists of Fire, Claws of Thunder, and Blades of Ice), Burst of Speed, Fade, Psychic Hammer, Wake of Inferno (called Dragon's Breath), Lightning Sentry (Breath of the Cloud Dragon). She can also toughen her skin to cause attacking enemies harm (Blade Shield).

The Dragon's Breath skills are preferred used on ranged attackers only (or those immune to Physical Damage).

The Way of the Hermit-shido (Druid)
The Hermit removes himself from his hermitude in order to fight back the demons that keep knocking on his cave and running away before he can answer.

Due to his years in Hermitude, he lost touch with some of his combat skills. However, he was able to get in touch with nature and may thus summon forth two spirits: Spirit of the Oak and Heart of Wolverine. His years away from civilization also allowed him to cultivate a friendship with the native bears of his area, and he may summon a Grizzly to aid him. (Spirit Wolf may be pumped in order to beef up the Grizzly. Dire, however, should remain as low as possible - the bear is friendly, not vicious.)

(Actually, the Grizzly is another hermit who has been in hermitude for so long that he has forgotten how to speak, become obese, and is covered in so much hair that his true species cannot be determined by looking at him. The Hermit-shido, however, believes that this creature is a grizzly bear.)

Like the Sorshido, the Hermit may use certain spells to destroy reproducible opponents (such as Grotesque Wyrms, Maggot Young, etc.), cowardly Leapers, enemies immune to physical damage, and self-healing enemies such as Hierophants and Council Members. These horrible enemies may be finished off with Armageddon and Hurricane.

He is also able to set Volcanos or create Fissures under wretched ranged attackers, and chill them to the bone with Arctic Blasts.

His final skill is merely a protective one: Cyclone Odor (Armor). His years of not bathing provides him with a most terrible odor that repels even the elements.

Optional Paths

A Bushido may even take extra paths, following the rules of both.

The Way of the Goth (GOTH-BW dual class)
One tribe of Bushido warriors were invaded long years ago by a band of bandit Goths. The struggle was perilous, but in the end the Bushido tribe survived.

They learned to forge lightweight, low AC Gothic armor of highest quality, and use body, mind and metal together to deceive and defeat their foes. They alone wear Gothic Plate (any prefix or suffix) for its noble appearance and high durability. Being purists, they distain common two-handed swords, and aspire to the Gothic Sword.

The Way of Gold (SNOB-BW dual class)
The Elitist Bushido Warrior who seeks the fabled Patriarch (though any unique swords are allowed). They have one other weapon choice not allowed for other Bushido - the Shield itself as a weapon, in an attack form known as blistering (Smite). The foe is beaten with such aggressive speed and fury is he totally dominated and left senseless. It adds an element of surprise, for the foe expects an easy prey since it has no 'weapon'.

The Way of the Hamster (HAM-BW dual class)
The Bushido Hamsters are diminutive rodent warriors who rely on strength and speed to make their kills.

For Barb HAM-BWs, he need not keep strength and dexterity equal as other Barb BWs must.

Due to their lack of shield and their intense Bushido training they are better able to wield weaponry than normal HAMs. They may subtract dexterity from the total requirement needed to wield a Katana (Katanas only - not Wakizashis). For example, Exe Sword has around 340 str req for HAM. HAM-BW calculates req for it this way: 340 - char's DEX = Final Req.

Due to hefty Katana strength requirements, many Hammies are seen wielding Wakizashi rather than very large Katanas - though they will still make an effort to do so! Obviously, -Requirements% effects are very prized to HAM-BWs. (Hel Rune and Jewels of "Freedom" particularly.)

The Way of Peace
A rare but noble path, the Peaceful Bushido seeks not to cause havoc but to help his teammates and convince his opponents to surrender. As such he is more of an "ambassador". Those who choose the way of peace may use a shield OR a weapon, not both.

Skills which punish aggressive behavior are specifically allowed, as are those that convert the enemy: Convert, Thorns, Iron Maiden, Revive, as is Holy Freeze. They also enjoy Meditation and other skills and auras that do not just increase physical damage.

The Way of the (Variant)
These are possible orders of Bushido that have yet to be defined.


1) Duriel
Defeating Duriel, unaided, grants him the title of Warrior in normal difficulty. He may use Warrior's weapons.

2) Mephisto
He becomes a Soldier after killing Mephisto (solo kill) in normal. This allows the use of Soldier's weapons.

3) Diablo
Slaying Diablo (normal difficulty) grants the title of Knight and the use of Knight's weapons.
The titles of Lord and King (and use of such weapons) are granted for NM Diablo and Hell Diablo.

4) Baal
Defeating Baal (on normal) grants the title of Master and allows the use of Master's weapons.
Hell Baal grants the use of Grandmaster's weapons.

Variants 1