The Daywalker
by Syntari

Class: Warrior, Sorcerer
Tag: DW


Due to... well... because the Random Number Generator didn't like him, the Daywalker's mother was bitten by a vampire before he was born. While she 'died', he was left to be born with a bizarre mixture of human and vampiric abilities.

The Daywalker is on a quest to find and destroy every last vampire he can. In order to do this, he uses equipment and fighting styles to best kill vampires, whether or not he's fighting them at the time.


In playing style, Daywalkers should be quite unique. While likely to be looked upon with a mixture of suspicion and hostility by the likes of the Diakons, they would be held in equal parts of hate and (fear? of course not)wariness by the likes of the Netherspawn. They fit in with few other people, except somewhat outcast variants themselves, facing similar problems (Lycanthropes come to mind, but I don't know if they're treated as I'm thinking).

Daywalkers are on a constant quest to destroy anything vampiric they come across. Just in case, they should keep at least one, probably more, silver weapons in their backpack, most preferably daggers, for easy storage. Should they find an item 'of Vampires', their rage is fueled. They load up with as many silver weapons as possible, and as many red(or blue for Ms-using sorcs) potions as possible, and 'streak' downward from the church, stopping to eliminate any Black Deaths they may come across, and clearing that level for more (What can I say, I'm evil). Should they manage to reach Bloodlust, it's quite an event, and a suitable title should be given to them (but I can't think of any). Their final goal, of course, is to reach the bottom and destroy La Magra (err... Diablo), although that may be wishful thinking.


The Daywalker seeks to keep himself as agile as possible, and so will keep away from confining armors. He may use any leather-type armors, and also a Breast Plate. If using a Breast Plate, it should preferably be 'of Structure', 'of Craftsmanship', or 'of the Ages', in order to dissuade as many attacks as possible. Obsidian is the preferred prefix on all body armor, but if not available, others can be used it not disallowed.

Headgear isn't used, as it would obstruct his senses of sight and hearing.

Silver is preferred on rings and amulets, both for increased accuracy, and to keep the vampires a little further at bay. If no silver is to be found, gems and precious stones are used for magic resistance. As for a suffix, ones that give off light are sought, to sear your enemies a bit before they reach you. A Sorceror, merely because I'm not entirely that sadistic, would be allowed to wear jewels to increase his strength.

Shields are, in the most preferable situation, disallowed, wince the use of a Great Sword is best. However, should a weapon light enough for one-handed wielding be used in lieu of a greater one, a simple buckler may be utilized.

The Daywalker seeks to disable the vampires he fights, leaving them for later killing. For this reason, accuracy is preferred, in the form of Weird or Strange weapons, or those crafted of the best metals. Swords are preferred best, being adept at cleaving limbs without being as awkward and clumsy as axes, and the Great Sword is most desired among swords, as its blade size increases the ease with which you can hit your target. A +damage suffix is also sought after, to help cut, or a suffix to increase the weapon's speed.

Most are mentioned in their respective item's sections, but to summarize, the most preferred are: Strange/Weird (sword) of Slaughter/Maiming/etc; Obsidian (leather or BP) of Structure/Craftsman/Ages; Silver (jewel) of Radiance/Light, or 'of (+str)' for Sorcerors.


While not quite in-character, spells must be used a little bit to supplement firepower, since automatic weapons are hard to come by (short of that King's Bow of Haste Blizzard keeps telling us to look for in the church on normal). Holy Bolt is quite useful, as either a bolt or a really big thrown clove of garlic, you decide. Inferno is also used, though it may be questionable whether or not it's useful. Healing is useful, as the Daywalker's vampire-inherited regeneration ability, as is Town Portal, as simply a handy thing to have. Flash (of light) is used, and Fire Wall for thinning out the onrush of mobs. Mana Shield is allowed for Sorceror, to make him not quite so suicidal (You want rationalization? All that extra brain power lets him concentrate enough to not get hit). Finally, Infravision is used when possible, as another vampiric ability. Damage spells aren't looked on as actual attacks, but rather as finishing touches or 'tenderizers'. Toss an inferno at a nearly-dead creature to save time in taking the final swing (and do it with appropriate style ;) ), or throw a clove of garlic (Holy Bolt) at an approaching zombie if you don't need any more competition.

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